#55 posted by Trinca on 2004/05/20 13:54:22
I run in joequake-gl, real cool with 24 bits textures for some of then. Man is realy great to have another great builter!
21st Century Quake
#56 posted by HeadThump on 2004/05/20 14:08:02
I just got the update running and played a huge chunk of it. Love the flak cannon bearing Ogres, the ambient music similar to one of Quake Arenas better levels (too lazy to go back and look it up), everything added up to an amazing new experience.
Cheers to you Kinn, you magnificently talented bastard!
#57 posted by necros on 2004/05/20 17:03:12
i didn't see the white shuffler's special attack. at the last fight by the main doors, i was way to low on health, so i stood at the top level and 'nade spammed the monsters to death as they were stomping around in the lower part of the arena.
where are they from originaly?
#58 posted by Kinn on 2004/05/20 17:19:28
necros - the White Shuffler has a great special attack that may not be entirely obvious in a big fight - but once you spot it, I think you'll dig it :)
He started life in a HexenII mission pack. His sounds are from a variety of sources. I made the Shuffler missile sprites from scratch myself, along with the Sergeant's plasma and the decorative plasma balls. Rocket explosion sprite is from another source which I can't for the life of me remember.
HeadThump, and cheers to you my friend :)
I've Just Started
#59 posted by aguirRe on 2004/05/20 19:22:55
playing and noticed that god/notarget cvars are enabled at startup, I have to turn them off explicitly. I noticed this already before when checking out the map that when I thought I enabled the cvars, I actually turned them off (with interesting results ...).
I've checked the saved1 cvar and it's 0 and it doesn't help to set it to 0 again and restart. It's not really a problem since I just turned them off after startup and then they have stayed off, but has anyone else noticed this?
225 Down
#60 posted by aguirRe on 2004/05/20 20:18:16
and so far extremely well balanced gameplay, not to mention the fabulous architecture and eerie lighting.
Minor niggles are some weird shakes when riding platforms and the Q2 enforcer that feels rather out of place, both visually and with its attack. The grey/white static skybox should maybe also have more colours, since the rest of the map is so rich with colours.
This map is a sight for sore eyes, indeed.
#61 posted by Kinn on 2004/05/21 02:56:35
god/notarget are set at startup if you play with "developer 1"
also, with developer 1 you'll probably get a load of funny monster ai messages, also, you get prior warning with many triggered monster spawners - it's not the best way to play the map sadly :(
if you didn't have developer 1 set, and still got the god/notarget, then I'm not sure...
Also, they are now propagated across map transitions, but that shouldn't be an issue.
#62 posted by Kinn on 2004/05/21 03:11:13
I'm not sure what causes the shakes on platforms - it happens to me in WinQuake but not DarkPlaces. I haven't touched the qc plat code AFAIK, but I'll double check.
re: grey sky, well it used to be blood red, but I changed it when I dropped coloured lighting, ;) Besides, I think it matches the grey mountainous skybox better - now provided in the download of course :)
Developer 1
#63 posted by aguirRe on 2004/05/21 05:36:56
that's it, I always play with that enabled. OK, no problem. I noticed the other messages (which don't bother me) and suspected them being caused by the developer cvar, but I didn't see the relation to god/notarget, but now it makes sense.
With the grey sky I meant the static skybox (from your JPGs), not the animated sky which I think suits very well. The animated variant is a bit more colourful than the static.
#64 posted by Kinn on 2004/05/21 13:06:39
mwh - I've tried using demtool -n on your demo file, but I can't even get it to process the file - it seems to abort after a second or two.
Great Map Kinn
#65 posted by glassman on 2004/05/21 14:53:10
Very cool, nice lighting, curviness & massive :)
Specially liked the flak gun ogres & the fiery ball sprites.
Someone mentioned the jerkiness with the plats, I also noticed it when the shufflers stomped around in the big arena at the end.
Great stuff, very ambitious & successful.
Important Download Info.
#66 posted by Kinn on 2004/05/21 17:55:29
I have changed the name of the zip file just to clarify the fact that despite the name, this is NOT a beta version, but the final map.
This is the new URL:
Please note that if you already have the map you DO NOT need to download this, as it is identical in all but the zip name.
The original file is still there for the time being.
Mods, could you please amend my original topic post to reflect the new URL, thanks.
Glassman - thanks! The flak ogres do seem to be very popular :) You mention a shuffler-related problem. Could you please elaborate - do you mean the framerate drops just when the shufflers charge?
#67 posted by necros on 2004/05/21 18:08:30
just thought i'd point out:
i noticed in a few places you force quake to display things faster than 0.1 times a second. this can cause lots of problems for people with slower computers, so i'd advise against doing it. a good example is the 'upgraded' LG from my own nesp06/09.
i made the LG fire every 0.01 seconds instead of 0.1 seconds and reduced the damage to 3, instead of 30. theoretically, this should maintain the regular LG's damage rate, however, on slower computers, where the game can't draw as fast as 100 fps, the game simply skips frames and the weapon does less damage. it seems, everything below 0.1 seconds per frame is not guaranteed by quake, whereas at 0.1 and above, quake seems to still keep track of missed frames.
just a little fyi...
