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Other PC Games Thread.
So with the film and music threads still going and being discussed... why don't we get some discussion going on something on topic to the board? What other games are you playing now?
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The gain is make my game a total conversion of an already tried and true starting point. Also, what about other planets? 
A standalone version would work. But the requirement of having whatever pre 2005 game you pick that doesn't have any community behind it, means you could spends 100s of hours creating something that maybe 10 people will play. 
So ... like Quake mapping then? :P 
Lol, almost exactly what I thought when I read that. Though for me and Quake mapping it's probably more like 1000s of hours and 100 people. 
Mark Of Success 
>10 people 
If anyone wonders why you map/mod for [old game] really your answer should be this:

Otherwise, lol. 
Riddick EFBB was very close to what I planned for my game. Amran's topic about Ogier editor made me take another look at that game and consider modding it. But it does look abandoned, unfortunately. That's a shame. 
How many downloads do the most popular Q1 releases get these days? Does it get to over 100? I remember even 15 years ago it might have only been a few hundred, but if it was a really popular bigger release it could break into 1000-2000. Like a top episode/mod.

I must admit, I haven't even played quake myself in probably a year. Shit just builds up in my "to play" folder and I'll get through it all sometime. But triple A games are just getting too pretty. Speaking of which Darksiders II..... 
So I just got finished playing Darksiders II, which was a real slog in the end, it's too long. Enough with the puzzles, enough with every battle having 1 mini-boss, then another 2 mini-bosses, then a medium-boss... all with no checkpoints. Then you step into another room and oh it's time for the proper boss boss.

But the point I wanted to make is the game is pretty, and I found myself thinking many times that if Quake was remade as a late prev-gen game ie. 2012, this is probably what it would look like. It has the dark, hellish gothic land down pretty well, huge epic structures. Only the wizard and metal themes aren't so strong. But hell, gothic, medieval, it's pretty much Quake.

The Darksiders art style just ... I just love it to death. I can't stop taking screenshots long enough to actually just ENJOY playing it. 
Mapjam6 was downloaded from Quaddicted around 160 times in August+September. However, this isn't a clear indicator, since the file linked to in the original release thread is hosted on Quaketastic and should have generated far more downloads in the same time span.

I'm sure Spirit can offer more insight and better examples. 
Did you play the sequel too Warren? That looked even better. Maybe the first half wasn't so Quakey in the forge, that was a bit fantasy islandy, but the later levels once shit got dark, like Samael's fortress, that was wicked. 
~500 for good releases iirc. 
Kona - I primarily played the second one, sorry. BUt it's all basically the same art style.

There's also the new game, Battle Chasers, that was Kickstarted that has a lot of the same team and art style going for it... 
Hunter's Moon 
Sublevel Zero

Sublevel Zero is a a six-degrees-of-freedom shooter with roguelike elements. It is inspired by Descent in several ways.

Check out a gameplay stream with a dev guest from the GOG Twitch channel at

(No direct VOD link yet, since the stream is going on at the time I post this.) 
Sublevel Zero 
already bought it. It's nice, very much like descent.

difficulty spikes pretty steep after the first level. 
Sublevel Zero Stream Archived

It's about two hours of gameplay and chatting with the developer. That's kinda long, but you can just listen to the talk once you've seen how the game looks and plays like.

I linked this here for people who are interested in the indie game development aspect. I don't know if they're going to highlight the recording and keep it for later. If not, it'll be gone after a couple of weeks. 
reminds me a lot of Descent 2 to be honest...

and looks interesting 
The Best 2d Fighter You Will See 
Hunter's Moon Is The True Quake 3 
Vermintide On Sale ~1/3rd Off 
Unsure if to get 
Zwiff... it looks amazing. I'd say get it. It's gonna be a must buy for me. 
Hunter's Moon. 
Taking mediocre modding into whole new dimensions of MEH. 
Only says 10% off on my steam? I'll be on it for sure. 
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