Darkest Dungeon
#8853 posted by
- on 2016/01/19 19:23:14
Full Release is... right now! waiting on download while I hype.
Darkest Dungeon
#8854 posted by
necros on 2016/01/19 19:35:48
sooo.... how many are playing that? i've seen a lot of hype about it, but I can't decide if I'd like it..... anybody have comments on it?
It's Been
#8855 posted by
ijed on 2016/01/19 20:27:23
On my list for a long time as it struggled through various milestones.
Lovecraft JRPG where the debuffs on your dudes are things like 'insanity'.
20% off until 2 Feb and I just bought it.
#8856 posted by
- on 2016/01/19 21:51:24
Darkest Dungeon is dope as heck. One of the few games I bought in Early Access; wasn't disappointed with it at all, and it's been improving a ton through the year or so.
It's a game about delving through dungeons with a party of 4 characters, and getting into turn based battles where character positions matter a lot. You not only suffer damage in battle and exploration, but also stress and must manage it as best you can. Individual characters will permanently die, but you can recruit a large roster so your game is not over simply because your party is wiped.
The eventual goal is to gain enough levels and items for a party to be able to brave the darkest dungeon itself!
Here's a LetsPlay video from BaerTaffy playing the tutorial + a first mission from it's initial release... the mechanics are mostly the same, so it's still a pretty good showing of what the game is all about.
#8857 posted by
DaZ on 2016/01/20 00:01:51
I put about 12 hours into DD when it first came out in early access and enjoyed my time with it a lot.
It's similar to xcom in structure in that you must manage a home base (town) and upgrade it over time with resources you find in the dungeons. Also similar to xcom, you have a roster of characters with different classes and stats that you must manage and equip and form effective squads with.
Super slick presentation and awesome lovecraftian thick atmosphere.
It'll make you cry though. That guy you leveled the fuck up and spent loads of resources on to get them into fighting shape? Yeah they just went insane and had a heart attack GG!
Such is life...in the Darkest Dungeon.
#8858 posted by
Vondur on 2016/01/20 09:34:35
great game, enjoying its severity, complexity and proper atmosphere. also narrator (Wayne June) rocks.
Darkest Dungeon
#8859 posted by
bal on 2016/01/20 09:45:47
Yeah I'm back into it as well, it's great.
Haven't Had Time To Play Yet
#8860 posted by
ijed on 2016/01/20 13:58:07
Does it support cloud saving?
#8861 posted by
- on 2016/01/20 14:30:25
apparently yes because it popped up telling me all my saves were moved to steam cloud when I first started the full release version.
#8863 posted by
Shambler on 2016/01/20 15:15:01
ARPG with a slightly different theme to normal:
As far as I can tell it is rendered completely unplayable by continuous screen shaking, unless you are both stoned and have a year's supply of anti-nausea tablets.
#8864 posted by
JneeraZ on 2016/01/20 17:20:34
You aren't kidding ... the screen shake doesn't even seem to be related to anything. It just ... wobbles constantly.
#8865 posted by
adib on 2016/01/20 18:06:52
Maybe it's supposed to feel like handheld camera.
I didn't think it's too much though. Actually it looks like a nice game.
#8866 posted by
JneeraZ on 2016/01/20 18:16:12
Not sure how a handheld camera would be in that position within that universe but ... maybe.
#8867 posted by
adib on 2016/01/20 18:19:43
God is holding the camera, please don't question Him.
#8869 posted by
Spirit on 2016/01/20 19:29:07
Are you saying someone is focusing their camera on the player character's butt?
#8870 posted by
Lunaran on 2016/01/20 20:13:22
she's a sexy soldier who blows stuff up, and her name is Bombshell
game writing BAFTA material here
#8871 posted by
Kinn on 2016/01/20 20:23:16
That camera should be much closer in, wobbling all over her T&A, surely?
Deadfall Adventures
#8872 posted by
[Kona] on 2016/01/21 11:44:34
I was looking forward to this game since it was from The Farm 51, who impressed me with Necrovision. But then they fucked up the sequel, and then did a shit remake of Painkiller.
