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Other PC Games Thread.
So with the film and music threads still going and being discussed... why don't we get some discussion going on something on topic to the board? What other games are you playing now?
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I think the opinion on the whole series is pretty similar, with a few people who prefer Heretic over Hexen. I've never played Heretic 2, and not spent much time in Hexen 2, as even when it was new, it just didn't feel... quality.

Where are you? I only got stuck in the first level, before the hub, and near the end of the hub (because I neglected to look through my inventory for a while, as I was playing it like Quake). 
One thing that has been in my mind recently is the idea of "compressed" games. Basically mod/map packs that scale down the scope of the game, going for a 1-4 hour experience instead of an 8-16 hour one. Quake2 was my initial idea for it, since that game has a lot of content, but also a lot of padding, and the quality drops sporadically without having much to hold your attention. Hexen2 seems like another good subject for the notion.

The notion that had matured the most in my mind was a "Doom in Doom2", basically a 12 map wad that went through the same arc as the original 3 episodes of Doom, but using the Doom2 items and monsters, expanding the gameplay in general. Inferno feels pretty hellish, but it had just a whole lot of cacodemons... Arch Viles, Mancubi, and Pain Elementals seem more fitting inhabitants of Mt Erebus and Limbo. 
Styx On Offer... 
I love the big hat and long cloak sorcerer look (like orco or the black mage from FF)... this game looks neato -

Free playable demo of Strafe. Fixed level, meant for speed running. Gives a taste of the gameplay. The owl head is very strong when dealing with acid, but the mechanic of spilling blood over acid to neutralize it is fun. 
That's a true work of art Shamb, the resemblance is uncanny 
Trailers look great, but I have read a lot of complaints about the game... I am just wondering whether those are fair, and whether the game is worth its price

Any insights ? 
Saw a gameplay video, looked 100% like a UTx mod, wouldn't even waste time watching another video since then, hth. 
Looked like they took L4D, stripped it down to Players vs Tank, and tried to make a game around it. I'm all for asymmetric gameplay, but I don't think it looks like it has legs to keep me interested for any length of time.

People seemed to mostly complain about how the game is designed to be a paid DLC catalyst, which publisher/developers both denied. 
Haven't played it, but my hearsay accretion is that it seems fun for a day, and as soon as you run out of things to unlock you find yourself with nothing to care about.

Makes sense with all the above. 
Is an awesome word. 
Better Than 
hairy secretion 
Do we have a word thread? I love me some words. 
Thought That Said 
Perfectly cromulent use of the words there IMO. 
Warmachine Tactics.

Anyone tried this demo?

I just played it. It seems very true to the Warmachine world, the Warjacks are cool as is the Warcaster control. But it's a bit previous-gen, the camera is quite buggy, the selection is fiddly, and Warmachine vs. Warmachine combat seems very grindy... 
Crawl Looks Neato

Imagine if there was a similar thing with Quake where 3 other players play as the monsters, that'd be fun :) 
The World. 
Needs more atmosphere-focused, style-over-substance, side-scroller puzzle games like it needs a fat di....hang on, that does look really stylish and well-done... 
Looks more art-driven than a car made out of paintbrushes. 
You cold hearted fuckers are impossible to please. 
Looks good imo 
I Think It Looks Good Too 
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