More Nagelring...
#8753 posted by Shambler on 2015/12/26 18:07:15
<@Shambler> holy fuck those fat little goblins look like i'd imagine kinn
<@Shambler> no wonder he found it
<@Shambler> okay
<@Shambler> just salvaged the ring
<@Shambler> that is broken as fuck!
Fucking Lmao
#8754 posted by Kinn on 2015/12/26 18:14:09
Cover Based Combat
#8755 posted by Lunaran on 2015/12/26 18:24:42
combat where attacks can't be avoided without staying out of view by standing behind something and not moving (ie boring combat), as opposed to movement based combat where speed is your armor and you're safest not remaining in any one spot for too long (ie fun combat).
I See,
#8756 posted by adib on 2015/12/26 18:27:51
something about too much hitscan enemies.
#8757 posted by scar3crow on 2015/12/26 20:48:17
Oy, that Nagelring... I've got two maxed out characters with over 100 paragon levels, and one of every other class between levels 15 and 40. Never seen that ring once. The Fallen Lunatic summon sounds very useful.
#8758 posted by Shambler on 2015/12/26 21:26:02
Nub ;)
#8759 posted by Vondur on 2015/12/26 23:23:04
Kona's Site
#8760 posted by Yhe1 on 2015/12/27 06:32:52
Kona has a few underrated games on his site, Like Timeshift and Ubersoldier.
And Kona, you should keep doing the reviews on your site instead of here.
#8761 posted by Shambler on 2015/12/27 14:01:01
Timeshift was pretty cool. As was Singularity. I don't mind reading Kona's stuff, this was the first game I haven't heard of that I tried, tho....
So, Yeah,
#8762 posted by Shambler on 2015/12/27 16:50:46
Decide the D3 demo was pretty nice after all. Bought a full copy of the game, cleared my stash, deleted my old character, started a new character on next skill up. Did all the demo level stuff again, kept going, all good fun, until...
#8763 posted by Kinn on 2015/12/27 16:55:26
#8765 posted by [Kona] on 2015/12/28 03:09:04
Oh yeah you've got to overlook all those things about it Sham, haha. It's got all the modern game trademarks that you mentioned. I meant more just the furiosity of the combat and these tough fast enemies coming at you felt like 90s combat. It's sort of cover based, you can't run around at full speed. But also it's not full cover based, you don't press a button to cling to cover and peak up with the aim key, like Gears of War. So not a full cover-shooter. Also, you've usually got to backtrack as your fighting, you can't stay in one cover for long or they'll reach you.
#8766 posted by [Kona] on 2015/12/28 03:16:14
Yhe1 I stopped doing the reviews for 2 reasons:
1. nobody reads reviews anymore, especially ones on my little site. People go to youtube and watch reviews (I'm guilty of that myself) or use metacritic.
2. there are way too many games being released each year now. When I started to review games about 2002, I only had 2 actions games for the entire year to review. Even 2005 only had 14 actions games. Nowadays, there's anywhere between 50-100 games per year I could review. I barely have time to play them all, let alone write reviews.
Everyone has a different opinion on what they like, and I realise the type of game I like might be different to the masses. Everyones different so one players opinion doesn't mean a whole lot. Also, I'm no writer.
Star Trek
#8767 posted by [Kona] on 2015/12/28 03:24:21
Also just got playing 2013's star trek game. Appears to have been diarrhea'd all over because one of the developers put up a fake review, so all the childish gamers gave it 0's.
Average 3rd person coop shooter, linear, annoying minigames (but are mostly skipable), 5-yr old engine. Only worth playing if you're a trekkie, which I am, as it feels a bit like a big scale episode where Spock and Kirk version 2 single-handedly save the galaxy from giant lizards (seriously).
Alien Kona Rage...
#8768 posted by Shambler on 2015/12/28 13:09:18
The actual combat was fairly decent in it's style, and you're right a good challenge.
As for catching up on released games, just play the good ones! Having said that it is quite useful having someone to bring hidden gems to our attention...
#8769 posted by [Kona] on 2015/12/28 22:03:45
What I find by playing every action game that has a single player mode, is the poorer games are often better than expected, while the good ones are often not as good as what they're made out to be.
Aliens: Colonial Marines
#8770 posted by [Kona] on 2016/01/01 11:51:33
Damn, what a missed opportunity. I was reading an interview on Eurogamer I think it was with Randy and they were trying to get out of him what went wrong. All he could talk about is that he loves the game (and also loves DNF), makes excuses about the media being wrong, and that he wouldn't take back the 10-15mill in losses developing the game because he got to meet Syd Mead (apparently designed some Aliens stuff) and got to personally play with some of the original props. God, what a tool. He wouldn't admit a single thing wrong with the game and when the interviewer tried to bring it up, claims he can't remember that part.
