It's Not A Terrible Idea
#76 posted by
. on 2005/06/19 13:33:37
Many other sites do it.
Anyway, I'll give 0.80 a try. Oh by the way, since there is a lack of model interpolation in FQ, the hanging bodies looked kinda odd as they "rotated".
#77 posted by
bambuz on 2005/06/20 13:55:32
since net was broken last night I actually got round to finishing the chapters. (And checked a bit of those old maps I played earlier.)
I played Vondur's map first back then weeks ago and I like it the best from all the chapters. A bit tight ammo, some annoying jumps and at least one wank-the corner drole and a similar vore. What's the use to put such (or any) monsters in a box / lower pit / where you just have to patiently ssg shoot-hide-shoot-hide them. Boring. The boss didn't do me one point of damage - I was too well shielded.
Kell's golden whatever was nice, kinda an intermediate style map. Some tough fights but manageable. It felt kinda comfortable.
Zwiffle's map was in my opinion a bit too modest and 2-d. I ended up running past enemies in the end since I had no ammo.
Ionous' map was the toughest - I had to put the droles and vores infighting many times by running and attracting the vore balls and making them hit the drole. Lots of save-loads and retries. Some wank-the-corner vores on the high platform. A bit boxyish and uglyish.
Necros' map was almost unplayable because of bad fps - it was just too open for the quake engine and the hordes were a bit too big. At least give some ammo! And the places where you could drop to but not get out were bad. Map felt a bit unconsidered, although it had it's pretty places and atmosphere (the droles majestically descending the huge stairs). Ran past enemies in the end here too.
Eric's map was an odd experience. Almost no monsters in the early part - that would have made a difference. And maybe a bit more guides to the player - now I was wandering back and forth a lot. The latter part of the map was awesome. Talk about a library. :)
Was the cemetary supposed to float in void? At least there was no ground brush there for me and the stones were in mid-air. And what was the thing with that book? More back story please.
Kell's lucifer platformvoidmap was ok'ish I guess. Good-looking at least. A bit similar walkways and no clear idea what to do and where to go to - spent a lot of time just wandering. No idea what the keys and buttons did.
End - I was curious what happened when I pushed all the buttons (was waiting long)... I thought there was some gimmick there, until I realized what it did. The boss model and animation and the attack idea was extremely nice - but the gameplay mechanic could have been more interesting.
Btw now I tried to jump to the teleport before the kill but it just didn't work, just fell to death what didn't make any sense. You should have made it so it's not possible to jump in.
Whole pack:
Death knights and SG/SSG with reasonable retreat space make very boring combat where you never take any damage, but still take long to kill them because they have so much hitpoints. Actually death knights are quite boring in most situations.
The new enemies were refreshing - the polyp was a bit annoying when it was invisible, but I guess I could bear it. The drole was a bit too strong overall. If his running dash were shorter, it could be a more bearable enemy. The voreling was funny. The hammer was definitely a good idea. The powerups were allright. Not very often used though.
Overall: good effort, this is a pretty big thing.
Make for the next project a more linear progression for better feel and inject some story! And don't be afraid to give other weapons than ssg. ffs!
Very Worthy Map Pack
#78 posted by Dr. Shadowborg on 2005/06/21 15:06:31
Just wondering though, is Kell gonna release the Source code for those monsters? ;)
#79 posted by
PuLSaR on 2005/06/29 10:07:10
Finally got back home, downloaded and played it.
A very good pack of good maps and great theme.
Thanks Kell & Necros and everyone contributed to this project.
As for me, I enjoyed Kell's void map and Vondur's one most of all. Mosters were good (though Polyp was annoying) and those little baddies (don't remember their name) were very fun. Boss wasn't that fun but was good anyway. Models were cool. Flying fires were amazing.
Contract Revoked never ends, keep 'em comin'!
#80 posted by
than on 2005/06/29 11:38:48
I'm currently trying to make a map using the chapters features and can't find the original documentation for mappers working on the pak. I know there is a bit in the contract revoked: the lost chapters thread, but can't find the stuff that was on kell's site (contract_tutorial.html)
Can anyone help?
If You Download
#81 posted by
Zwiffle on 2005/06/29 12:06:37
The original workstuff, there should be a tutorial in there on how things work. >_< I think it's an .html.
#83 posted by
than on 2005/06/29 16:09:37
I had guessed at close, but no bacon :(
I'll probably get some more mapping done tomorrow, then scrap it and give up sometime next week ;)
Great Thanks
#84 posted by Droog_Andrey on 2006/08/28 19:02:06
Eric's map impressed most of all