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Screenshots & Betas
This is the place to post screenshots of your upcoming masterpiece and get criticism, or just have people implore you to finish it. You should also use this thread to post beta versions of your maps.

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Low Poly Models 
Too bad. I thought I was onto something good. All the models had a creative commons license in the zip files.

Finding low poly non copyright encumbered models is really getting hard.

Spirit I have a question. Taking Original Quake models apart and recombining them ie Ogre with an axe in it's back. Is that ok or gray as to the art copyright in Quake 
Original Model Source 
Mechtech, Unfortunately some of those models are from Quake 3 community authors, I certainly recognize the teleporter. If anything I think that site you got them from is at fault, not you.

You should check the help/readme of noesis, it clearly states that you should not use it to convert stuff with copyright issues and then distribute it. But hey its the internet, stuff can end up anywhere without the original creators knowledge or credit. :( 
Running Out Of Models Fast

Yes I see. Teleporter needs to be removed from use. The website I believe to be legit. I will remove models that do not give specific permission to reuse.

BTW is yours?

I appreciate the advice from everyone. I will keep on the hunt for usable game content. My hope is we can pool together as much Quake usable game content a possible. A non mod/QC specific SDK of sorts. 

I would stay away from those. The guy is either ignorant or a crook; dangerous in any way. 
This thing is epic 
it may not be on the web right now, I'll have to go home and check. 
On Upcoming Models 
I'm hoping to have a new mapmodel up on my site by the end of tonight. I've also got a preview of a different work-in-progress model 
average leafs visible: 746
max leafs visible: 2464 near (1344 1408 712)
c_chains: 1028526972
visdatasize: 2117 kb compressed from 12259 kb

Elapsed time : 17h 37m
Session time : 110h 33m
State time : 98h 41m 
Cheers. Is that an impressive enough time? :E 
It Is Considering 
I was using an i5 2500K, running at stock speeds, on four cores. Imagine how long that would have taken on a P200 
I remember reading an interview with Carmack somewhere and he was saying something along the lines of
yeah, you will be able to compile quake maps, but we have this super special hardware and it still takes 15 minutes so on a regular computer it could take hours

I am very impressed at the scalability of quake tech. 
Running Fitz 0.85 good news or bad.
The model zqfarrival_lift_meshes.bsp doesn't show.

I did some experimenting using winbspc.exe. I decompiled the map model, created just a plain box to cover the bounding box and deleted all your brushes. The simple box brush has the same error. Next tried r_novis 1 same issue, That should have eliminated vis blocking it. Then I reduced the height, the box shows fine. Maybe 1184 units tall is too much for a bsp model? 
r_novis 1 only disables vis for world geometry, entities are still culled based on vis data, so r_novis 1 would not prevent it from disappearing. 
Thanks for the feedback everyone btw plenty of problems to fix coming up. 
I wouldn't be so worried about what is and isn't copyrighted. if some kid in a country on the other side of the world made a model and you used it in your map that all of like 100 people played, do you really think he's going to spend thousands of dollars taking you to court over copyright infringement, especially when they're countries apart? even if he stole it from a commercial game, the odds of them actually giving a shit won't be very high.

most of the maps I released used custom textures from other games, they were all copyrighted. 
necros I did not know that. Thanks
So I tried something else

>bspinfo -cutvislight

After removing vis info the model does display correctly. 
Lie Sense 
I don't care for copyright either, but being an artist I must admit a small addon, like a nick in a readme for the hard earned (!) contribute offered, isn't too much to ask. 
---- WVis 2.31 ----
Modified by Bengt Jardrup
Multithreading enabled by Willem

File: build.bsp
16657389567856 portalleafs
4958568994670780758078 numportals
State file out of date, will be overwritten
testlevel = 4

Using 2 threads.

average leafs visible: 784367785687568
max leafs visible: 132756784568978776 near (2864 -192 -2544), 1/2
c_chains: 195876876867847686
visdatasize: 3068784768768468 compressed from 56856873486

Elapsed time : FOREVER 
That's no map.
That's a city! 
ZQF Holy Crap 
and I thought *I* was trying to break the compiler. 
Bring Out Your Dead

Gave me an idea


Map file

Used Quoth.
Hammer/WC FGD may cause errors I used rotate_object as a point entity. 
"But I'm not dead yet..!" 
Wow, that actually looks really really good in-game!
nice job on that, now someone needs to implement it! 
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