I've Reached 650 Hours On Natural Selection 2
#7911 posted by RickyT33 on 2014/11/05 11:07:44
#7912 posted by necros on 2014/11/05 21:32:19
Evolve looks like a cool idea
#7913 posted by Blitz on 2014/11/06 01:58:51
I worked on War in the North, glad you mostly liked it. It is definitely meant to be played co-op
A slight correction on your post -- Snowblind, the primary developer on WitN wasn't taken over by Monolith. Monolith and Snowblind were both bought by Warner Bros. Monolith in 2006 and Snowblind in 2009 so now they kinda share resources across the teams.
#7914 posted by [Kona] on 2014/11/06 05:49:15
Yeah Blitz it was a good game, probably not as popular as it should have been. I felt like I needed more once it was done, I've got all this great gear but it's over, I want more!! Normally most games I'm over it after 5-7 hrs.
Probably if it had been an open sandbox game like most of the big RPG's of 2010+, it may have been more popular. RPG gamers like to muck around doing random stuff.
#7915 posted by Shambler on 2014/11/06 13:44:54
#7916 posted by Zwiffle on 2014/11/06 15:16:33
I think your mini painting skills have leveled up since last I saw.
#7917 posted by Shambler on 2014/11/06 21:09:23
Nah....I just paint less often these days.
#7918 posted by [Kona] on 2014/11/07 08:07:42
lil dude looks awesome
Just Played
#7919 posted by [Kona] on 2014/11/10 07:15:16
Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 7.0/10
Not a bad game really, good mix of guns and hack n slash. Bit too linear and started to drag a bit by the end. It's a lot like Transformers: War for Cybertron.
I'm playing through the third Assassin's Creed now. *sigh* what a chore. Let's get this shit done with because Fable 3 is next on my list :)
#7920 posted by JneeraZ on 2014/11/10 13:03:44
I gave up on AC3. Too long and drawn out. Black Flag, on the other hand, is great!
I Gave Up On Ass Creed 1
#7921 posted by RickyT33 on 2014/11/10 15:40:56
It sucked.
#7922 posted by JneeraZ on 2014/11/10 15:56:58
It did. Keep going. They get REALLY good. I lost a lot of hours running around as Ezio ...
#7923 posted by scar3crow on 2014/11/10 18:00:07
I have 0.4 hours on Steam for AC1. Most of that time was me trying to quit, because it was a ~7 step process to exit the game without killing the thread manually.
#7924 posted by [Kona] on 2014/11/10 21:14:18
ac1 was hot garbage. the combat was just a mess and too frustrating. ac2 was a big improvement, but mostly if you like a story in your games. the gameplay wasn't really all that fun. pretty though.
ac3 I'm only an hour in. they seem to have just assumed I played ac2 because there's barely any tutorials. the puzzle section as desmond with his tightpants gf was quite cool. i'll see if I can get a few hours in today. I hope they haven't put the difficulty up though since ac2, as it was pretty good in that respect (and no difficulty selection, thanks ubisoft for assuming every gamer is the same).
#7925 posted by JneeraZ on 2014/11/10 21:17:15
"ac3 I'm only an hour in. they seem to have just assumed I played ac2 because there's barely any tutorials."
The first 6 hours or so is basically one long tutorial.
#7926 posted by [Kona] on 2014/11/10 23:05:26
they haven't given any instructions on combat yet, other than button mash. although there appear to be combat tutorials in the menu, so maybe I'm supposed to do those. i'll just wing it though. pickpocketing not mentioned. walking in groups to stay hidden not mentioned. hiding in hay or wooden things...
maybe they're still getting to those points. doesn't matter I remember them all from II.
#7927 posted by [Kona] on 2014/11/12 04:40:11
finishing brotherhood. it was pretty good, better than asII, although the designers were a bit lazy in setting the entire game pretty much in one city.
what ruined it was the last 2 sequences (about 1.5hrs). utter garbage, frustrating gameplay that made all the rpg building you'd previously done completely irrelevant.
I might play Revelations next.
#7928 posted by necros on 2014/11/12 23:34:10
has anyone tried memory of a broken dimension? played an old demo from 2012(?) I found on a steam forum... seemed cool, but i don't know how long you can keep a game going with the gameplay that's in there.
#7929 posted by Blitz on 2014/11/13 02:19:23
Yeah. The aesthetic is really cool but it needs more stuff to do. Ezra (the guy working on it) is doing it by himself so I imagine it still might be a while before it's done. But I played it at an offsite PAX event and it is really cool for what it is. Seems like the core mechanic so far is akin to that scene in the Last Crusade where Indy crosses the "invisible" bridge
#7930 posted by czg on 2014/11/13 05:46:18
It's up on Steam Greenlight http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=305638565 with a recent-ish trailer. Looks a bit less abstract, but no less intriguing.
I am excited about it!
#7931 posted by bal on 2014/11/13 07:56:42
I played that this summer at Siggraph, and it was still pretty far from being done, but quite interesting.
The dev was a cool guy, but he didn't seem 100% sure on what direction he was taking with it at the time.
#7932 posted by Shambler on 2014/11/13 10:28:09
Basically standard dark ambient noiz clip :)
#7933 posted by necros on 2014/11/13 15:55:29
btw Mount and Blade is free on GoG...
#7934 posted by ijed on 2014/11/13 16:31:25
#7935 posted by necros on 2014/11/13 22:28:45
in theory, so in the witcher 2, but you need to go to GoG 7 times after waiting 24 hours each time before you can get it...