#8479 posted by anonymous user on 2015/08/26 21:42:04
mad max game looks like poop next to the last movie... weak ass explosions and melee combat with people standing around and watching waiting for their turn.
graphics are too boring and ugly. mad max doesn't look like bane and doesn't look like mel.
#8481 posted by scar3crow on 2015/08/29 07:07:40
And now it's a fully public beta. I like the gibs, and the pump shotgun.

Tale Of Tales
#8482 posted by
adib on 2015/09/04 19:16:49
Today I knew Micha�l and Auriea, the devs of The Path, a hipnotic and strange game I enjoyed few years ago,
Only now I knew their last game, Sunset. I want it.
#8483 posted by
[Kona] on 2015/09/07 00:50:50
Viking: Battle for Asgard 5/10.
Fucking shit, I ragequit. Even with godmode and 1-hit kills on, I couldn't even hit anything or move because so many enemies were on screen hitting me at once interrupting my swings. I can't even block because it just goes into a constant blocking sequence. Eventually they'd all just whack me off a cliff. Infinitely spawning, of course. Complete utter shit. Nice idea and open areas for 2008 though.
Transformers: Fall of Cybertron 8/10.
High Moon certainly know how to make a good Transformers game. Their 2010 one was surprising great, their 2012 game is just as good. It's not a surprise they were brought in to help with COD and Destiny, they pull off some awesome set pieces and action sequences, and do sci-fi visual detail like not many other developers can.
Chapter 3 where you're controlling the skyscraper sized Metroplex is one of those holy shit moments in gaming.
Only problems are it's linearity, lack of keyboard reconfig and the story is all over the place as they try to get in as many playable characters as they can. Being a movie franchise game that usually has pretty shit titles probably didn't help the marketing.

#8485 posted by
killpixel on 2015/09/11 18:50:33
didn't realize this was coming out in Sept.
I hope the player character vo that was in the first trailer was simply for the trailer and wont be present in the game :/
I'm really looking forward to

has a bit of a Zerst�rer vibe ?

#8487 posted by
Shambler on 2015/09/12 11:14:24
No not really. Bioshock meets Dead Space meets all that Amnesia stuff.
I like the style of it.

And On A Completely Different Tip...
#8488 posted by
Shambler on 2015/09/12 11:15:03
Giants 2 anyone??
Presumably the pre-2000 graphics and detailing will be fixed. Giants was pretty damn fun, maybe this could work....
#8489 posted by
Lunaran on 2015/09/14 02:44:34
With the exception of quake map jams and the game I contracted on earlier this year, I have yet to purchase or play any game at all in 2015.
But I'm kind of intrigued by Dropsy.
#8490 posted by
Rick on 2015/09/14 04:46:22
2015 wasn't a good year for games, at least for me. I think the only games I bought that cost over $5 were Wolfenstein and Shadowrun Hong Kong, both of which I enjoyed.
I did buy a handful of older games from GOG that I'd been wanting to try, but couldn't really get interested in most of them. None were more than $3, so no problem.
I sure hope Fallout 4 saves the year for me.

Games Games.
#8491 posted by
Shambler on 2015/09/14 10:34:58
I've got loads of stuff downloaded or started, dunno if they are 2014 or 2015 tho.

2015 Has Owned For Games
#8492 posted by
- on 2015/09/14 13:25:14
#8493 posted by
- on 2015/09/14 13:30:51
(that's saying nothing of the tons of crazy amazing tiny/smaller games on
itch.io or that have been made in game jams this year.)

What Scampie Said.
#8494 posted by
bal on 2015/09/14 14:17:17
And as far as big AAA games, I haven't played many this year, but the Witcher 3 was awesome.
#8495 posted by
Lunaran on 2015/09/14 21:07:08
Sure, all of the above, but I was commenting more on my slow disconnection from gaming, not on what 2015 has been like.

#8496 posted by
bal on 2015/09/15 08:14:44
Well I was commenting more on Rick's "2015 wasn't a good year for games".
#8498 posted by scar3crow on 2015/09/15 16:46:24
Because nothing comes out in the last quarter of the year.
I've been enjoying Blizzard's continued series of Diablo 3 patches, which I call "Oh God, Oh God, We're Sorry, You Were Right, We Were Wrong, Forget About Jay Wilson, He Can't Hurt You Anymore". Still nowhere near the original Diablo, but it's a lot more fun of a slashy action game than before.
#8499 posted by
Lunaran on 2015/09/15 16:52:34
yeas i know so was i
fuck it whatever just talk about games
#8501 posted by scar3crow on 2015/09/15 17:13:32
That makes us all players.

Star Wars Battlefront
#8503 posted by
Barnak on 2015/09/15 18:59:38
What you guys think of that new Star Wars game that will be out in mid-november 2015 ?
A few awesome previews :
A player testing the alpha version on Hoth, in Multiplayer mode :
A player testing the alpha version on Tatoo�ne, in SP mode :
Both first and third person views are available.
From these previews, it's looking pretty awesome, and there are several common points with Quake3 in multiplayer mode.