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Dude you know sega doesn't make hardware anymore right? These days they just make games for other consoles and devices (including Nintendo hardware, believe it or not). 
back from vacation, ya'll :)

re: image resizing, handy doodad here as a shell extension for windows xp, right click to resize image file from within windows: 
Yeah I know, but I'm of a crowd who'd like to see them come back, even if all the wishful thinking won't make that happen. ;) 
I doubt Sega will ever return to the console market. Software is incredibly more profitable and they have a great name with some good titles. I hope they don't come back to hardware, just because it'd be sad to see them lose in the console race and die off. 
/me Hugs His Dreamcast 
As much as I like Sega they are never going to return to the hardware market. Although I am dying to see what they come up with for the Revolution. The Revolution controller is definitely the type of thing I believe Sega would have made if they were still in the hardware biz. 
I will be so pissed off if Shenmue III is released on XBox 360 only. I was a huge fan of the first two games, and if the third comes out, I will buy it, whatever the platform. However, I have pretty much decided that I will buy a Revolution, but I don't want to blow 300 quid on another machine.

Sega are still making hardware for the arcade sector I think. I would prefer they didn't make another console, because there are already three main platforms out there - we don't need another one. I wish Sega decided to only make games for the Revolution and arcade in the future though - or at least no exclusive games for other platforms!

By the way, has anyone heard the rumours that the Revolution is actually going to be as powerful as PS3/Xbox360? There were some "leaked specs" revealed recently, and they sound pretty competetive. 
Regarding The Revolution... 
With the gamecube Nintendo gave very conservative estimates compared to Sony and Microsoft, I suspect the same thing is going on with the Revolution. The comments about how a controller shell is going to be available from cross platform games would at least suggest they expect some games to be released for all three platforms. 
Arcade Games 
played some outrun arcade game a week ago. Was quite crappy (it probably was a few years old) and boring for some reason. Wasn't realistic but wasn't arcadey either. I think it was sega software with mostly amd hardware.

It seems the format hasn't moved anywhere since the original sega rally. 
I sent you email last week. Did you receive the stuff ?? 
My Website 
hey guys.. I thought it was about time I redesigned my website. The old design is pretty bad, and well its quite old. I think the base design I made up in 1999 or 2000. lol

Anyway been working on this for a few days.. what do you think of the layout?? I've only done the front page thus far, but all pages will share the same design.

Let me know if you notice any odd glitches with the layout, but it should look fine in Firefox or IE.

old design for reference: 
Looks Fine 
I'd Say Make The Header And The Body The Same Width 
Otherwise I think it's a little minimalist, but good. 
What RPG said, make header larger, and get rid of the giant browser propaganda button at the bottom, or at least find a smaller version, cause it looks shite. 
The new page is ok, the above comments are agreeable. The old page seems pretty ok too.

I'd test the look if header was the same width as the postings. 
I Don't Want Firefox, So Piss Off With Your Stupid Adverts. 
Safer, faster and better than what?

I hate people telling me to "get firefox" when I have "got another browser, and hugely prefer it to firefox, so fuck off telling me to get firefox, please."

I'm not a (complete) idiot and can choose my own browser, thankyou.

Don't take that personally, btw. I am just SO fed up of seeing website authors pledging their allegiance to firefox - it's like the placards you see outside folk's homes in the run up to an election. 
Gamespy's Ads Annoy Me A Great Deal More 
That is all. 
Lynx For World Domination 
Design looks fine - I'd put it up as is, except make the firefox banner bigger. I suggest using this for the link:

That should be visible enough. 
Links > Lynx 
w3m! Or 'telnet 80'! 
Yay Jago 
Vote VONDUR For World Domination! 
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