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EA Bullshit 
What Pope Said... 
all the 'monsters' in quake have no EYES. grunts, enforcers, dogs, knights, and fish do.

but all the supernatural 'demonic' creatures are souless and have no eyes!

I'm Quite Sure 
The scrag has eyes. And Chton, from what I recall. 
Scrags do have eyes yes, because they are slightly different to other monsters, more imbued with Quake's magic and cunning, hence their ability to float, their reliance on targetted attacks rather than brute force (thus, eyes being beneficial) and ability to dodge (again, eyes being useful). I don't think they have a mouth though...

Chthon has no eyes, just a vertical lava-filled maw...

I suspect some of you haven't even played the damn game :P. Particularly those who need to give themselves a RL in E1M3/4 maps *rolls teeth* 
I Guess.. 
.. Shambler is drunk... Hey ! Go and post these fu***ing eyes-related message on the Drunk Thread please... 
Scrags have eyes because they were wizards turned into monsters.

Fiends have no eyes. That bit of flesh that looks like an eye? It's skin. If you look at the pic you see the horn loses its blood right where it connects to the "eye". Surely, warping of the texture won't ever occur on a Quake model, right? I mean, the teeth on the fiend don't stretch or anything...
So obviously, those of you who believe fiends have eyes are merely tricked into believing they have eyes by poor judgment. Don't worry, it's not your fault, you're all crackheads and the texture is fuzzy. Don't worry, we forgive you.
Bler, let's go have some curry. 
I'm a scrag. Something about a loogy or somesuch. 
"shamblers have fur" = old and busted.
"fiends don't have eyes" = new hotness. 
Shut Up I Fucking Hate You All 
I DID actually paint you. The bird was just a brief distraction! HONEST!! 
Thank Goodness For That... 
...for a moment there I thought CZG was going to stay on his rather annoying "I'm annoyed" kick... but the hate is back and all can rest easy.

Smabler may be pissed but the *rolls teeth* gag was a-plomb

Kinn: that comment (#7938), a social conscience and a job at Raven will make you scampie

Now for a moment of reason:
IF the fleshlike bits are eyes then they are surely useless as optical senors because THERE ARE HORNS GROWING OUT OF THEM. So,

If the fiends don't have eyes then they don't have eyes.
If the fiends do have eyes they don't have eyes.
Therefore, fiends don't have eyes.

So, how do they find their prey?

By smell of course, notice the highly evolved nasal receptors just above the mouth.

N.B. They are hard to identify because they are camouflaged by a thin epidermal layer that makes it look like they don't have a nose. 
How Fiends Finds Their Prey! 
What people always mistake for horns on the fiends are in fact organs that fiends senses their sorroundings with.

In prehistoric times fiends indeed had eyes but since they live in the dark elder world they lost their ability to see and developed the "horns" for their new sensory organs.
What is left of the eyes is just a flap of skin tat covers the eyesocket!

The proto fiend is still around in various maps. Ex. in some of necros maps you meet the proto fiend. They are at a stage in evolution where they not yet have developed the sensory organs. These proto fiends have indeed eyes! 
Chtons Eyes 
I remember that in some early beta release Chton had big big eyes!! 
I'm still undecided on this.
If Adrian or Kevin would show some concept art... 
Doesn't Underworld Fan 
have some original concept art, including the fiend, up on his site. I checked before posting, but the site was coming up. 
Was Not Coming Up 
Found Only A Small Image 
Okay, One More Time: 
Are You Sure... 
that's not fan art? 
It's Fan Art 
That's The Picture 
I was thinking of -- but I thought UWF had some information in a caption regarding its origins. 
There Was Some Blab 
about fiends being based on 'ghasts' of lovecraft writings. This again is only opinion and after reading up on these 'ghasts' there are some similarities in the descriptions, but then there are some other discrepancies so I'm inclined to throw out this theory all together. Also just because ghasts have eyes, does not mean a creature based on them will have them as well.

actually if we were to take the rest of the description of a 'ghast' and apply it to a fiend there is more evidence that says they are different, such as being venomous, being hooved, and having an almost human like face.

scrags, yeh, totally, ex-humans they happen to have eyes left over (but again being demonic, they have no use for them) ^_^ 
Now I Understand Why American Movies Are What They Are 
I Think 
fiends and scrags both have eyes 
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