We've had four demo updates since I posted the last one on Func on April 13th. Here's all four merged into one:
e1m5 -
Gloom Keep by
Tim Willits
- 2 player Easy 100% in 0:29
- 2 player Nightmare 100% in 0:48
e4m3 -
The Elder God Shrine by
Sandy Petersen
- 2 player Easy Run in 0:32
end_pre -
Shub-Niggurath's Pit by
id Software (modified by
Bengt 'AguirRe' Jardrup)
- Nightmare Run in 0:09
d1 -
First Camp by
Artyom 'Digs' Glazkov
- 2 player Easy Run in 0:06
- 2 player Easy 100% in 0:28
- 2 player Nightmare Run in 0:06
d4 -
Dark Tower by
Artyom 'Digs' Glazkov
- 2 player Easy Run in 0:17
d6 -
Path To Light by
Artyom 'Digs' Glazkov
- 2 player Easy Run in 0:29
dmc1m5 -
Domination by
Alex 'Pingu' Moore (modified by
Connor Fitzgerald)
- 2 player Easy 100% in 0:28
jzblue_1 -
The Castle by
Jason Zukowski
- 2 player Easy Run in 0:08
- 2 player Nightmare Run in 0:09
jzblue_2 -
The Chamber by
Jason Zukowski
- 2 player Easy Run in 0:07
terra3 -
Shotgun Experiment 1 by
Christian 'czg' Grawert
- 2 player Easy Run in 0:06
- 2 player Nightmare Run in 0:06
2run5 -
2run5 by
by John Cook (modified by
- Easy 100% in 0:51
- 2 player Easy 100% in 0:35
- 2 player Nightmare Run in 0:36
aow -
Around the World by
Rutger 'Azuki' Baks
- Easy 100% in 0:40
- Nightmare Run in 0:13
- 2 player Easy Run in 0:18
- 2 player Easy 100% in 0:25
- 2 player Nightmare Run in 0:10
- 2 player Nightmare 100% in 0:26
ballshft -
A Few Balls 'n' a Couple of Shafts by
Marc Reilly
- 2 player Easy Run in 0:11
- 2 player Nightmare Run in 0:11
beach1 -
The Beaches of Hell by
- 2 player Easy Run in 0:07
- 2 player Easy 100% in 0:18
- 2 player Nightmare Run in 0:07
climb -
Climb by G.Ancheta by
Glenn Ancheta
- 2 player Easy Run in 0:18
- 2 player Easy 100% in 0:29
coagula2 -
Flesh by
Tim Elek
- Easy 100% in 0:47
colony -
The Colony by
Mark Turner
- 2 player Nightmare Run in 0:15
digs03 -
Digs03 by
Artyom 'Digs' Glazkov
- 2 player Easy Run in 0:07
- 2 player Nightmare Run in 0:07
elden1 -
The Eldencross by
Ludovic Texier
- 2 player Easy Run in 0:11
- 2 player Nightmare Run in 0:11
flyer -
The Hanger by
Phil Hammond
- 2 player Easy Run in 0:10
- 2 player Nightmare Run in 0:10
jesus -
Jesus Wants You by
- 2 player Easy Run in 0:13
- 2 player Easy 100% in 0:40
mortal -
The Mortal Environment by
Marc Roussel
- Easy 100% in 0:56
msacro -
Manslay's Acrobatics by
Dmitry 'Manslay' Dementjev
- Easy 100% in 0:57
- Nightmare 100% in 1:20
- 2 player Easy Run in 0:10
- 2 player Easy 100% in 0:29
- 2 player Nightmare Run in 0:10
polygon2 -
Polygon Base by
Rick Lipsey
- 2 player Easy Run in 0:05
- 2 player Nightmare Run in 0:05
sm82 -
Rubicondom by
Various Mappers
- Easy Run in 2:48
- 2 player Easy 100% in 2:22
- 3 player Easy Run in 0:20
- 3 player Nightmare Run in 0:20
sm94_zwiffle -
Get Your Drink On, Smabler by
- Easy 100% in 1:07
- Nightmare 100% in 1:06
sm135_ankh -
Different Reality by
Damian 'Ankh' Kulot
- Easy 100% in 0:48
- Nightmare 100% in 0:56
tchak -
The Tomb of Chak Toh Ich'ak by
Rui 'Trinca' Neto
- 2 player Easy Run in 0:10
- 2 player Nightmare Run in 0:10
watrways -
watrways by
- 2 player Easy Run in 0:06
- 2 player Easy 100% in 0:15
- 2 player Nightmare Run in 0:06
- 2 player Nightmare 100% in 0:19
May 12th
May 23rd
May 30th