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Other PC Games Thread.
So with the film and music threads still going and being discussed... why don't we get some discussion going on something on topic to the board? What other games are you playing now?
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what does procedurally generated mean in this context? the textures are described using noise functions? 
Looking at the code, that's exactly what it does.
Also it uses some generated code to define sectors and stuff, so it's running some sort of raycasting engine on the GPU.
Pretty cool, but whyyy!? 
same reason as this:


actually that guy does make a point about how unsecure the printer is, but still, he didn't need Doom to make his point. 
I think Doom in that context clearly demonstrates how that security flaw allows you to get the printer to do many things it wasn't intended to do. That and it was probably a handy thing for him to try and implement. And/or just a Doom fan. 
Is this a jab at Kotaku, game journalism in general, or jump-based platformers? 
All Three 
and more 
Say What You Want About GamerGate As A Movement 
But they did make Gawker suffer a seven figure loss. 
10 Minutes Of Strafe Gameplay 
Edited down some due to deaths:

It looks like they are specifically not trying to make a Doom or Quake clone, but rather that they're making their own game and they love Doom and Quake. More verticality than I anticipated, I love neutralizing acid with blood, as well as just throwing explosive barrels instead of grenades. Has a dash of Killing Floor to it as well. 
The gun needs to be bigger and animate more - it's a bit too small and static - there are still areas of the screen which the gun model doesn't completely obscure during its reload animations, and that needs to be addressed.

Also, those in-helmet hud elements are too subtle - they should take up at least 80% of the screen space imo. 
Kinn Could Be My Kin 
That's The Spirit :} 
looks cool but the scale of the game seems weird, like either the dude you play is too big or the levels are a bit too small. 
The Owlneck 
Got whiplash watching that.

I mean it looks fun. Don't think it will be mindblowing, but decent for several hours before I move on to Quake again. 
I chuckle at the satire, but the gun actually dips out of view when reloading... It is also rather stable when firing. Way too much movement in general though. 
watched for a few mins. not my thing.

1. looks like a duke nukem mod

2. even at that some of the level design is pretty uninspiring - big flat walls. the first section was too small for the character. if you're going for this style of limited graphics, you really need to push the boundaries in the level design, imo. like what ppl have done with doom and quake. even minecraft.

3. screen at times felt like there was just so much shit going on everywhere (enemies, projectiles, explosions), at one point I couldn't even see what he was firing at. are those projectile animations finished?

4. firing of weapons and hitting the target didn't seem realistic enough, like there wasn't enough impact to indicate it was a real weapon hitting a creature. felt very weak.

5. computers mining, a 100% accurate solar system? wtf who cares about that shit! your going to the effort of making little bitcoin mining animations and accurate solar systems, how about instead making it the prettiest start map they can do, get some scale into it. 
5. computers mining, a 100% accurate solar system? wtf who cares about that shit!

This sort of stuff is actually quite common amongst people who think ~*Procedural*~ levels are a better idea than just slamming a load together by hand. 
It Was A Joke 
1 and 2 - it's a procedural game, no fixed levels, but it would be interesting to see larger cells.

3 - agreed to an extent.

4 - yup.

5 - everything they said there was a joke, they also spoke of how proud they were of their photorealistic rendering. 
Owlneck Damage Feedback 
After watching that Strafe video with its crazy owlneck damage feedback, I had to do a quick mock-up of what it's actually suggesting is going on: 
That video illustrates it well, so much that I included it in an email of feedback I sent to them. 
hory shit 
Thank you. I hope they find it useful. 
I just finished the Shadows of Cronos for Hexen. About 1.5-2 hours worth of gameplay in there. I rather enjoyed it, and honestly felt that it was better than the original Hexen while still feeling complete with the game world. The puzzles are a little less oblique, and usually had me going "Oh, right. I'm dumb." if they took me any noteworthy amount of time. I did wander for a while because I didn't realize I had a gem in my inventory which would unlock a door.

I played on the second highest difficulty as a Warrior and found it largely easy, though not slow. Just... well stocked. Come the final fight I had 3 Dark Servants and didn't even use them.

If you enjoyed any aspect of Hexen, try this out, it is pretty much just a consolidated and better version of the original game.

Going with the pig icon in recognition of the Porkulator. 
Will try later. I love hexen and heretic 
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