Follow The Leader.
#8686 posted by Shambler on 2015/12/07 14:38:36
Yeah. Which is kinda understandable with games that people might buy more than one of, i.e. SP games that you'll play for 20 hours and then move on, or simple DM games that you'll dick around in for 20 hours and then move on. But for timesink / skill-developing games, it seems a weird thing to saturate the market with. It happened with MMOs, were any of them at all successful apart from WOW and Guild Wars?? It happened with semi-real war shooters, did anyone play anything apart from Battlefield and COD??
People will play Overwatch because it's been the most spammed, maybe dabble in one more of the others as well, and the rest will sink without trace. Probably.
#8687 posted by Lunaran on 2015/12/07 18:16:32
Every developer believes that THEIR timesink skill developing game is gonna be the one that develops an unshakeable following that they can turn into a hat store six years down the road.
Execution > Innovation
#8688 posted by Blitz on 2015/12/07 23:04:11
Someone made the great point once that Blizzard has never been an innovator, just a great executor. Warcraft didn't invent RTS games, Everquest had been out long before WoW, and Diablo wasn't the first dungeon crawler. They just polished the shit out of their versions of existing genres. Something great can still emerge from all these "follow the leader" games.
Well Yes.
#8689 posted by Shambler on 2015/12/08 00:40:05
Unfortunately, in this case, it would be the emergence of a great MOBA / Team DM game :(
#8690 posted by [Kona] on 2015/12/09 01:36:06
Now that it's getting closer to xmas hopefully I can play some more games. Starting with Assassin's Creed 3. Yay another Ass Creed game, more of the same. The story is probably the best yet though. It had more direction... you have your 5 bad guys from the beginning. More emotion. Despite Connor being an ugly tool. Whereas previous games you sort of just went aimlessly from one bad dude to the next, with the plot going it random directions with random characters, till shit wraps up.
Well the last game involving both Altair and Ezio was pretty good, I suppose.
Gameplay was more of the same. Not enough combat, too many cutscenes. I feel like the series gets easier with each game (which is good because the first game was far too hard). This one is a bit dumbed down. Not much to do other than the main linear storyline. I didn't do any levelling, no assassin training, no purchasing zones or take overs. No rooftop climbing at all, there's no point since you get raped straight away whereas walking the streets is fine. It was just the main plot really. So probably weaker gameplay and less to do, but I didn't mind because I'm really only playing it for the story and visuals, certainly not it's crappy gameplay.
Speaking of visuals, they're starting to look a bit dated in this game. Not the best for 2012, but not bad either. Kind of cool setting, although I really don't give a flying fuck about American civil wars watching dickheads all standing in a line getting shot.
Right so that's 5 Ass Creed games down... 5 to go. I don't see how they can possibly drag this story out for another 5 games+. Juno's out... time to save the world... why would we return to the animus? More pointless random artifacts to find I suppose.
System Shock 3 & System Shock Remake
#8691 posted by killpixel on 2015/12/09 19:03:45
System Shock 3 has been revealed as well as a System Shock remake by a separate developer.
There are people from the long defunct Looking Glass Studios working on SS3. That would be amazing if Ken Levine was working on it too. After the surprisingly disappointing Bioshock Infinite, I would love to see Ken return to his roots and revisit the System Shock universe.
Please, PLEASE don't suck. You can have Doom 4, just give me System Shock!
#8692 posted by JneeraZ on 2015/12/09 20:29:22
Ken already said on Facebook that he's not involved in any way. So ... there's that.
#8693 posted by killpixel on 2015/12/09 21:29:42
Kind of a bummer, but maybe it's a good thing he's not involved... who knows.
#8694 posted by Shambler on 2015/12/09 21:38:31
Well that's cool. I hope it is done in a modern engine, with as much true-to-SS atmosphere they can cram in. I never actually played SS but I like the idea of it.
They should mention in that reveal article that the piece of turd screenshit is from the SS remake...
Anyone Play Talos Principle?
#8695 posted by necros on 2015/12/10 01:53:04
i enjoyed it more than portal 2. story was more engaging, lasted longer, level design was usually pretty good, but a few levels definitely felt phoned in. overall, well worth the sale price (15 CAD) i paid for it.
#8696 posted by - on 2015/12/10 02:15:46
Yeah, I thought it was one of the best games of last year... likely will grab the expansion after christmas.
#8697 posted by DaZ on 2015/12/10 14:47:01
#8698 posted by ijed on 2015/12/10 14:56:19
Other Xcom 2 Stuff
#8699 posted by DaZ on 2015/12/10 15:04:54
Hype Hype With Extra Hype.
#8700 posted by Shambler on 2015/12/10 19:16:36
OMG the ending graphic with the alien face :0 :o
Free Copy Of "Jade Empire" And ""
#8702 posted by Kingold on 2015/12/12 11:19:42
The game named "Giants: Citizen Kabuto" is free for grab today at ""!
So, before the offer expires, get it while you can!
Video intro to the game:""
It's DRM free, though you do need a GOG account (registration is free) to do the claiming.
Also, these days, at "", you can get a free copy of "Jade Empire". Same story with regard to account registration, Origin in this case.
Nice Links Man.
#8703 posted by Shambler on 2015/12/12 12:14:29
I liked Giants a lot. Good fun game with a fresh style.
#8704 posted by Rick on 2015/12/12 18:48:42
Thanks for the heads up.
I went to GoG to get the freebie and saw they also had the STALKER series on special (at a pretty low price for once), so I got that while I was there. And then added TIE Fighter for $5. Plenty more good stuff on sale there, but those should keep me busy until next year.
Devil Daggers
#8705 posted by DaZ on 2015/12/14 13:39:36
Inspired by classic arcade games and 1990s First Person Shooters. Devil Daggers is a fast-paced shooter that pits you against hordes of demons as you struggle to survive as long as you can. Compete for precious seconds with friends or global leaderboards.
Art and sound are absolutely incredible! However, at the end of the day it's a score attack game with no level design :(
#8706 posted by JneeraZ on 2015/12/14 16:30:39
Kind of like geometry wars, but demonic hellspawn FPS style...
Devil's Daggers
#8707 posted by Kinn on 2015/12/14 16:55:15
Ah yes.
"Just like playing* those oldskool** 90s FPS games*** that you loved!"
*disclaimer: gameplay may not necessarily take place in actual environments.
**disclaimer: "oldskool" is taken in this instance to just mean pixellated textures and low-resolution display.
***disclaimer: "game" may actually be mostly procedurally generated.
Nice Demo
#8708 posted by ijed on 2015/12/14 18:54:15
Come back when you've got some levels.
Devilled Eggs
it's a bit of a shame that it's so basic. Such lovely enemy design is really crying out for some good level design.
It wouldn't surprise me if it was another rogue-like style game and the levels are fitted together like ziggurat from preselected rooms.
Forthcoming Game Hype?
#8710 posted by Shambler on 2015/12/15 19:03:15
Post yours...
(In approx order)
Hopefully next year...
Dishonoured 2
XCom 2
Deus Ex Mankind Divided
Doom 4
a patched version of Mordheim (if it fixes AI, balance, etc)
Total Warhammer
Battlefleet Gothic Armada
Rise Of The Tomb Raider
In the far future...
Cyberpunk 2077
Battletech game
Dreadnoughts (if single player)
(very unhyped for Battleborn, Overwatch, Paragon and anything else like that)