#8229 posted by JneeraZ on 2015/03/13 16:38:04
Now that I think about it, I'm getting excited.
OK, what if you built in a feature where it recorded your run to video with easy one-click publishing to YouTube. Then the early YOLO players would dive in, fail, and everyone would watch their videos to get ideas about what to do and what NOT to do. Then more people play, more videos get posted, with the idea that the first person who completes the game wins some mega prize.
The viral potential of that is staggering...
 ^^ THAT's What I Was Thinking
#8230 posted by Lunaran on 2015/03/13 17:12:39
What's the experience like for the one lets-player who gets really, really far?
 Similar In A Way To Twitch Pays Pokemon
#8231 posted by Killes on 2015/03/13 17:32:14
A crowd effort to beat a game where everyone can contribute once with their failure towards community success.
Ya, neat experiment, or more same as some crowd sourced real life / digital crossover mystery. Eg. NIN ran one of those for one of his new albums I believe. Amongst others.
#8232 posted by [Kona] on 2015/03/14 00:00:36
Looks like nice realistic graphics and sound effects. I like the lack of music. Makes it quite atmospheric.
Shame the trailer is so melodramatic. Come on dude, it's just a friggin hallway, walk through it already and stop peeking around corners and gazing at irrelevant signs just to drag things out.
#8233 posted by scar3crow on 2015/03/15 03:28:30
Yeah, those things on the monitor. All graphy, like Excel. On a whim I installed Crysis 2 since I've had it since launch. It looked at my old system, was impressed because Crysis 2 is also now old and set everything to max.
It looks terrible. Now once in a while there will be a well composed scene, but all in all, it looks like a mess of minlit models and particle spawners (and they spawn clipping into the ground with the wrong shape for where they are emitting from). It is just funny how quickly an Awesome Looking Game can look poor to me.
Some things just don't age well.
Oh and the game itself is boring. Movement is bleh, the input latency on jumping keeps you in an anchored mindset, the enemies are boring to fight, and their AI is sloppy. First guy I fought lost sight of me when I was standing less than a foot in front of him. He didn't go from Attacking to Searching, he went from Attacking to Idle. Gun lowered, neutral pose, just shifting his weight. On multiple times I've seen enemies jitter within about a foot space as they repeatedly 180. Also, the AI barks don't match the scenarios... ...ever.
Well that was incoherent.
#8234 posted by negke on 2015/03/15 11:56:47
Do you happen to still have some savegames from your Doom 3 BFG playthrough?
#8235 posted by Kinn on 2015/03/15 12:24:29
Sadly no, because I played it on the eggs box three-hundred-and-sixty.
The game made me angry because the new episode was just a frankenstein of random rooms and corridors copied from the original levels and slapped together in a different way, the wankers.
#8236 posted by - on 2015/03/15 15:35:57
I replayed Q2 the other day, and started playing D3 (after figuring out settings so it wasn't 800x600 and autodetecting 'low quality' graphics...)
god help me. hitscan. hitscan everywhere
#8237 posted by scar3crow on 2015/03/15 17:09:41
The Z-sec and chaingun commandos were such obnoxious enemies. Partially because of the doubling effect when you take damage. Though I also hated that the chaingun commando's chaingun had no spinup, but mine did.
Q2 did have a ton of hitscan, but they took longer to transition into firing, like in Doom, so you could do something about it often.
#8238 posted by [Kona] on 2015/03/15 21:59:47
double the run speed scampie, doom3 is way more enjoyable when you're not crawling around
 Murder Simulator :D
#8239 posted by ijed on 2015/03/26 12:49:49
 Nasal Simulator :c)
#8240 posted by Lunaran on 2015/03/26 15:32:12
 Re: Murder Simulator
#8241 posted by gb on 2015/03/26 17:00:26
Complete with working oven, I see. Banned in Germany!
#8242 posted by starbuck on 2015/03/27 14:34:02
UE4 indie game, set in a nice lake house, but there's some scaryness that comes and kills you. You relive the same day again and again Groundhog Day style, and try to survive. Looks sexy, monster looks awful. Pre-alpha though.
#8243 posted by Kinn on 2015/03/27 14:50:48
monster looks awful.
maybe their art budget ran out after making that one room.
#8244 posted by Spirit on 2015/04/05 23:34:15
I decided to replay Half-Life after years (might be a decade by now). It is still such a fantastic game and well worth all the praise. I did not remember so many secrets/optional places. The flow is great, although I remember it feeling much slower when I first played it, probably because I could not aim nor move and "used" everything. Played up to the introduction of the military for now.
Especially the sounds, their use and the environmental effects are impressive. I would even say, they are a huge part of the atmosphere.
The "seamless" world still feels great, probably better nowadays when loading times are just single seconds.
 Half-Life Is On My List
#8245 posted by Kinn on 2015/04/06 00:09:42
I started up Unreal for the first time since the 90s, the other week. Using the unofficial 227 patch, it runs a dream now on a modern computer, and you can re-enable the original sounds.
It's pretty great, although you kind of have to grit your teeth through a lot of the incredibly obscure level progression "90s charm" that the game suffered from.
I remember back in the day I thought nothing of walking down to HMV and picking up one of those game guide books to help me through when I got stuck. How times change, hehe.
#8246 posted by bal on 2015/04/08 18:10:01
 Well Quite.
#8247 posted by Shambler on 2015/04/09 23:02:48
Can't argue with that. More DX:HR done equally well would get my vote.
Main character still has the personality of a turnip though.
 The Trailer...
#8248 posted by Scragbait on 2015/04/09 23:40:21
... looked graphically excellent but I was hoping to hear a musical score that was as good as those for the previous Deus-Ex titles. I thought the DX-HR soundtrack was very fitting for a dystopian near-future vision and the excellent Icarus theme (if I got that right) was in the trailer for it. I like when games have musical scores that feel like they were crafted to contribute to the game's character instead of going with something that could be part of any big budget Hollywood action flick.
#8249 posted by distrans on 2015/04/10 08:29:38
He's alive...
 DX Music
#8250 posted by bal on 2015/04/10 09:40:05
I thought the DX-HR music was great, and it's the same composer on the new project (Micheal Mccann), so I'm optimistic.
 DX Music.
#8251 posted by Shambler on 2015/04/10 16:17:34
I care, a lot. Especially for the 15 seconds before I find the audio settings and turn it down to 20%.
 On The Other Hand...
#8252 posted by Shambler on 2015/04/10 16:18:51
"Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 deploys players into a dark, twisted future where a new breed of Black Ops soldier emerges and the lines are blurred between our own humanity and the technology we created to stay ahead, in a world where cutting-edge military robotics define warfare. With three unique game modes: Campaign, Multiplayer and Zombies, providing fans with the deepest and most ambitious Call of Duty ever"
They must be trolling by now...
#8253 posted by JneeraZ on 2015/04/10 16:39:01
My Facebook feed was lit up with Black Ops 3 love yesterday and I don't want to be a dick but ... really?!