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Other PC Games Thread.
So with the film and music threads still going and being discussed... why don't we get some discussion going on something on topic to the board? What other games are you playing now?
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Have only skipped through as the buffering is slow as fuck but definitely looks promising. Freedom of movement plus style of city, especially. 
Just Bought Five Nights At Freddy's 2 And Borderlands 2... 
...During the steam sale today. Sure am going to have fun on them. 
Blood Deathwish Mod 
Review of Deathwish for Blood by gggmanlives

Played it a few months ago, it really is worth checking out as he says 
Looks Good 
I remember the original Blood got a bit long winded and seemed to drag on a bit too much toward the end, but it was still a solid and fun game. 
Blood is my #3 shooter, after Quake and Doom. I hope to give this mod a go, though I'm not big on the Brutal difficulty mentality, and didn't care for how the game adjusted enemy health and damage with the difficulty, along with placement and count. 
Weird Zwiffle Blood is one of the few games I completed right to the end :) 
Couple Games I Recently Played 
Decided to go back and play The Witcher and really enjoyed it, about an 8/10. Only things wrong with it were the combat, which is a simplified QTE, and I found it lacked some character building. A good RPG should have lots of different weapons, armor, items, but I was still using the same swords throughout 75% of the game. And there was no armor. Plus the upgrades you get really aren't that flash - the magic system is disappointing, I just concentrated on upgrading the fire attach and none others, but it still sucked by the end of the game. Story was great though.

Serious Sam 3. ugh. what happened. This is just SS1 in an updated engine and some shitty city levels added. I spent the first 20 mins in google trying to find out why the quality and textures were so bad and how to fix it, but realised in the end that there's nothing to fix, it's how it was intended. The first half of the game sucks balls. The second half gets a bit better when it just starts copying SS1, but it still feels like you're just fighting the same limited enemies over and over again. The last level was the worst, with almost 2000 enemies slowly released at you in a line set within basically really large corridors. A slog if there ever was one. Then the boss battle was really easy. Also the underground levels are so badly designed, they feel like a crappy halflife mod. SS2 was a really great game, but Croteam seem to have really slipped in SS3 - both in ambition, design and the engine. The weapons and enemies are pretty cool and powerful, but there needed to be more of both.
Dawn Engine

Interesting, if this is really an ingame screenshot from next Deus Ex screenshot. That really looks like something very much more interesting than the boatload of other "purty" engines around. 
Has a very painterly look to it in places ... I wonder how much of that is bullshot. 
I don't see what in that screenshot can be attributed to engine tech. It just looks like interesting environment art that you could do in any modern engine.

There's a lot of polygons, there's a lot of light sources, though nothing is casting a shadow, and the bloom effect is fairly tight which is good. 
What's A Purty Engine? 
Cool shot, yeah some painterly aspects are nice, hopefully it's an artistic choice on the textures and not bullshot.
None of it looks impossible in any modern engine anyways, I just hope this means they're really working on another Deux Ex! 
In the completely opposite graphic direction, I finally got Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet and it is awesome from the first moment onwards. 
Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet 
Yeah the style is nice, and it's fun at first, but I felt it got repetitive quite fast, it's no Super Metroid... :D
Still, nice game. 
Screenshot Looks Great Etc Etc. 

For me personally, as an oft-accused AAA-GFX whore, I think games in the last few years such as Metro LL, Tomb Raider, Thief 4, Evil Within, (FC4 presumably) have got to such a great stage with graphics (and the use of those in terms of art direction etc) that I really don't have a lot of desire for improvement, and where I do it's mostly just fixing glitches and harmonising graphical quality throughout a scene.

It feels like things have got to the stage where it's a fairly level playing field with graphics, many games are "awesome enough" graphically, and what games actually do with that is becoming more important. Of course a Deus Ex that continues and improves DX1/HR gameplay and immersion would fit that bill. 
If you directly fuse Dead Island, Far Cry 3/4 and Mirror's Edge... what you get.

Lots of drama, lots of "wait and see what the actual game is like". 
Mass Effect 
I'm sure everybody here's probably played this by now but it's really really good. Fantastic art, fantastic characters, well written dialogue, tons of exploration. It's basically everything you could want if you're a fan of sci-fi and a fan of RPGs. 
The First One? 
Haven't played the third, but I felt the second improved on the first in most ways. It left behind some of the more nitty gritty rpg stats but also removed the more boring driving around looking for random crap on boring terrain genned worlds. 
But Added Mineral Scanning! 
1000% improvement! :D 
hehe yeah, i was able to buy most of what i needed before it started to get boring. 
Never Liked It 
Buggy game play. I tried the third, and if I'd had the collateral to invest maybe I'd have been happy after some time.

But then, other things happened. 
My free time has become so limited, outside of titles I am reviewing, I only really play Quake or Doom now.

...and I'm usually happier for it. This community puts out better experiences than most studios, and does so in an almost casual manner. Most new games have been so lackluster, that it feels like if I am to play a game other than my favorites, it should probably be "Timeless Classics" that I never did get around to playing: Deus Ex, Thief, System Shock 2, Planescape Torment. Granted, most of the praise I hear about these concerns the story, and I am very much a mechanics/systems and immersion person, and am likely to get more out of the latest map jam or DoomWorld's top picks. 
Deux Ex and Thief are definitely gameplay games. Deus Ex just happens to also have a great story. No idea about Thief, I never got far in it. System Shock 2 has somewhat clunkier gameplay but I still really enjoyed it. It is more story though I guess. I should really restart it, last winter(?) I lost interest near the end I think. 
Thief 1 (and 2) has some of the tightest gameplay around, and the immersion is still unmatched even if games like STALKER or more recently Alien: Isolation come close. There's a reason why it is regarded as one of the best games of all time (and it's also my favorite game. Yes, before Quake).

Also if you want to play System Shock 2, try the first one beforehand. It's old and stuff but that game was way ahead of its time, and its predecessors Ultima Underworld 1 and 2 are still some of the best CRPGs out there with outstanding atmosphere. 
Thief 1's story is basic but the way it is presented is really great. The background is huge as well, with tons of optional flavor texts scattered in the levels. Thief 2's is a bit too grand for its own good and falls flat near the end, sadly. It's still very well written though. 
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