Anyway it's a part shooter, part adventure/puzzle game. The puzzles are all pretty dumbed down, nothing like the complexity of Tomb Raider. The shooting is kind of poor. Great graphics though, it's funny how even the shit studios manage to create fucking sweet looking games. UE3 of course.
Mars: War Logs
#8873 posted by
[Kona] on 2016/01/21 11:52:49
These guys have a good game in them yet - 2016's The Technomancer might be it. Of Orcs and Men was decent, great story but just a bit extreme-linear and lacked polish ie. not tiple A.
Mars: War Logs is a light action rpg, about 10 hours long, a bit of red faction: guerrilla meets deus ex: hr in design. But there's far too much back-and-forth over the same areas tight, cramped areas. The combat starts out okay, gets difficult in the middle, but the last chapter (of 3) gets easy again as you finally get the upgrades to make the game more enjoyable (mage type upgrades). But yeah just a poor mans RPG, graphics aren't that good. Nice to see a unique franchise, but combat needs work and the entire sandbox world needed to be far bigger.
Kona Your Ratings Need Some Attention To Detail I Think.
#8874 posted by
Shambler on 2016/01/21 12:04:14
Remember Me
#8875 posted by
[Kona] on 2016/01/21 12:07:59
Wtf is with the name, I thought it was going to be one of those lame console story-based adventure games that critics spooge over.
But no it's an third person action. Clearly inspired by Assassin's Creed with lots of climbing gameplay and melee fighting, and just the overall presentation and style. The dream sequences are a total copy of AC's animus sequences, but that's not necessarily bad. That, plus meets Mirror's Edge (design not freeflow running).
The combat was fun for a while, but about the halfway point became a complete cuntfuck. I've got it on "easy", which is referred to as "Script Kiddies" who just want to enjoy the story. Clearly, these developers have no fucking clue how to implement a skill setting, because I got fed up with so many enemies being thrown at me, all punch-sponges, all interrupting my combos and requiring very specific and time-consuming ways to kill. It's main feature is building your own combo combinations, but combo's are usually impossible to pull off completely because you're constantly interrupted. But with god mode on I was able to just enjoy the game again. The combat needed work, just like Mars: War Logs. Hmmm, when's the last time I played a game that got melee combat right? It's been a while.
The story is great, and really unique. I could see this being a movie actually, something similar to Minority Report or Inception. Except you're going into people's memories and changing them. That was a cool part of the game, you have to rewind their memory and figure out what items to modify in order to change the outcome.
In fact this game really has some cool ideas, and unique! Critics seem to have completely overlooked all of it though, which is odd since they're always wanting something "different", which is a hard thing to do these days. This game did it, and no one gave a shit.
This game shines in the design and graphics as well. UE3 again, and again looks fucking awesome. It's a sci-fi futuristic neo-france, with equal mix of old slums mixed with futurisic buildings, mixed with cathedrals. It's a wee bit linear but otherwise really nice to look at. At this point I'm playing it just for story and visuals (still got about 1 hour left).
Shame they fucked up the combat, but I guess if you don't mind hard melee combat, you'll like it.
Remember Me
#8876 posted by
PuLSaR on 2016/01/21 14:11:26
Finished it about a month ago. It started up making me hate its combat system and ended up making me say that the game was a very good experience and worth playing.
The elements that stand out are visuals and story. Both are extremely well done and even made me think of re-playing the game to enjoy them one more time.
The gameplay is the weak point though. Both climbing and combat are boring and uninspiring. Climbing sections don't evolve throughout the game - you always have an arrow that shows you where to jump, that imho ruins all the experience. Exploration elements that reward you with power-ups don't help much to overall poor climbing sections. The combat is frustrating for the first time but becomes easy closer to the end when you get used to combos. I ended up using only the longest possible combo (played on normal). But using the same combo all over againg is pretty boring.
Overall I can say that it's a good game and worth playing to see the beauty of neo-paris and enjoy the awesome story of Remember Me.
#8877 posted by
Shambler on 2016/01/23 12:02:04