For Skacky Etc.
#8432 posted by Shambler on 2015/07/12 23:27:52
just started playing this (on PS4, free game this month)... actually having quite a bit of fun with it. The level design is excellent.
#8434 posted by distrans on 2015/07/13 08:18:44
Indeed, looks rather good. TRON vibe without being anything like TRON? Pity they couldn't get the blinking cursor to sync with the kick drum though :)
#8435 posted by skacky on 2015/07/13 13:53:45
Yeah I backed this. Already have the alpha but haven't played a lot yet.
#8436 posted by Breezeep_ on 2015/07/16 01:24:10
Is dirty bomb worth playing?
#8437 posted by DaZ on 2015/07/16 01:34:25
#8438 posted by quakis on 2015/07/16 04:00:55
Don't spend you first easy earnings of 20/30k credits on loadout cards or trading-up. Just don't. That huge boost soon ends. Save up for a merc or two instead. Equipment cases are dropped/earned frequently enough. Also worth noting is that any loadouts beyond Bronze are just cosmetic afaik - so don't panic too much if you see silver/gold/cobalt loadouts on other players.
Only put in 35+ hours myself so far. Mostly main Fragger and Aura. Saving up for Bushwhacker atm.
#8439 posted by [Kona] on 2015/07/16 13:47:45
Does it have a solo campaign? Doesn't look like it.
#8440 posted by [Kona] on 2015/07/16 14:00:03
Painkiller: Hell & Damnation - 6.0
Just a remake of the original game, hardly any different just better graphics, obviously. Some levels removed, some of which were shit, some not so much. A tonne of DLC levels but most were just bad. Average game, I think my memories of the original PK are a little rose tinted, by todays standards it's pretty average.
Sniper Elite V2 - 6.0
Nowhere near as good as Sniper: Ghost Warrior 2 despite much better critic reviews. Just an okay game, not triple A, hardly a sniper game as well. A sniper game shouldn't involve being a bullet sponge and countless enemies in every direction.
Dear Esther - 6.0
About an hour of walking forwards listening to gibberish, but in some beautifully atmospheric and detailed levels. If only all games had this amount of detail. Reminds me a lot of New Zealand actually. Alas, it can hardly be considered a game, and there's plenty of mods that have had far more work put into them without commercialising it.
#8441 posted by [Kona] on 2015/07/17 13:50:46
Any of you play Binary Domain? I just got finished it. Pathetically crap start with shitty swimming and cliches, but the game gets better as it goes. It surprises me the amount of developers that don't understand you should start with a bang, if the worst parts of the game are the start, how do you expect players to continue? It's why artists jam all the singles into the first half of the album, or why movies always open with a big action or sex scene.
Although it also gets easier as it goes, so with the absolute plethora of bosses, the first one or two are probably the most difficult and the last one easiest. Also graphics are average.
But great sci-fi robot future story, heaps (too many) custscenes, and once the guns get some upgrades it's very fun.
#8442 posted by quakis on 2015/07/18 02:03:21
So... most times when I play a multiplayer FPS game these days, Dirty Bomb included, this is how I often feel... :(
 Wolfie Oldie Bloodie
#8443 posted by Mike Woodham on 2015/07/19 15:03:04
I finished this.
Overall, I really liked it. The layout, the battles, the details were all great. But I felt a little let down by the ending. I hadn't realised that I was at the final boss-fight and simply sat in a doorway and blasted him with everything. He could not reach me and I not recall taking any damage throughout the whole scene.
Even at the beginning of the end cut-scene I had still not realised that it was over - they were talking about a 'bigger' monster so I thought that there was another boss to come. And then they rolled the credits.
Best design bits for me were the caves and tunnels. I also appreciated the detail in the workshops and kitchens. This was plain old 'kill everything' and don't think too much about strategy; nice.
I might try another - is The New Order similar do you know?
#8444 posted by JneeraZ on 2015/07/19 15:41:33
Yeah, New Order and Old Blood play exactly the same.
#8445 posted by Mike Woodham on 2015/07/19 23:16:13
Just being picky, but if I am in a scene and I can see that I can jump down to somewhere or jump up to somewhere, I find it quite annoying that the mapper has clipped that area to stop me doing so. That even applied to getting behind some buildings where there was clearly enough space but I was clipped out.
If you don't want to me to go there don't make it 'look' as though I can. Other than that I can't fault the design of the sets.
#8446 posted by Shambler on 2015/07/20 10:47:09
Clipped bollox is bollox.
#8447 posted by Mike Woodham on 2015/07/21 17:51:25
Thanks Shambler, I knew there must have been a more technical word for it.
#8448 posted by [Kona] on 2015/07/27 11:00:50
Saints Row: The Third - 8/10. I was really not looking forward to playing this, the first game was enough of a chore to get through. But SR3 is much better in most areas. Most notably it doesn't look like shit, you don't have to play through hours of retarded minigames, it's not far too long. It really does the overdone action game so well, the main character (for me a women in both games because I always play the chick if I have the choice) is the biggest badass female game character I can think of.
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Future Soldier - 7/10
It's just battlefield but a bit more of a slow pace. More stealth, more sniping. And less fantastic visuals because a few of the levels look pretty average. The engine itself looks good though, but goddamn the thing has some issues. I've had to quit about 4 times just to recover memory because the framerate became unplayable. But overall fairly fun realistic fps in the usual modern war settings.
#8449 posted by Spirit on 2015/07/29 13:03:01
Don't upgrade to Windows 10, honey.
Solitaire, Minesweeper, and Hearts Games that come pre-installed on Windows 7 will be removed as part of installing the Windows 10 upgrade.
 Ziggurat Update #12
#8450 posted by Primal (nli) on 2015/07/30 13:02:08
An update for Ziggurat is out with new characters, perks, enemies and other things.
Ziggurat is fun to play... The mechanics are there for a decent authored game too. It would be super sweet if there was an editor. :)
 Race The Sun
#8452 posted by ijed on 2015/07/31 18:52:24
Very nice free game:
Simple game but nicely made unlocking upgrades as you go, chasing the sunset.
Normally don't like infinite runner games, but this has a lot of charm.
 Race The Sun
#8453 posted by - on 2015/08/01 01:23:52
It was only free for yesterday! They were celebrating the iOS release by making the Steam version free for a day.
It was made by a friend of mine who I worked with at Raven. They have a world editor in the game! I made one with pink bunnies early in the game's life
 Well, Pass On The Kudos
#8454 posted by ijed on 2015/08/02 04:13:51
It's very nicely made, not my usual type of game but I'm quite liking it.
Looks like I saw the news late but still managed to d/l within the window of opportunity.
#8455 posted by anonymous user on 2015/08/02 09:31:08
problem with painkiller remake was less enemies and completely fucked hitboxes, making it a piece of shit.
I didn't care much about the missing levels
#8456 posted by skacky on 2015/08/08 04:54:20
Do you like Point and Click adventure games? Do you like gritty sci-fi? Do you like really creepy gritty sci-fi? Do you like stunning isometric visuals? Do you like Mark Morgan? If yes, then you'll love STASIS. I have completed the backer beta (took me 6 good hours) and I can't wait until the final game hits release at the end of the month.