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Screenshots & Betas
This is the place to post screenshots of your upcoming masterpiece and get criticism, or just have people implore you to finish it. You should also use this thread to post beta versions of your maps.

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@negke, love the new screenshot (I am also glad you re-posted a new link), looks very good in black and white, would be very cool to play the whole map in black and white instead of colour. I know it is a perspective trick but I still would love to see it from another angle! :) 
define recent?

Use the Google cache to rescue your texts at least, you bloody moron (everyone not having backups deserves that title). Find the URL you want to rescue, then google for cache:


I occasionaly archive sites, I might have mirrored yours a couple of weeks back, will check later. Publically released files should be at Quaddicted but I guess you did keep those locally as well. 
Since It Is Easy With Wget

Visit to delete that file. Be quick to download before someone clicks this. :> 
I back up my local stuff all the time these days. I guess I didn't take the online stuff as seriously. Lesson learned.

Also, thanks for the link. I had a backup of the database from a couple of months ago, but your copy had the lighting guide thingy. :) is handy if you do not have access to the shell and mysqldump. 
Thanks again! 
I *might* have the source for the curvy map but it looks even more ridiculous in the editor than it does in the engine. If it's ever done it will have to be redone. 
I like the dark gloom of it, cistern.
Surely a map worth to explore more! 
yeah seriously. The 2nd one in particular is fucking awesome! 
Yeah, b&w filter would be nice.
There's no trick in this map, but if you want to see how it's done properly, search for the Lego model of this picture. There's a site that shows an additional top-down shot where one can see how the trick works in a 3D environment. 
Horror? No... Not In Dunwich...

(album, 3 images, still early, likely too dark to see) 
I'm In 
shots look great! Trees look just fine despite what others might say.
THe inside of the church looks great - nice pulpit! Not sure I like the benches though - too long? The ones in Honey are simple and perfect IMO. 
I wouldn't worry too much about trees, brush trees can work fine. They might cause vis times to increase depending on the outdoor areas though.
You could probably make them func_walls and then used a downward pointing negative spot light to make some kind of shadow on the ground though.

In any case, could be fun to see a map like this. 
Bench Scale Is 
not right at all. Otherwise, looks interesting. 
Your Mum 
Things those benches seem to fit perfectly for. 
hahaha that's awesome! 
Scampie Horror Show! 
Wow, like the first screenshot, the scale look good with the knight and the doorway. I don't mind the brush/cone tree's, with the right lighting they could work. 
Nice Shots 
very atmospheric and retro. 
Slitshot of demo1, 
What the Hell is this shot? 
You Need Glasses 
It's the new Quake mod for 3D after the windowcleaner was fired. 
Retro Pixels 
Another test map (S1M2) called Castle of Shadows ...
Image 1 Image 2 Image 3 Image 4 
2 posts not shown on this page because they were spam
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