Well, Pass On The Kudos
#8454 posted by
ijed on 2015/08/02 04:13:51
It's very nicely made, not my usual type of game but I'm quite liking it.
Looks like I saw the news late but still managed to d/l within the window of opportunity.
#8455 posted by anonymous user on 2015/08/02 09:31:08
problem with painkiller remake was less enemies and completely fucked hitboxes, making it a piece of shit.
I didn't care much about the missing levels

#8456 posted by
skacky on 2015/08/08 04:54:20
Do you like Point and Click adventure games? Do you like gritty sci-fi? Do you like really creepy gritty sci-fi? Do you like stunning isometric visuals? Do you like Mark Morgan? If yes, then you'll love STASIS. I have completed the backer beta (took me 6 good hours) and I can't wait until the final game hits release at the end of the month.
#8457 posted by
Spirit on 2015/08/10 14:25:26
http://tevisthompson.com/saving-zelda/ is worth reading. About the lost spirit of the.original zelda game.

#8458 posted by
Kinn on 2015/08/10 14:37:17
It's a long old read, so here's the tl:dr version:
"I liked thing as child. New thing isn't same as my nostalgic childhood memory of original thing, therefore it sucks".
You're welcome.

#8461 posted by
Shambler on 2015/08/11 22:58:22
Dunno if point and click isometric adventures are my thing but that looks like it could convince me - very strong gritty style in the shots.

It's Great. I Even Backed It.

Kingdom Come Deliverance
is on my must-buy list...

Kingdom Cum More Like.
#8467 posted by
Shambler on 2015/08/14 12:04:10
Very interesting stuff. Good on them. Also, lighting looks really good and the armour looks incredible.
#8468 posted by
[Kona] on 2015/08/14 12:44:28
not sure spending 1000s of hours on sword movement was the best choice of time given that the visuals of the game look decent, but certainly not the best of upcoming games. cryengine should be pretty capable.
I won't say no to a new IP rpg though :D
#8469 posted by
Rick on 2015/08/14 16:39:52
I'm not all that into swords or melee type combat. I hope that's not all it has.

The Process
#8470 posted by
ijed on 2015/08/14 17:31:14
Looks more interesting than the gameplay... I get the impression they get stuck on realism, which should be a source of inspiration but not a limitation.
Not saying knights should be able to fly or leap tall buildings in a single bound, but the combat itself seems to be very static. The fighters just come together to whack each other after which they break apart.
Compare the game's combat dynamism to this scene:
Granted, it's the opposite extreme - everyone makes sure to hit each other's sword as much as possible and the SFX guy is having a field day, but they're also moving around a hell of a lot more.
It'd be cool to see them go a bit more gamey.
And see some gore...

My Thoughts On DX:HR
#8471 posted by
[Kona] on 2015/08/19 03:00:48
Just got finished DX:HR. Not as good as I was expecting actually. Maybe I'm spoiled having just played Rage. Well actually I did play Alan Wake in between but didn't enjoy that much (6.5/10). But coming in to Deus Ex, the 4th highest rated game of 2011 after Skyrim (duh), Portal 2 (very, very overrated, I couldn't even be arsed to finish it) and Arkham City, I was kind of expecting it to look a little better than it did. Extreme post processing, making everything blurry and glowing to hide a lack of detail. Cramped alleyways, dull grey corridors, there were only a few moments of visual awe, mainly from skyboxes. Most of the skyboxes were bad, like you could see jpg compression all over them. Only the last mission had some sense of scale to it, the rest was just small cramped areas. Enough of Detroit already!!!
It was far from a sci-fi Assassin's Creed in visual standards, to be honest. Considering the game has a fairly small area (and loads between areas?!) it should have looked even better than AC or Arkham City.
The combat was okay, once I unlocked the cloaking I enjoyed it more. Cloaking and double-melee takedowns were certainly the way to play. The guns were pretty useless, apart from the shotgun I never seemed to have ammo for anything anyway. I think I really only used the handgun for headshots and the shotgun for closeup, I took a tonne of ammo for my upgraded heavy rifle in for the boss battle, and all I got was 3 robots to take out? People go on about no boss battle in Rage, but at least what it did have was a challenge, the DX finale was not challenging at all. In fact the entire last mission of DX was piss easy, where's all the shit to shoot? By far, for me, the police station at the start was the hardest part because I fucked it up and had them all on alert. Oh and taking out the bartender then having an entire club of assholes trying to rape me in the toilets as I crouch in the corner with a shotgun.
The story was decent, the stealth was kind of fun, and I don't normally like stealth much. But the cloak made it fun. I didn't like sometimes how you could kill 1 dude away from the others and suddenly the entire base is on alert. The hacking got annoying pretty quick, I eventually just found a wiki full of all the codes so I didn't have to do that anymore.
It did rpg upgrades pretty well, but by the end all of what I needed I had, so I had about a dozen praxis kits with nothing to really use them on. Needed more upgrade options.
8/10? Almost 8.5/10, but not quite. I think if this game was named something other than Deus Ex, it wouldn't be as well received as it was. It's one of those games that if you like it, you're in the elite pc gamer club (COD being the opposite).
Just my thoughts on it :D

#8472 posted by
[Kona] on 2015/08/24 05:31:56
Made sense to play this after DXHR, since they're very similar styles. Syndicate clearly had better graphics and visuals, kind of wish DXHR was more on this level. Also the actual combat was more intense, more of a classic shooter.
Those breaching things could have been good but it really just felt tacked on and a bit half assed. It was easier just to run up and melee kill the enemies than wank around with breaching. Quite big battles at times where they stick you in a room and the enemies just keep on coming without much time for recovery. It can be relentless. Though I said fuck it to the final boss and didn't bother completing that.
Where it went wrong was firstly being named Syndicate, since none of the fans wanted a generic console shooter. There was no story. It was very linear. The bloom and lighting. That bloom was so bad it was offensive, whoever thought it was a good idea to drown a game in so much lighting bloom should be fired. It almost ruins the game. There were times I couldn't even see the enemies because there was too much shit shining in my face. Worst lighting ever.
But excusing that it looked nice, some of the levels I really liked, particularly the industrial part. Overall it felt kind of old skoolish with it's gameplay.
#8473 posted by
[Kona] on 2015/08/24 05:35:10
Oh I played Of Orcs and Men as well. 7/10. Nice visuals, good story and characters, as an rpg it was a bit basic and faaaar too linear and clipped. Combat also got tiring very quick. The first 1/5 of the game was easily the most difficult, with it getting easier as you level up.
Not as good as the developers last release Game of Thrones.
#8474 posted by
[Kona] on 2015/08/24 05:35:10
Oh I played Of Orcs and Men as well. 7/10. Nice visuals, good story and characters, as an rpg it was a bit basic and faaaar too linear and clipped. Combat also got tiring very quick. The first 1/5 of the game was easily the most difficult, with it getting easier as you level up.
Not as good as the developers last release Game of Thrones.
#8476 posted by
Rick on 2015/08/25 04:35:38
Mad Max
32 GB disk space required !!!
This is getting out of hand.
Fortunately, being based on a movie almost guarantees there will be no need to buy it :)
#8477 posted by scar3crow on 2015/08/26 15:28:07
For those who are interested, the Black Ops 3 PC beta is going on right now. Apparently if you already owned #2 you got in. I discovered it in my Steam account this morning, started the 13gb DL.

Oh Cool
#8478 posted by
Zwiffle on 2015/08/26 17:08:38
Thx Scarecrow I didn't know about that! Pretty sure I own Blops2, I'll look for it when I get home.