Cheers Warren
This soundtrack is great!

FEAR Was Pretty Good
#8634 posted by
Rick on 2015/10/28 01:09:19
I'm not real sure how I managed to overlook it when it came out. I guess I was too much into LotRO at that time. As a $2.49 GoG special it was certainly money well spent.
It's not a short game at all, I probably took 50-60 hours to complete it. I know a few times I was at it 8 hours or more non-stop and it never crashed once.
Very weird story, even after finishing it I only halfway understand what was going on. Good fun though, and entertaining. It does store its saved games in a weird place. Why do so many games do that?

#8639 posted by
Shambler on 2015/10/31 11:11:20
Mad Max meets Rage meets Riddick? Style and GFX look amazing. Combat looks meh. Thoughts?
I agree. It looks good graphically but the combat looks boring, like assassins creed boring.
#8641 posted by
[Kona] on 2015/11/02 06:18:57
yeah style great, combat meh, I'll definitely play it though. scifi-rpg yes please!!!
#8642 posted by scar3crow on 2015/11/02 20:10:30

#8643 posted by
Zwiffle on 2015/11/02 20:11:28
I mean *ahem* I am cautiously optimistic.
#8644 posted by
Spirit on 2015/11/05 00:04:28
MinDungeon is a funny addictive grinding dungeon crawler thingie on Android, recommended!

Bundle Of Classic Id Shooters
#8645 posted by
primal on 2015/11/05 15:57:28
There's a 48-hour sale of "Bethesda shooters," which are the classic Id games from Wolfenstein 3D to the 2002 Return to Castle Wolfenstein; including Doom I, II and Final Doom; and Quake I, II and III.
The individual games in the bundle are also on sale for some time. I posted this here in case anyone wants to pass the info on, and not so much thinking anyone here doesn't already own the ones they want to own.
The way GOG packages some of these games for installation is not ideal, but you can always inform people about the freely available engine source ports and such things. At least GOG doesn't do DRM.
#8646 posted by scar3crow on 2015/11/06 01:49:02
It pains me that they call several id games and one Gray Matter/Nerve game created and released over a decade before the Zenimax acquisition "Bethesda Shooters".
Jumps to the beginning of the interesting bits. The guy is hyperbolic and obnoxious, but this is a cool map, at least in a neato skybox sort of way.
#8647 posted by
Zwiffle on 2015/11/06 02:51:55
Ever since Prey I've desperately wanted to work on a gravity-flipping multiplayer game (CoD + Prey gravity shit basically), and for a second I thought you would be able to run up the walls. Somewhat disappointed, but Blops 3 pre-loading :)~ Had a blast with the open beta, first CoD game I've been excited to play since like MW2 or the original Blops.
#8648 posted by scar3crow on 2015/11/06 04:28:19
For all we know, the map might flip at some point. Ghosts and AW both had major map changes in response to player behaviors or time. He just wandered around for a minute with no one else there.

That Is A Neat Gimmick...
#8649 posted by
Shambler on 2015/11/06 12:25:28
...but fuck all of COD up it's crusty pointless arse.
#8650 posted by
JneeraZ on 2015/11/06 14:02:56
It feels like COD is tired of COD and wants to do something else. Zombies, flying islands, exo-suits, etc. :P Doesn't it?
#8651 posted by scar3crow on 2015/11/06 18:31:42
If that's the case it got tired of itself back in CoD2/3. 4 changed the setting, introduced perks and streaks. 5 introduced zombies, 6 exploded the customization. 7 added bots, theater mode, and lots of gadgets. 8 added player archetypes that changed your reward systems. 9 added a 16 possible endings campaign (4x4 results) and revised the class creation system and the scoring loop. 10 experimented with a rather different resource allocation structure, had space combat, and a lot of different level changing events in the multiplayer. 11 added sci-fi weapons, special abilities, air dashing (which could make for some very wide spectrum gun fights as if you used it well, you could repeatedly significantly relocate in any direction during one fight). 12 kept the verticality of 11 but emphasizes flanking with the wall running, adds player characters with special abilities and weapons to the mp, and adds a New Game+ that tells a different story in a different theme from the base campaign.
They change it a lot, every time. But people see iron sights and bullets, so they consider it identical. But there is a reason people prefer one particular CoD to another, and why they do check out the latest: Because they are different. They've always been different. The most similar ones are 4 and 5. And that was when zombies were added.

I Got Tired Of It Partway Through 4.
#8652 posted by
Shambler on 2015/11/06 18:37:31
And that's enough. I see it's been spat out today, that is some cause for non-celebration and mild dismay, followed by getting back to worthwhile games.
#8653 posted by scar3crow on 2015/11/06 19:42:47
4 gets a ton of praise. I personally think it's one of the weakest entries. They relied on the setting change to carry the campaign, so only the multiplayer had mechanic shifts. Curiously it seems to be the exception for most people who vocally dislike the franchise.

Quake 4 Is Stupid
#8654 posted by anon on 2015/11/08 00:53:42
If You Want A True Quake 4 Play Hunters Moon