Apparently Sega wanted it to be just like COD but in the Aliens universe, but they didn't do that. Who knows, it might have been better if they did. At least COD has some pretty epic scenes in most of their games.
Anyway, I give it about a 7/10, which is a lot better than the 4.5/10 on Metacritic. I think most users were just expecting too much, they went in with huge hopes because of Borderlands 2 being an amazing game.
How awesome would it have been if we had a game with the scope of Borderlands 2, but in the Aliens universe? That's more like how I would have made the game, except without all the damn looting. Then bring in some stealth bits, like Deus-Ex, make fewer enemies in the game, slower pace, more horror like (Metro 2033, Stalker, Dead Space).
Make it a proper open world game, with a size like Kingdoms Of Amalur but you just can't travel everywhere straight away because it's too dangerous. I'm not sure how you'd handle different enemies; you can't have a 30-50 hour action RPG with just 2 or 3 Xeno's. Are there other species or races in Aliens ? Perhaps it could take place over multiple worlds like Mass Effect.
Anyway, the game itself was a standard, linear FPS. The developers assumed you just got done watching the movies, because a lot of the story didn't make much sense to me since I haven't watched Alien/Aliens in decades. The weapons were average until I read halfway through the game you can actually open a menu and change your arsenal, and once upgraded quite fun near the end. It started to feel more like Borderlands weapons with the long range accuracy and scopes.
The game starts off not really that good, inside the spaceship. I wonder how many players quit too soon. Once on the planet the visuals get interesting, but I think the big alien ship was a missed opportunity full of corridors.
The graphics didn't seem that great to me, Gearbox obviously didn't make the engine as pretty as CI did with Alien Rage, but they didn't have some nice outdoor areas.
Later in the game you end up playing three levels you'd already gone through, which was really cheap. Limited budget or something? With the amount of content they made for B2 with the DLC's as well, I mean fuck the final DLC was almost as big as this game.
Oh and one big failure in the game was checkpoints, they were just put in the silliest of places, and often far apart.
Really just one big missed opportunity and Randy can't admit that. Rebellion's AVP wasn't any better though.
Also played Risen 2. I might post about that tomorrow, what a total fuckup that was.
Okay So Diablo3
#8771 posted by Shambler on 2016/01/01 11:54:22
Late to the party, I know, I don't care.
Obviously I'm still correct that the GFX are technically inferior to Path Of Exile, textures, lighting, zoom level etc. And Bal is right that POE does ARPG uber-geeking gameplay better.
BUT. Actually D3 is really nice. Although the style is a bit more cartoony and low-res, it does a hell of a lot with the atmosphere, backgrounds, and setting, it actually feels more like a proper place than a game place, and some of the areas are just damn cool. The expansion pack might be my favourite so far:
As people said above, gameplay in the main game is supercasual, even without using gems and shields there doesn't seem to be a way to get an actual challenge in the main game, however it is quite nice being just to waltz through it using just mouse and leaving other hand for wanking to cow scat pron.
Story is terrible and generic but at least it is comprehensible compared to POE.
Destructible items in environment are cool. I spend more time exploding crates carts and altars than actual enemy.
So, errr, yeah.
#8772 posted by Shambler on 2016/01/01 12:00:57
Forgot to mention, it reminds me most of Guild Wars. Which is good enough.
Or Maybe This Is Preferable?
#8773 posted by Shambler on 2016/01/01 18:28:50
I enjoyed diablo 3 quite a bit
Nice Screenshot
#8775 posted by Lunaran on 2016/01/01 19:45:01
Blizzard found no shortage of opportunities to make the world feel big and sweeping despite having the camera pointed down at the ground the whole time.
You do find yourself on the edge of quite a lot of chasms and valleys though.
Mario Maker On PC???
It's pretty damned impressive, I have the Wii-u version and this does decent job of recreating the experience. It's not as polished but it's worth having a go of.
#8777 posted by - on 2016/01/01 22:38:15
I like how that site says "All copyrighted material is � Nintendo" at the bottom.
You know, except Strong Bad from Homestar Runner, various Undertale characters, The Kid from I Want to be The Guy, or Quote from Cave Story... but I guess all their creators aren't big enough to worry about them suing, so their copyrights don't matter.
Motherfucker should've just run with 'you can make 2d platformer levels and there are a bunch of toys for you to play with'... no theft of graphics and IP needed. Hopefully Nintendo is quick with their cease and desist so this idiot can scrub the junk out, and then persist in making something that would genuinely be cool.