Demo Update 22nd July 2009
metlslime: I've been thinking, I don't think SDA updates are fit as a separate news post here on func. It's a mapping forum (mostly), not a speedrunning forum, so I'll keep posting in this thread whenever something new happens on SDA, if that's alright with you of course?
e2m6 -
The Dismal Oubliette by
John Romero
- Nightmare 100% in 7:46
- 2 player Nightmare 100% in 6:55
hip1m5 -
Military Complex by
Hipnotic Interactive
- 2 player Easy Run in 0:35
- 2 player Nightmare Run in 0:36
p_se_4 -
Sombre Citadel by
Dario Casali
- Easy 100% in 2:58
- Nightmare 100% in 3:33
2run5 -
2run5 by
John Cook - Modified by
- 3 player Easy Run in 0:23
altus2 -
Altus Mors by
Travis Pease
- 2 player Easy 100% in 0:24
- 2 player Nightmare 100% in 0:30
beach1 -
The Beaches of Hell by
- 3 player Easy 100% in 0:15
bub2 -
Bubbah's Slate by
Tan Sian Yue
- 2 player Easy Run in 0:11
- 2 player Easy 100% in 0:18
- 2 player Nightmare Run in 0:11
- 2 player Nightmare 100% in 0:18
cbfspq2 -
The Temple Of Gaia by
Steve Towle - Modified by
Connor Fitzgerald
- 2 player Easy Run in 0:24
- 2 player Easy 100% in 0:28
cjhsp1 -
The Katagean Redoubt by
Chris 'Simulacrum' Houston
- 2 player Easy Run in 0:39
- 2 player Nightmare Run in 0:40
compugib -
Welcome To Compugib! by
Fred Hite Jr.
- Nightmare Run in 0:30
cult -
Cult by
- 2 player Easy Run in 0:14
- 2 player Nightmare Run in 0:14
dm1m2 -
Stronghold of Battereds by
Alex Andreu
- 2 player Run in 0:35
- 2 player Nightmare Run in 0:55
doom2_01 -
Entryway by
Peter Lomax
- 3 player Easy 100% in 0:14
dragon -
Lair of the Dragon Ogre by
David 'Death Method' Duncan
- Nightmare Run in 0:21
drakopf -
Drakopf by
Steve Rescoe
- 2 player Easy Run in 0:10
- 2 player Nightmare Run in 0:10
e2m1rmx -
That Other Installation by
- 3 player Easy 100% in 1:06
e3m5rmx -
Lose Tunnels by
- Easy Run in 0:53
- Nightmare Run in 1:00
e4m1rmx -
The Sewage Problems... by
Richard 'RickyT23' Trowbridge
- Easy 100% in 2:09
- Nightmare 100% in 2:44
fatal-error -
Fatal Error by
- 2 player Easy Run in 0:07
flyer -
The Hanger by
Phil Hammond
- 3 player Easy Run in 0:09
- 3 player Nightmare Run in 0:09
hayduke1 -
Ephemerality by
Malcolm Sailor
- 2 player Easy 100% in 0:32
ih1m4 -
Castle of the Bad Die by
- 2 player Easy Run in 0:12
- 2 player Nightmare Run in 0:12
jailbrk -
Jailbreak by
- Nightmare Run (cheap way) in 0:03
msacro -
Manslay's Acrobatics by
Dmitry 'Manslay' Dementjev
- Nightmare Run in 0:18
obiwan3 -
Blood Of The Martyrs by
- 2 player Easy Run in 0:24
sgodrun2 -
Tale Of Abbot's Rune by
Rain Rannu
- 2 player Easy Run in 0:26
- 2 player Nightmare Run in 0:26
sm64_zwiffle -
T'were Death Poetry by
- 2 player Easy 100% in 0:26
sm135_ankh -
Different Reality by
Damian 'Ankh' Kulot
- Easy Run in 0:11
All demos in glorious .ZIP format! :-)
Also, I've set up a torrent page for the
Quake done Quick movies: