#7882 posted by anonymous user on 2014/10/23 16:26:21
I came by to check out some worthy games...
#7883 posted by killpixel on 2014/10/24 04:21:42
 Hexen 2 Called...
#7884 posted by Shambler on 2014/10/24 10:29:51
...they want their graphics back.
#7885 posted by JneeraZ on 2014/10/24 14:34:25
I think your memory of Hexen 2 may be a little rose colored.
#7886 posted by ijed on 2014/10/24 14:42:47
I'd say rose tinted, but online it seems coloured (or colored) is more common.
 And Yeah
#7887 posted by ijed on 2014/10/24 14:43:49
#7888 posted by bal on 2014/10/24 14:45:30
I tried it a bit, but the gameplay felt quite flat. You pretty much just spend your time circle strafing around groups of mobs, and the weapons I used didn't feel very satisfying.
Kind of reminded me stuff Dungeon Defenders or Orcs Must Die, but without the Tower Defense aspect.
 So, Destiny
#7889 posted by RickyT33 on 2014/10/24 20:15:16
Looks like a Borderlands clone, straight up. Am I wrong?
#7890 posted by killpixel on 2014/10/24 21:00:02
I agree with Bal.
The levels were pretty boring too. Art is pretty and high quality, however generic. The geometry is sparse and samey. The game is a rouge-like FPS. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to either very well, or very much... not a whole lot of content or richness in any of its components.
Great basis for a more enriched and focused game, though. Maybe Ziggurat II is where it's at!
 Sure Ricky
#7891 posted by DaZ on 2014/10/25 01:06:52
Just like Wolfenstein : The New Order is a Doom clone because they both have 1st person and you shoot stuff.
#7892 posted by RickyT33 on 2014/10/25 10:49:30
I mean a squad of four go rampaging through various wastelands shooting waves of enemies for loot. They use a range of vehicles too and the focus is mainly on online coop. Sounds like Borderlands to me. The GFX in Destiny looks cartoony enough too...... Just saying.
#7893 posted by [Kona] on 2014/10/25 22:42:47
Ziggurat looks okay, I just hope it has some linearity and doesn't just spawn hordes at you in one room, rinse and repeat, like Painkiller. I don't remember Heretic/Hexen being that lazy.
 Has Anyone Played Double Action: Boogaloo Yet?
#7894 posted by Breezeep_ on 2014/10/28 01:38:23
It's free, and it's really fun. I'm really getting addicted to it.
 While We're Waiting For Zer Jam....
#7895 posted by Shambler on 2014/10/31 10:56:17
Evil Within demo available:
A snip at a mere 10 gig.
#7896 posted by scar3crow on 2014/10/31 15:40:50
I wasn't really interested in that, until I saw footage of it at 60fps without the letterboxing, and running at a sane FOV. Then it was a matter of appreciating some nice idtech5 decorative work.
#7897 posted by scar3crow on 2014/10/31 15:42:23
Also apparently Prey 2 was canceled. Surprise the game made by one of the few studios that didn't let themselves get bought by Bethesda who worked for them, was taken from them, and languished elsewhere. It's not so much a conspiracy theory, more a "I just don't quite trust those guys."
#7898 posted by Zwiffle on 2014/10/31 20:36:18
#7899 posted by [Kona] on 2014/10/31 21:00:20
cunt sake. i was looking forward to prey 2, more old school shooter than modern day shit.
 1-Bit Swag GFX
#7900 posted by Spiney on 2014/11/01 16:40:52
Prey 2 has been canceled... again?
#7901 posted by necros on 2014/11/01 16:48:54
why do almost all youtube people talk with retard voices. :\
Daz is a real diamond in the rough in this regard.
 Obra Din
#7903 posted by metlslime on 2014/11/01 20:38:59
looks great, i've been following it on tigsource for a while. I like that 128k macintosh art style.
#7904 posted by [Kona] on 2014/11/01 22:56:59
christ his voice is grinding isn't it. what a prick lol
 Evil Within Demo.
#7905 posted by Shambler on 2014/11/01 23:22:13
Horrible -45 FOV
Horrible wobbly movement and swaying controls
Horrible spinny mouse combat
Horrible hold this press that repeatedly interaction bollox.
Basically consolisation at it's most pointless and cumbersome.
But it's kinda gory and creepy and I like that it doesn't really explain WTF is going on. Kinda makes me want to know what it all means. The cutscene after the intro level is pretty cool too.
 CoD: Advanced Warfare
#7906 posted by scar3crow on 2014/11/04 17:07:04
Still waiting to see if I can get a review code for this.
Word from TotalBiscuit is the port is very good, tons of options to tweak your perf, launches with an FOV slider that goes up to (only) 90, support for borderless windowed mode for streaming. Also word from him is that the multiplayer is a "ruddy good time" and the customization is nice (I like that you can redeem the random drops for XP if you don't want them - gives meaning to the drops for those who care nothing about such).
Watched a few videos on YT, the game is very different on PC v console. Console players, it looks like CoD but sometimes they will double jump and air dash out of harm's way, or to cross over a building to save time. PC players are doing crazy air ballet with each other. Console players are sticking to bullets. Many PC players are using the EM1 (a beam weapon that functions a lot like the lightning gun, but has an overheating mechanic instead of ammo). Just curious to see how differently the same game can be played, across playerbases.
(These comparisons are based off of videos of average to extremely good players on both PC and console).