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Mapping Help
This is the place to ask about mapping problems, techniques, and bug fixing, and pretty much anything else you want to do in the level editor.

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That's my current plan. I'm going to pass it the Quake directory and the current mod name. That will allow it to try looking in the gfx folder in the mod, the gfx folder in id1 and if those fail, use whatever it has as a literal path. That should be enough! 
User defined custom 'uber wad folder' path from settings?

(I'm just making suggestions, all my WADs are in the Q3 map folder with my compile tools/batch files) 
is is all this an attempt to avoid supporting both full and relative paths? 
It's cool, the code is written now. It support relative and full paths as best it can. Now to add multiple WAD support to ToeTag itself... 
Mapping Isn't All That Easy, Actually ... 
I'm having a bad feeling about my map ever getting finished.

First I got a (new) error, this time in the VIS, a nasty "Vismap expansion overflow".
I thought I'd try something to (try and)fix it, I made large parts into a Func_wall.
The (fast)Vis works OK now.
Only now the Light does not work, I don't get any errors but the level is full bright.

Now I understand the phrase "don't give up your dayjob" 
Well, mapping for Quake is actually one of the harder disciplines. Quake is relatively primitive and therefore has many gotchas for stuff that modern engines don't care about. It's very unforgiving at times. :) 
Either your map is VERY huge, or it's leaking. Are you using the latest (Bengt Jardrup's) compile tools?
Turning stuff into func_walls has to be done with caution. It lowers the VIS time, but may well be contraproductive in other areas.

A map usually doesn't get fullbright over night (heh). Double-check your settings. Or maybe it's caused by func_walls + skylight.. 
You didn't box it, did you? 
Post Your Compile Log 
So we can see it. Beware the maximum post length though, you may have to split it into two halves...

The QBSP log would be the most helpful 
This Is It, Without The Func_wall Trick, 
** Executing...
** Command: Copy File
** Parameters: "E:\Quake\ID1\MAPS\" "e:\Quake\Id1\maps\"

** Executing...
** Command: F:\gametools\WorldCraft\QTools\Qbsp.exe
** Parameters: e:\Quake\Id1\maps\map

TreeQBSP v2.05 -- Modified by Bengt Jardrup

Input file: e:\Quake\Id1\maps\
Output file: e:\Quake\Id1\maps\map.bsp
---- LoadMapFile ----
*** WARNING 06: No info_player_deathmatch entities in level
13386 faces
2308 brushes
523 entities
79 unique texnames
2400 texinfo
27 texture frames added

Building hulls sequentially...
Processing hull 0...
---- Brush_LoadEntity ----
2041 brushes
---- CSGFaces ----
11736 brushfaces
14349 csgfaces
11889 mergedfaces
---- SolidBSP ----
15547 split nodes
6673 solid leafs
8717 empty leafs
158 water leafs
29675 leaffaces
26381 nodefaces
---- FillOutside ----
1177 outleafs
---- MergeAll ----
11626 mergefaces
---- SolidBSP ----
7485 split nodes
3251 solid leafs
4188 empty leafs
47 water leafs
19866 leaffaces
15947 nodefaces
---- Portalize ----
4235 vis leafs
15742 vis portals
---- Tjunc ----
15158 world edges
55601 edge points
14249 edges added by tjunctions
2 faces added by tjunctions
---- MakeFaceEdges ----
---- GrowRegions ----
Processing hull 1...
Processing hull 2...
---- WriteBSPFile ----
7856 planes 157120
22989 vertexes 275868
8326 nodes 199824
2400 texinfo 96000
17343 faces 346860
22072 clipnodes 176576
4994 leafs 139832
21337 marksurfaces 42674
81294 surfedges 325176
41390 edges 165560
106 textures 1737648
lightdata 0
visdata 0
entdata 40467

1 warning

Elapsed time : 0:16

Peak memory used : 22.1 MB

** Executing...
** Command: F:\gametools\WorldCraft\QTools\light.exe
** Parameters: -extra e:\Quake\Id1\maps\map

----- LightFaces ----
extra sampling enabled
523 entities read
lightdatasize: 364948
0 switchable light styles
83.0 seconds elapsed

** Executing...
** Command: F:\gametools\WorldCraft\QTools\vis.exe
** Parameters: -fast e:\Quake\Id1\maps\map

---- vis ----
fastvis = true
4235 portalleafs
15742 numportals
************ ERROR ************
Vismap expansion overflow

** Executing...
** Command: Change Directory
** Parameters: e:\Quake

** Executing...
** Command: e:\Quake\darkplaces.exe
** Parameters: +map map 
OK I See One Possible Explanation: 
You should run the vis tool before you run the light tool!

I would recommend compiling the map using a command prompt (windows "dos box").

Copy your tools (TreeQBSP.exe, vis.exe and light.exe) into your e:\quake\id1\maps\ directory.

