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Just offering my $0.02, and am obviously just as prone to being misguided and full of shit as the next person to come along spouting an opinion on the intarweb... 
/me removes voodoochopsticks out of the way

what a moronic idiot.....

This Thread Is Now About 19th Century Fabric Mills 
Yeah. Same here.

But seriously, with the standard disclaimer having been put forward... you know you're right. : ) 
what's so bad?
He noticed similarities and pointed them out, with a smilie. 
mapping for Quake made me a bastard ID cloon.
as now I'm singing my idiot bastard song tune. 
@ Bambuz 
What's so bad is that it was a seemingly serious post.

People didn't buy into it (other than you maybe?), and it was only after Kell basically said "No shit. So what." and other people gave him grief that the "Oh I was joking." and all the smiles started.

/me shuts up and goes back to mapping... 
possibly old, but:
(scroll towards the bottom)

i want 
1) it's just a concept, no such keyboard does exist
2) it's old 
No Shit Shirlock 
1) From the site: We hope it will be released in 2006, so if its real or not, it does not exist now regardless.
2) I said: possibly old, but:
3) you lose 
we talked about it in irc before that. Don't have log. But lets' let this be. 
Whoa That's Pretty 
that keyboard is sex itself. It really is the physical act of procreation. They quote the price as 'less than a good mobile phone'. Nice and vague there. It all depends on what they decide a good phone is, there are handsets for �500 out there. 
Man You Guys Are Classy 
Why can't you be more like my friend and make cool HL2SP maps? Look what I gave him to replace the Breen's Bottled Water machines with:

He's down with it. And that's cool. 
Cool HL2SP Maps 
Why not post his stuff as news on here, Lune? 
nice marketing ploy, "pee cola"...
oh wait, under totalitarianism, people don't have a choice! 
Neat Quips Come To Me In Dreams 

I dreamt I was watching Bill Maher on HBO interviewing Billy Corgan, and after asking him a few questions about bringing the Smashing Pumpkins back together, Maher asks him this,

"There is this lyric of yours that has always kind of troubled me. 'God is empty! Just like me.'

Corgan -- Well that is how I was feeling at the time

Maher -- How can you say that? Even if God doesn't exist he could not possibly be as empty as a rock star.

Corgan cracks a smile

Maher -- Holy shit, I didn't think that was possible. I made Billy Corgan smile. 
Please tell me you're joking about Peej cola. But that is not something one can joke about.

Lun, picsplzthx. 
i thought i needn't mention that... but the logo was made in such a way that... well you get it. 
Could Be Useful 
several texture sets on this page

The six sets titled CWB are of excellent quality.

He isn't listed in the Wadfather directory so I wonder if he may go under a different nick. 
Yeap Certainly Does, 
answer my own question, the artist nick is Shaithis. 
I'll be sure to post news as soon as he finishes the thing.

He's making a 28-days-laterish zombie episode for HL2 called "Nowhere." Teh webby: 
A million zombie mods for HL2. 
Tell your friend to make something original. Like human researchers who get infect by a virus and are turned into evil demon zombies that infect other people by biting them.

What kind of friend is he, anyway? 
RPG just ripped off the plot of the Doom movie as far I ask understand it, I demand he be disciplined! 
/me gets Vondominatrixur to teach RPG a lesson! 
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