#8082 posted by [Kona] on 2015/01/01 04:26:40
Bulletstorm yesterday. Cool game actually. Some of the lines, while juvenile, are pretty fucking funny. Especially when general sarrano shows up. Pussyzilla and the part where a big ugly miniboss shows up and grayson says to trishka "hey trishka, your boyfriend's here" really cracked me up. Then a plank hits it in the head and he falls into the lava while you just stand and watch.
The developer did a much better job at this type of game than serious sam 3 and dnf.
Combat all pretty good, the levels looked fantastic, some of the best and biggest set pieces at the time (feb 2011) that had ever been done. Only thing wrong was the extremely linear progression and ridiculous clipping everywhere. But really it's no different to many games like COD. It's a shame Bulletstorm was a massive flop, there are far worse games that have multiple sequels.
#8083 posted by DaZ on 2015/01/01 05:28:06
I picked it up on steam a few months ago for next to no money with 0 expectations and enjoyed the shit out of it.
#8084 posted by JneeraZ on 2015/01/01 14:17:27
I've played through Bulletstorm twice now and really love it. It didn't get the love it really deserved and I think the humor and language were what held it back.
#8085 posted by Zwiffle on 2015/01/01 16:45:53
I think BulletStorm could have greatly benefited from a more sandboxy/open-ended approach. There were some really amazing vistas I wish I could have gone to and run around, but invisible walls blocked my path :(
Even if it was more Borderlandsy in its approach but kept its combat system would've been awesome.
#8086 posted by [Kona] on 2015/01/01 23:43:20
I was thinking the same in comparing it to Borderlands while playing, Zwiffle. If only it had the Borderlands sandbox, I'm sure they could have still progressed the story the same but added more to it. I guess that kind of game is much more time consuming to create though.
#8087 posted by Shambler on 2015/01/02 14:11:46
There was humour in it??
Ummmm okay then.
Also what Zwiffle said.
The combat was fun though. It's almost like the opposite of a polished turd - a gleaming solid core, drenched in an overwhelming amount of diarrhoea.
#8088 posted by JneeraZ on 2015/01/02 17:31:00
I'll kill your dick.
#8089 posted by Shambler on 2015/01/02 21:29:30
Would be mildly amusing par for the course if said in #terrafusion.
Between a couple of charismaless bellends in a game, meh.
#8090 posted by JneeraZ on 2015/01/02 23:50:56
Yes ... #terrafusion is LOADED with charisma.
 Shemales Are Very Charismatic
#8091 posted by czg on 2015/01/03 13:06:23
 2d Souls Style Game
 Dying Light.
#8093 posted by Shambler on 2015/01/09 21:34:01
Left 4 Assassin's Island? Or Dying Creed? You decide:
90 minutes of gameplay, TBH after watching 9 mins of gameplay I'm pretty sold on it. Looks like it does what it says on the tin.
#8094 posted by [Kona] on 2015/01/10 01:20:57
Anyone here play Divinity II and it's expansion? I just got finished it and really enjoyed it. A good proper RPG with everything you want. Not the best around the time it was released, but worth playing. It was released in 2009 but updated in 2011 and merged with the expansion. Not quite as good as Dragon Age and Two Worlds II, and The Witcher had a better story as well, but probably better than the other fantasy rpg's around 2008-2010.
Only thing that really annoyed me was a lack of direction for quests, you really need a walkthrough for some parts.
The expansion is like a full game, 10+ hours, except I found there's just a few too many quests within the same pretty small area that takes up the whole game. Boss battle I could have done with my eyes shut I was so powerful, but then that's the satisfaction of rpgs isn't it.
Pretty easy 8/10.
#8095 posted by Shambler on 2015/01/16 11:31:53
For the love of God vondurp, please force them to have fully rebindable controls!
 I Think
#8096 posted by Vondur on 2015/01/16 13:17:40
there will be such thing
#8097 posted by Shambler on 2015/01/16 15:45:42
Cos well-controllable 3rd person like they are describing sounds good (i.e. kinda normal combat controls rather than targetted)
#8098 posted by bal on 2015/01/20 15:38:24
One of the best Kickstarter trailers in a while.
Hopefully the game is fun!
 That Looks.
#8099 posted by Shambler on 2015/01/20 16:44:27
Like it will be as utterly terrible as every other pseudo-old-skool shooter failure of recent years.
The trailer is pretty neat though. I'm sure the mainstream gaming press will like it!
#8100 posted by JneeraZ on 2015/01/20 16:51:48
Yeah, cool trailer but that sort of game is super hard to actually get right. Many have tried and failed...
 Love The Trailer
definitely had to be shared on the quakeguy blog, Also the secret level which is like wolf3d in a luftrausers palette is awesome!
#8102 posted by Kinn on 2015/01/20 17:53:32
Yeah, dunno about 1996 - that Strafe game looks to me (and I'm sure plays) more like a game from mid-2000s, but with an annoyingly self-aware "look! pixels!" aesthetic.
#8103 posted by Zwiffle on 2015/01/20 17:56:16
I checked out their website before, good to see their kickstarter is up and running. Hope they actually finish, I'd be interested in it definitely.
The kickstarter video was too awesome.
#8104 posted by Lunaran on 2015/01/20 19:24:40
#8105 posted by Lunaran on 2015/01/20 19:25:17
also, when I saw "randomly generated levels" in that video I thought "ah, great, no thinking level designers involved."
But that's wrong.