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Other PC Games Thread.
So with the film and music threads still going and being discussed... why don't we get some discussion going on something on topic to the board? What other games are you playing now?
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Now that I looked into it, that ModDB page offers an updated release which I never heard of until now. I was talking about the older release that is dubbed as Episode 1 on the same page. Must check the new one. 
Hunters Moon 
play hunters moon its q3 single player game on gzdoom engine (opengl zdoom) 
Kingdoms Of Amalur: The Reckoning 
So, anyone else play this? I just spent 50 hours on it. I think it must have just got skipped with all the Skyrim jizzing, but between 2005-2012 I think it's as good as any other fantasy RPG release. Up with The Witcher 1+2, Dragon Age 1+2 and Two Worlds. I haven't played Skyrim though - need to wait for a couple weeks holiday for that.

Amalur definitely has the best combat of all those games, finally getting it right for an RPG instead of pausing turn-based rubbish.

It's also long, I think something 120 side missions, and they're not fetch quests, there's only several of those.

In fact there might be too many side quests, as I got to about 40 hours in I just decided I need ignore all sidequests, do the two DLC's, both of which were fantastic, then proceed with the last few main quests. So I probably skipped about 20 hours of sidequests and heaps of unexplored areas. The play area itself is huge, and proper sandbox where you could walk almost right to the end of the game from the beginning, except you'd get slaughtered.

Tonnes of weapons/armour (too much).

Also the levels and set pieces are awesome.

Anyway it's not perfect, the main story is completely forgettable. I didn't even know wtf was going on half the time. It doesn't have the character depth of Dragon Age. Also you'll probably end up just spamming the same few special abilities. I played a sorceror for once instead of tank, which was fun. The game kind of lets you split between play types so I was 50/50 mage/warrior.

Oh the final battle was probably pretty easy, easiest boss in the game.

Bought Enclave 
on Steam. Going home to try it out. 
I bought it too... no idea when I will play it but I doubt I will be getting it cheaper. 
is apparently a game about cooking for a familiar looking dark lord: 
Devil Daggers 
Very quake-like looking indie game in development - 
I Had Nightmares Like That Before 
Monsters/graphics look great, but the big empty infinite void (ie lack of level design) is a big turn off for me. 
Maybe there is something a bit Quakey about the visuals, but gameplay-wise I'm not really seeing it - looks more like a first-person bullet hell or something.

I would love that soundtrack in a Quake level though. 
Yeah it does look like a first person bullet hell. You never know what might happen with the development. Also, I thought I would despise Ziggurat but I put a lot of hours into the game and had a ton of fun. We'll see how it turns out. 
Looks like it'll get super frustrating pretty quickly. 
has more of a doom feel than a quake feel. But i agree, i would like to see that gameplay put into actual levels (even though they would probably need to be very open in style to support the horde style of gameplay. 
about music also. sounds kind of Arca-esque. 
... Hence Overall... 
it sucks. 
I just tried to run my old Escape From Butcher's Bay on Windows 7 64 bits. It crashed after the initial credits screen. Tried to patch it to 1.1, it says "old file not found". I was hoping to mod it using Ogier. This game is very close to what I wanted for a project.


Does your workmates know how to solve it? 
I'm really pushing my memory here but I had the original Butcher Bay on my Vista machine and had to do something special to get it to work. I had a legit copy on disk but I think I ended up getting a no-CD crack executable because of SecoROM compatibility issues.

I later bought the Riddick combo on disk which has both Butcher Bay and Escape from Athena. I put it on a Win 7 X64 machine and it ran. It claimed a graphics update but I thought the older version looked better. 
"graphics Update" = Most Of The Levels Being Rebuilt 
Yes, my copy is an original 5 CD from ~2005, that's why it doesn't work. Nobody seem to be selling it anymore. The Athena game is US$14 and dollar is too expensive right now for me. 
Devil's Daggers. 
I had turds like that before. Literally, it looks like diarrhoea, set in the void. 
You must be descended from Shakespeare. 
Hunters Moon 
Just out of curiosity, whats the gain in building mods for games that no one on the planet has installed anymore? It's just a lot of work for no one to play. 
Wasn't gonna say anything myself, but I thought it looked terrible. Minimalist is something, but completely empty void is just lazy. 
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