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Other PC Games Thread.
So with the film and music threads still going and being discussed... why don't we get some discussion going on something on topic to the board? What other games are you playing now?
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A Fallout game where everything isn't the same uniform shade of greeney grey/brown. 
Should be decent.

Want a classic turn-based combat RPG Fallout though. 
A Fallout game where everything isn't the same uniform shade of greeney grey/brown.

I think it's too colorful for Fallout. It's always been a world of despair and decay. Wasteland is not a nice a colorful place. 
I think it's too colorful for Fallout. It's always been a world of despair and decay. Wasteland is not a nice a colorful place.

Dunno, to me it just felt like that annoying "desaturate everything and make it brown" full-screen color-grading that every early xbox 360 game did.

I prefer my post-apocalypse to look like this: 
Want a classic turn-based combat RPG Fallout though. 
The Only Thing I Got From That Trailer 
"Yes, we read /r/breakingbad and /r/bettercallsaul too" 
Just Kidding I Liked It. 
But there's a point where homages become too obvious and on-the-nose/ 
Actually, I think this is more what I want 
i actually was expecting that instead of the other...

wonder if it'll be on sale on GoG for the summer thing. 
A few games I've played recently, metacritic score then my score (out of 10).

Dragon Age II - 82% / 8.5

I Am Alive - 66% / 5.0
Would have been higher, but got too difficult near the end. Cool atmosphere though.

Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City - 48% / 5.5
Kind of similar to above, it got bad reviews but the actual shooting wasn't too bad. But stupid final battle had me rage quitting.

007 Legends - 40% / 6.0
Nowhere near as bad as made out, just a fun shooter. Nothing amazing but it's no 4/10.

Bastion - 87% / 5.5

Sniper: Ghost Warrior 2 - 55% / 7.0
Decent game, main complaint was too linear but so was Bastion and everyone loves that. Does sniping well, and damn this game looks good in the crytek engine.

The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings - 87% / 8.5
Well they fixed the shitty combat from w1, made it look heaps better (better than Dragon Age II as well). Still could be a few improvements... the ending sort of came out of nowhere, and some of the rpg aspects were pretty basic, I must have only used a few swords in the game, hardly any upgrades, didn't do any crafting or potions because I didn't need to, didn't spend about a dozen skill points, didn't put hours into finding the best equipment and matching armor sets because there didn't seem to be much exploration to do. I spent 2 days doing the prologue, chapter 1 and 2, then chapter 3 is over in just a couple hours, suddenly it's the finish and the boss battle is optional!

Also quite linear despite it appearing open, most of the quests and side quests come in the order the game wants them to, with little room for exploration with clipping everywhere. Witcher 1 just felt bigger, with less linearity.

Still a great game though. 
Alsation Sim 4 
Looks really nice graphically.

I tried F3: NV, but it felt a bit clunky, and I got a bit put off by the annoying "desaturate everything and make it brown" full-screen color-grading. This looks better. 
More Importantly... 
Daz etc have been slacking not posting this:

\m/ \m/ 
looks like a pretty good animated movie 
Dark Souls 3... 
Slave Labor 
Shadow Warrior 2013 
Shadow Warrior on sale for 4$ on GoG for a few more hours... 
Steam Refunds 
Yay it works!

Got refunded Stronghold Crusader 2 even though I had purchased it months ago.

The part I am pleased about is the grounds I put forward for requesting refund worked : "cannot co-op the game locally over LAN at home without purchasing another copy, no interest in purchasing an extra copy for this, no interest in playing it solo either"

Shadow Warrior 2013 is probably worth $4. It has its moments. 
More Importantly Than That Doom Bollox...

Dishonoured 2! Looks spot on to me :) 
Just So You Know It's Approved: 
<@Vondur> all doom talks aside, i'd say that dishonored 2 trailer blew my mind alright
<@Vondur> can't wait! 
Dishonored 2 
that trailer looks brilliant. I loved the original too, despite being the least stealthy person in the world. 
Well That's The Beauty... 
That it could work both ways. I think this trailer has got it just right... 
Xcom2 Gameplay Footage 
Don't Care 
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