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Other PC Games Thread.
So with the film and music threads still going and being discussed... why don't we get some discussion going on something on topic to the board? What other games are you playing now?
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Hype With Added Hype And... 
...stfu CZG. 
Check Out This Cool Catbird 
Looks spot-on, demo expediency aside (double turns, low HPs etc etc). Yeah. I like the new enemy stuff, I like the awareness zone, I like the reinforcement drops, I like the melee inclusion (the exposure vs effectiveness of Kinetic Punch was always an interesting balance). 
Cool. I was wondering what happened to that fucking game. 
#8383 Again 
Looks just like the trailer I watched of it in 2007.

I like how since they started working on that game, the entire Playstation 3 development cycle came and went. 
Glad Its Finally Coming Out (like Czg) 
but it's aging a lot. Back in 2007 it looked cutting edge. 
DX Gameplay Thingy...

Graphics look amazing, apart from the stupid black haze/bars around characters n stuff.

Style looks amazing, apart from the environments being a bit too busy and over-detailed.

Gameplay looks good, apart from distracting 3rd person cover mode and ammo counter right by reticle. 
"You will notice we support multiple ammunition types in Deus Ex Mankind Divided"


And Denton the macho willyhead hasn't gotten a shave or a proper haircut since.
Still some kinda wanna be italian tough-guy/emo crossover aberration...

I know they paid consultants a few 1000's $ to come up with a character that speaks to their lowest common demonitor fucktard consoel audience and it puts me right the fuck off the Deus Ex sequels 
I can't imagine any gamer in existence finds him and remotely interesting or engaging character, you're absolutely right he would reek of "designed by committee" if someone so bland and wooden would be capable of something as stimulating as reeking. I bet even the creators cringe at how utterly dull and pointless he is. DX:HR was pretty damn good despite him, given it's mostly 1st person, although with all the relentless cut-scene/conversation-cam bullshit they have to throw into the games these days, you do have to see the fucking turnip occasionally. 
"I know they paid consultants a few 1000's $..."
Haha no, this doesn't happen.
It's more like lots of iteration and diverging opinions, you're reading too much into it.

(But yeah I agree, he's super bland and uninteresting, fortunately the rest of the game is good!) 
Graphics look amazing, apart from the stupid black haze/bars around characters n stuff.

Yeah, the black haze is probably because they've applied SSAO with a trowel, and it often looks stupid. 
My god they can keep those opinions Bal...
I've even looked for a mod to reskin the little shit. To no avail. Denton/Jensen who cares 
I figured since season 5 of the GOT is done, I better go and play the game that was released in 2012. It's an okay RPG, 6.5/10.

Story is really good, even if the bad guy is pretty obvious from the early going. But at least it's no "save the entire world from a demon lord" bullshit that most fantasy RPG's recycle.

Probably about 20 hours long and I didn't tire of playing it at all. But apart from story, it's mostly average everywhere else, which isn't necessarily a bad thing. The only real negative is the shitty visuals. The graphics are crap for 2012, level design is outdated. It's certainly no Assassin's Creed in having a "real" feeling city.

But the upgrades and abilities were all good enough. Overall just nice to see a bit of history prior to the tv series.

Has anyone played Telltale Games GOT series? I'll get that next year, though I'd much rather have an action RPG over an adventure game. 
Shadow Warrior 2

Thoughts? Setting doesn't appeal much and unnatural double-jumping looks silly, but apart from that looks pretty fun? 
So The New Silent Protagonist 
Is the Gobshite Protagonist? 
Always been a fan of those Ninja-like FPS games.
Nice so far :) 
SW remake was really fun to play comparing to modern shooters. I think SW2 can be almost the same game as SW1 was, tho it had a really great melee combat system. I think we'll see it soon.

I hope it can evolve. 
that looks like what everyone wants doom4 to look like, in terms of gameplay 
guy has an arrow sticking out of his leg.

"are you hurt"

Assassin's Creed: Revelations - 6.0/10

Same bullshit as the previous 3 games. Fuck, I can't believe there's another 5 of these I've got to play just to catch up. Talk about oversaturated with gameplay that has well and truly gotten old by the time the third game was over.

The only reason to keep playing is seeing how the main story arc goes and the visuals. But even this time the visuals lacked any set pieces and was usually just a maze of streets and buildings where you've got no idea where you are apart from following the waypoint.

I guess the only reason people still buy these games and it hasn't bcome the joke that COD is, is because there aren't masses of imitators and Ubisoft buys all it's positive reviews.

Also tried to play Painkiller: Recurring Evil, but quit after the second level because it's utter garbage made by people who don't have an announce of creativity in them. Currently download the proper sequel/remake though, so that might be better. Of course Steam says it needs a small update of only 10gb, that'll finish my monthly bandwidth off. 
Just skip to Black Flag. It's the pinnacle of the series. 
Dishonored 2... 
lame... main character is a woman..... 
You Can Play As Corvo As Well. :-) 
You are a dickface! 
Emily's Powers Sound More Interesting Than Corvo's 
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