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Stop Complaining 
not 'stop complain'

Inertia's guide.

Seems a reasonable guide.

Enough to put most people off competitive play for life. Unless one manages to find a way to artifically shoe-horn some "fun" into the rule of mandatory spawnrape blah blah.

Aerowalk obsession is now as bad as DM4 / DM6 / Q2DM1 obsession. Phait is right in that respect. It's popularity is due to it's popularity, a self-perpetuating cycle of over-exposure leading to more over-exposure. But in that respect, inertia is only part of the problem, not all of it. 
If only you were half as good a qw player as you are a shithead you could rule the world! 
shambler: yes the map pool is small. if I happened to hate aerowalk and LOVE dm4, would I be any better? no. I think your issue is with a lack of variety of options for competition... but you must realize, that people mimic the behavior of the top players: if the best duelers only fight on 5 maps, then almost everyone else is just going to practice those 5 maps. it is very nonrecreational in that respect, that everyone wants to be at least "pretty good" at the maps others play.

czg: i thought you would applaud me putting phait in his place ;)

to all the rest of you: please make maps with competitive play in mind! ask around for testers who know how to play the game, they are the ones who will give you the most valuable gameplay feedback! in this way we can simultaneously keep phait from bitching _and_ increase quake's probability of long-term survival :) 
shambler: yes the map pool is small. if I happened to hate aerowalk and LOVE dm4, would I be any better? no.

what I mean by this, of course, is "better of a person in shambler's opinion" 
why am I reading this shit? I want my 2 minutes back. 
are there any qw servers still out there? anyone run by a mapper, for testing purposes? 
This isn't about my work, I couldn't give a shit, it's just maps. It's about other's work. 
Re: Whine Argue Blah 
Phait: Go play RPGDM1.

inertia: Go write a guide for RPGDM1. 
RPG, phait, inertia: Go help with ZweiDM1.


RPG: ok :o

Zwiffle: I already am :( 
Re: Ok Roger 10-4 
Zwiffle: First, I'll need a new beta.

inertia: Good lad.

P.S. /me drinks a wee bit o' the ol' Guinness 
I really like Kell, but now I know he is a thief!

q3dm10 is crying because it has been kidnapped and stolen! 
I Really, Really 
hope that is a troll. 
but seriously, it's got a tad too much resemblance to be mere coincidence. 
it's two in the morning, go to bed. 
The central corridor of kdmf - Fear For All was directly inspired by the central corridor of q3dm10. I've never claimed otherwise.
The rest of the layout and all item placement, however, is not. Neither are the textures.
If you want to accuse soemone of thievery, go hassle Tronyn. 
so what? Play Q3 maps, or maps of any game long enough their layouts are bound to get in your head and under your skin. 
Yes, I should have mailed about this I realize now, but the hassle of an email doesn't appeal to me for such a small thing, if you were on irc, this could have been resolved faster :D. But I suppose all is well as it is. Calling you a thief was more of a joke than a serious claim, as it really is not a matter of much importance, sorry. But this claim of q3dm10 steal has been raised before then? :D 
Shut The Hell Up 
Go complain about all the Bless to Kill clones instead. That has about as much relevance. 
I Know You Hate It 
but I'd rather see a flame war centered on me than on voodoochopstiks! ;)

I updated my guide. It now includes sections on the ra spawn, using nails and shells to stop your opponent from moving, and countertactics against campers and aimwhores: 
the hassle of an email doesn't appeal to me for such a small thing

So instead you take the time to make diagrammed screenshots and then post on a public messageboard calling someone a thief without bothering to even ask about it politely?

Your "joke" isn't funny and, in fact, sucks balls.

What's wrong with you? 
pjw si teh law! 
It's not funny but it's funny that voodoo thinks it's curious enough to be funny, WTF.

OMG Mapper inspired by in-game map shocker. 
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