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Offset still looks cool, June video is definitely something to gawk at. Looks better than most hyped shooters nowadays (like any of the new 'Quake' titles.) 
Quake4 Weapons 
these must be the shittiest weapon models ive ever seen. 
and the railgun has a fucking scope wtf. raven so definately gonna bork this :/ 
You could zoom with every weapon in quake3. 
Sin Episodes 
is it only me that thinks that this might kick ass?

Everyone else seems to be really meh about it or go on a rant about steam the moment Sin is mentioned.

On another note, anyone seen the latest Prey trailer? I really liked the stuff that was released at E3, but I can't d/l the latest trailer. 
I'm interested in Sin primarily because of their distribution method - I don't know much about the game yet (not terribly excited because I didn't like the original game too much, I suppose).

I think being able to purchase/download it online is a great though (as with HL2) and I think we should be supporting this method of distribution.

Sure, STEAM has its problems, but I would definitely love to see more games distributed this way - if you can cut the publisher out of the equation, the developer makes more money and/or can bring the game to us at a lower price point. 
SM69 was developed like that for a while; I would make stuff and then metlslime would make it look good. Currently I'm the only one working on it, though. 
Quake-mapper Hosting 
I've decided when I upgrade my hosting in the near future, I will have more than enough space - and would like to host Quake mappers, providing them with a subdomain as well -- (preferably Q1/Q2/Q3 maps only, as newer game maps, as they add up - can get large and before you know it I'm squeezing my disk quota).

So naturally I'd like to get a domain with the word "quake" in it, but as I am tired at the moment I can't think of anything - but of course, it should be short. So if you have any ideas, awesome. 
All the p1mping, all the previews, all the mapping angst, but with 100% less product than other leading Quake sites (note: may contain artificial sweeteners). 
Freestyle Appeal. 
VB, at the last count there were 15,021 Quake maps out there - have you checked all of them for suitability for trick-jumping?? If not, do so. 
Sin Episodes. 
I'm not interested in Sin primarily because of their distribution method - I don't know much about the game yet but given the original had no appeal I can't imagine this will either. Saw a few screenshots and they were shit.

Anyway, I think focusing on purchasing/downloading it online is gash though (as with HL2) and I hope this method of distribution is a fast-dying gimmick.

Sure, STEAM has its problems, and that is why I'd prefer to keep buying games on reliable physical media for the foreseeable future. 
Quake 4 MP Shakycam Video. 
Looks like a fast (good) version of Q3a (utter shit), where at least you can see the other players (unlike Q3a - good), but there still seems to be gash-all damage feedback (like Q3a - bad).

So I don't really fucking know. Definitely too much like Q3a tho...

Weapon models look okay, the machine gun thing is a bit gey, rest are fine. 
Sin Shots 
I'm slightly bewildered by all these people saying "omfg! sin looks so crap!" and then looking at some shit like FEAR and saying "OMFG! LOOK HOW AMAZING THAT LOOKS! IT HAS TEH BULLET TIME SLO MOTION AND SHADOWS THAT MOVE AND FIST FIGHTING!! AMAZING!" when actually the only thing that looks cool is all the debris that flies all over the place in firefights.

I think the shots of sin look far better than most of the fps games that are being touted as the next great thing, with the only exceptions being STALKER, HL2 Lost Coast and Alan Wake (not an FPS, but I put it in the same category because I can't possibly lump it with the shit that clogs up the 3rd person action genre.) There is at least some original looking design and character to the art displayed in the shots. The same can't really be said for what I've seen for many of the other big name FPS games. 
Shambler: There is the odd map or two that is suitable enough for freestyle (hint: not the plain old trickjumping you are likely thinking of) but none really made specifically for it, which is really needed for it to reach its potential. 
Hmmm I would be surprised if you hadn't missed quite a few maps. Even off the top of my head I can think of some large scale SP maps, coagula style maps, and speedmaps that could work well for "freestyle" ( - ummm, so that will be trickjumping, then).

Than you are deluded I saw the shots of sin when there were posted, the looked like Daikatana Ep4 but with brighter colours.

As for FEAR, blah, it's irrelevant now. 
You Can Thank The Publisher's 
method of distribution for the death of several independant developers who concentrated on PC titles, like Looking Glass and Ion Storm, as 1) compromises in the game play forced on the product by the publihisher drove away hard core gamers in the case of Invisible War, 2) cost overhead of keeping large publishing houses in the black make the break even mark too steep for the independant's to obtain in a narrow market setting; so you get both lackluster game play and less risk taking with the developers trying to appeal to a generalized, console oriented market.

So, I'm hoping the Sin/Steam distribution suceeds, as the viability of PC gaming (outside of the multiplayer market) may actually depend on it. 
They Need To Allow The User To Burn A Copy Of It To Disc. 
That would probably aleviate some concerns of the consumer. 
Burning To Disk With Steam 
Steam does offer you the ability to burn a copy to disk You can either just copy the steam data files youself or use the backup utility within steam. Of course, this copy still requires steam, but I think that's unlikely to change... 
Sin Episodes And Steam 
I am looking forward to this, a lot. Sin was a great game stuffed full of neat ideas and I'm hoping this will be more of the same. I think Sin got quite a bit of bad press because it came out at the same time as HL, and I get the impression that Activision compelled Ritual to let it ship it in a blatantly incomplete state, just so that they could beat HL onto the shelves by a week or so. I replayed Sin a lot more times than HL, simply because it was far less linear, with more opportunity for mucking about: It was fun and didn't take itself too seriously. Actually I reinstalled it once the Sin Episodes news hit and discovered that apart from that awful vertex crawling effect you get on md2 animations, it has aged fairly well, it's still a fun game.

Admittedly it's daft being so excited about a game when all we've seen is a handful of screens (incidentally, several of the same shots were printed in PC Gamer UK from a higher-res source where they looked a hell of a lot better than the online versions), but stuff said about the gameplay in PCG and other interviews is really encouraging.

Also, I have no problem with Steam. It seems to do its job well. As a copy protection method I find it infinitely preferable to bullshit CD/DVD-based systems like securom, which caused me problems with lots of games released last year.

All this Ritual talk reminds me, does anyone know if it's possible to get FAKK2 running under Windows XP? 
Kwake For Emm Pee Demo Leek 
phrom kwakekon

iz owt dare two dl

luk four it,

cloo - yous yor bits anned mayk it torrential

iz oarsum

freekin oarsum 
I'm drunk, so post #666 (YES 666, that's correct) really took me by storm. 
As I said already, there is a few random maps with a few random tricks. But none designed specifically for it for doing runs, linked tricks etc.

Hence me mentioning it here.

Of course it is trickjumping, but not the boring kind we've seen up 'til now in Q1 (hint: watch a video like The Cure for Gravity or Trebuchet).

The need is there, futile to debate it, sorry mate. 
I Ha Fakk2 Running 
in xp (SP 1 though).

What's the problem you're getting shallow ? 
Fakk2 Support Ticket 
I am running XP Pro with service pack 2.

A little error dialogue pops up which unhelpfully says "Undocumented: Failed, code 1" just after the splash screen. It does the same thing if I try NT compatibility mode. In 95 and 98 compatibility modes I get a generic XP 'serious error blahblah' message before the splash screen comes up.

This is running v1.00 by the way. I'm unable to apply the patches since they seem to think Fakk2 isn't even installed, I'm thinking that either Take 2 messed around with the installer for the budget release in some way, or perhaps their is an international version of the patch which neither Ritual nor Take 2 have on their sites.

Did you have any trouble getting it going nitin, or did it just work for you? 
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