Thanks Necros
#68 posted by Kinn on 2004/05/21 18:41:55
Yes, I recall reading about that.
When charging, Shufflers animate at 20 fps, because they cover so much ground; a 10fps movement anim looks way too jerky. I seem to recall ReaperBots ran at a similar framerate - can anyone confirm this?
Axe attack is also 20fps.
Other >10fps stuff I remember off the top of my head - corpse removal, the sprites -shouldn't affect gameplay hopefully.
I Don't Know If
#69 posted by aguirRe on 2004/05/21 18:45:41
it's related to necros' post, but the shaky platforms might be caused by nearby (or possibly remote) lightning effects. I noticed in another map that when lightning flashed, FitzQuake seemed to shake in a similar way when I was noclipping vertically.
#70 posted by Kinn on 2004/05/21 18:57:27
Do you mean it's possible that the switchable lights in the Fiend Cage could be causing this?
I do remember when compiling isolated sections of my map, sometimes plats would be jerky, sometimes they wouldn't be - I didn't really notice any correlation with the presence of switchables, but then again I wasn't really looking.
Words Are Not
#71 posted by nitin on 2004/05/21 22:01:17
cool enough to describe this level. Fantastic!
I loved everything about it, the new qc that actually fitted, new monsters (I like dthe q2 enforcer and the minotaurs), texturing, lighting and impressive architecture.
If there's a whole episode of stuff this good coming, I'm lookinf forward to it greatly.
ps : When you initially posted aboutt the new cq triggered spawning monster type gameplay I was a bit sceptical but it worked very very well I must say.
#72 posted by LTH on 2004/05/22 05:43:11
As to the weird monsters happening, that may also be to do with compiling the QC with some optimizations turned on. I'd suggest recompiling with all optimizations turned off (if you're using FrikQcc then it's the /o2 switch that's especially dodgy).
#73 posted by Kinn on 2004/05/22 07:54:38
nitin - excellent! btw, I did some tests to see how well my monster spawners reduce edict counts in this map, and it turns out that each spawner accounts for an average of 4 monsters, which is pretty efficient :)
If you consider a normal large quake map consists of 200 monsters, then with this monster/spawner ratio, you could potentially turn it into an 800-monster map(!) that still loads at startup. (whether or not it is ultimately playable of course depends on other factors) ;)
LTH, thanks - I did use FrikQCC, but I always compile with no optimizations. I did once try the optimisations - and there were some very obvious bugs, so I played safe and turned them all off.
#74 posted by Shambler on 2004/05/22 09:59:22
Reading all these replies, I think I will wait for the final release....or at least a patch :P.
#75 posted by necros on 2004/05/22 11:39:37
could potentially turn it into an 800-monster map
you know... i'd really like to see the source code for these spawners... ;)
it's nice to get lots of monsters without requiring different engines.
#76 posted by Kinn on 2004/05/22 14:12:35
Shambler - don't worry, if you use WinQuake - as far as I am aware, none of these issues seem to be applicable.
If you are referring to the speedrunning issues - well, that was a design decision :P
Necros - email sent.
309 Down And Done
#77 posted by aguirRe on 2004/05/22 19:08:58
I was pleasantly surprised that the end arena battles weren't as hard as they appeared when I first went through them in god mode. I guess I triggered excessive monster spawns then, so the combat really was insane.
When fighting properly, it was much more reasonable although I had a serious lack of armor at the end. I had to engage both final battles with only 100 health but lots of ammo.
The final "Fiend Puker" was hilarious and as long as it and its offspring kept themselves in the pit, the GL was pretty effective. I found the quad also but didn't need it.
Great stuff, I'm already looking forward to your next map!
#78 posted by LTH on 2004/05/22 19:49:55
Finally finished this thing after three days of playing it... great fun, great work, Kinn.
#79 posted by Kinn on 2004/05/23 03:37:21
aguirRe, LTH - awesome, thanks for playing guys :)
I suppose there could be a slight armour inbalance toward the end. There is a red armour behind the "Jesus Door", just before the final arena. Also, there is a red armour in a rather "Gloomy" secret near the second lava bridge button. A good tactic would be to clear both these areas before going into the final arena. Then run back and grab the "Gloomy" RA, fight the first wave of monsters in the arena, then just before you go up to the top level, you can grab the other RA behind the Jesus door, if you need it :)
Hehe "Fiend Puker" - i'll have to remember that :) I guess the goal here was to just create a really fun boss monster; and hopefully I succeeded :)