Then go through your start menu to Programs=> Accessories=> "Command Prompt"

Type (without the quotes) "cd e:\quake\id1\maps\" then press enter

Then type "TreeQBSP map" (where I noticed that "map" is the name of your map :), press enter and the program will run as normal

Then run vis, i.e. type "vis -fast map" or "vis map" then press enter.

Then run light, so type "light map"

Note: If im telling you things which are obvious to you here please dont be offended.
It is definately risky to run light before vis, and I think that might be the source of your problem.

Awaiting more feedback....... :) 
I Didn't Know That ... 
[quote #8651 posted by RickyT23]
You should run the vis tool before you run the light tool! [/quote]
I didn't know that, I always assumed that WC's standard was the right way. I'll give your suggestion a try.

What do you think about the figures though ?
Are they what you would call high, and is there room for adding stuff ? I still have to put some things in.

PS. it takes a lot to offended me ;), I'm actually very happy with all your help and feedback ! 
It is definately risky to run light before vis, and I think that might be the source of your problem.
The order in which one runs them doesn't matter. Both tools create individual data and store them in the BSP - they're independent from each other.

Ron: it seems as though while you're using the new TreeQBSP, it's still the old LIGHT and VIS tools that come with Worldcraft? If that's the case, switch to the BJP ones and see if that helps. 
As For The Figures 
They aren't too high or anything. There's still plenty of room for new stuff. TreeQbsp will tell you if the map exceeds any of the BSP limits. 
Im Sure I Read Somewhere That Light Data 
in a map can screw up the vis process. Maybe im going mad! :)

Ron: Negkes right about the tools, use these tools:

Also TreeQBSP is good, but I remember AguirRe saying that TxQBSP was better for some reason, TreeQBSP didnt compile sickbase IIRC.


Yeah ! 
I wasn't sure if I was using Bengt Jardrup's Vis and Light's so I downloaded them again. I also did run the programs outside WC in a Dos box, combining both your suggestions. And it worked fine ! The fast Vis worked and Light as well !
And a lot faster too ! Thanks a lot ! Really, I'm quite happy, I've been working so long on this damned map now, it would be rather sad to have to bin it now ... 
From The Log It Looks Like A Pretty Clean Build You Have There! 
The only warning is a superficial one, and with 22000 odd marksurfaces/clipnodes it must be a fairly large or detailed map :)

This is a useful source of info regarding Quake 1 mapping tools, buy AguirRe:

try runnning the bspinfo tool on your map too see the limits and how close you are to them...

Also post some screenshots please :DDD 
"The order in which one runs them doesn't matter. Both tools create individual data and store them in the BSP - they're independent from each other."

This is my understanding as well. If anyone has any concrete information about why vis should be run before light, I'd love to hear it.

AFAIK, as negke said, they are totally independent of each other. 
The Other Thing 
You can do is alpha testing - send your source to an established mapper who's already had to battle through the compile issues, they'll be able to point out known issues.

The less time you spend banging your head against a wall and the more time inventing cool stuff the better.

Don't know how much time I'll have this week, but probably by thursday I can take a look if you want - my emails under 'people'. 
Thanks Once More ... 
To Rick: I'll run the bspinfo tomorrow or later this evening, I'm now doing a full vis, it's at 47.19 % at the minute and I've still got an estimated 7h 44 minutes to go. I think I will kill some time (and probably braincells too...) in the pub ! As for screenshots, I'll try to get some of more or less finished areas later. I have still got to do quite a bit of texture alignments and stuff like that to do. I don't want to post anything that's just not quite, ehm, good enough.

To Ijed: Thanks for your very generous offer !
I really appreciate it, and, if the offer still stands and you have time, I will gladly make use of your expertise. But to be honest, at the moment I'm back in and will battle on until the next problem arises.

Thank you all. You've made my day ! :) 
You Know It May Well Take More Than 10 Hours 
for the vis to finish, it will slow down as it nears completion!
I once had a map which took 6 and a half days to vis. And JPL, well he's the current record holder........

It must mean that the map has some large areas in it with a fair bit of detail, or some tiny details in it, or that there are places where you can see through a lot of rooms from some angles.... 
There are some basic tips to follow like - if you have gratings make out of brushes, func_wall them because each hole in the grating is a portal and VIS will need to process it and all of it's children. Very nasty.

The same goes for railings, cages, barred windows, etc. 
The only drawback there is if you were counting on cool shadows to be cast. In that case, well, suck it up and eat the VIS time. :) 
That said, I'm surprised that someone hasn't come up with a version of light that would cast light from func_walls (optionally, of course). If you aren't going to be removing the func_wall at some point through a killtarget, it seems perfectly reasonable to use it as a shadow caster. 
Something for you to do next weekend... 
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