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Other PC Games Thread.
So with the film and music threads still going and being discussed... why don't we get some discussion going on something on topic to the board? What other games are you playing now?
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Should Be The Tagline 
"Hunter's Moon is the fake Louis Vuitton handbag of mods - made by 12-year olds in a basement from stolen materials, it might look like a game from a distance but as soon as you put it under any sort of scrutiny it just falls apart at the seams." 
Quake 4 
It's been years since I played it, but from what I remember I'd have to agree about the vehicle on rails levels. Probably the boss fights too. I probably went god-mode for those after a couple of attempts, but then I pretty much dislike all boss fights for being too tedious.

In between all that, I remember it as being pretty good. I still have it in my Games folder, maybe I should give it another play sometime. 
I Don't Remember Having Many Issues With Boss Fights 
but I hated all the driving bullshit. 
SS Remake Screenshots.

Wow. At first I thought the right hand side was the original. Good way to ensure I'll be saving �30 not touching it with a very long pole. 
They've made some very odd decisions with those graphics. The cryobeds are the strangest thing of all. The originals were flat textures that were clearly trying to represent some sort of tube/tunnel that you would lie down in, but it seems like the artist in the remake thought it was just supposed to be some sort of flat circular mesh/window thing? 
I'll stick to the original thank you!

Now I might be interested if someone remade System Shock 2 if maybe it vaguely looked like this fan made short: 
Very Odd Decisions... 
Like 2004 graphical quality with 1994 design quality??

Not a strong look in this day and age. 
They've made some very odd decisions with those graphics. The cryobeds are the strangest thing of all. The originals were flat textures that were clearly trying to represent some sort of tube/tunnel that you would lie down in, but it seems like the artist in the remake thought it was just supposed to be some sort of flat circular mesh/window thing?

Wow. To try to remake the textures so accurately and then misinterpreting them so fundamentally is both hilarious and quite sad :/ 
It looks like a stained glass window in the original shots. 
Funny Story... 
I was looking for a video of the first level to show OTP that in context the idea that it's a stained glass window is ridiculous. I couldn't find a video that didn't also have the intro cutscene so I settle down to watch it, and it turns out it is some sort of stained-glassy-window-terminal thing afterall:

And then I broke the internet by admitting that I was wrong all along.

I still don't like the new graphics though. :P 
So Its 
A HD texture pack with neon lighting!

I hope they also reduce the amount of reading you have to do and add microtransactions so that you can pay a bit extra to skip the boring walking around and jump ahead to the action. 
Epic's New Game: Paragon!

It's like the worst thing ever, but worse. 3rd person rocket arena with classes - I'd rather play a paint-drying sim. 
3rd Person Moba 
kinda reminds me of Gigantic
Paragon looks ok... but then again I said that about Doom 4 originally and look how thats turned out. 
The third person aspect really puts me off.
The visuals look pretty clean though, as usual.

Of all these new multiplayer MOBA games, Overwatch still seems like the best of the lot. 
Yes do look very nice. A good engine wasted, yet again.

The current MOBA / team-DM trend can suck my balls. Who is actually going to play all these things (OW, GG, BB etc)?? 
Considering I spent a couple hundred hours playing Team Fortress 2, I could definitely see myself getting into one of these if they are any good. Definitely want to take Overwatch for a spin for now, as it's FPS. 
Yeah, who is going to be playing more than one tho?? There seems to be a real glut of games that I'd expect players to be dedicated to just one of them.... 
It's the usual follow the leader thing ... Remember how for about 5 years, everyone was working on an MMO? 
I Kind Of Thought 
players would one day have to do a Zerstoerer with one of Tronyn's maps and sacrifice themselves. 
Follow The Leader. 
Yeah. Which is kinda understandable with games that people might buy more than one of, i.e. SP games that you'll play for 20 hours and then move on, or simple DM games that you'll dick around in for 20 hours and then move on. But for timesink / skill-developing games, it seems a weird thing to saturate the market with. It happened with MMOs, were any of them at all successful apart from WOW and Guild Wars?? It happened with semi-real war shooters, did anyone play anything apart from Battlefield and COD??

People will play Overwatch because it's been the most spammed, maybe dabble in one more of the others as well, and the rest will sink without trace. Probably. 
Every developer believes that THEIR timesink skill developing game is gonna be the one that develops an unshakeable following that they can turn into a hat store six years down the road. 
Execution > Innovation 
Someone made the great point once that Blizzard has never been an innovator, just a great executor. Warcraft didn't invent RTS games, Everquest had been out long before WoW, and Diablo wasn't the first dungeon crawler. They just polished the shit out of their versions of existing genres. Something great can still emerge from all these "follow the leader" games. 
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