#758 posted by
R.P.G. on 2003/04/03 11:43:01
Are there any screenies of Death Illustrated? I'd be interested in looking before downloading.
I Got That Email As Well
#759 posted by
[Jimbo] on 2003/04/03 11:46:48
Wonder where he got my addy from?
#760 posted by
R.P.G. on 2003/04/03 12:06:18
Are there any screenies of Death Illustrated? I'd be interested in looking before downloading.
Detailed overview of DI, posted over 2 months ago (heh):
My site does everything cube!
/end of pimp
#762 posted by
R.P.G. on 2003/04/03 13:33:29
heh. Thanks, underworldfan.
#763 posted by
R.P.G. on 2003/04/03 17:13:15
I have a bunch of private search engines here that I'm trying to use to find books and articles on architecture. Specificly, I'm trying to find stuff about general concepts in design, structureand organization; instead of stuff like architectural styles such as victorian. I'm not hitting on much so far, and I was hoping that people might be able to suggest some keywords or even authors that I should try.
Death Illustrated
#764 posted by
pushplay on 2003/04/03 17:44:45
The webhost for DI is being a dick. I'll look into getting the download placed somewhere. Maybe my own site. Give it a day or so.
Assuming You Haven't Got It Already
#765 posted by
nb on 2003/04/03 19:28:01
The one that everyone seems to mention is "Architecture: Form, Space, and Order" by Francis Ching.
#766 posted by
Kell on 2003/04/04 03:43:39
I just stuffed the words "philosophy" and "architecture" into Google and got some interesting results; you might try using those as keywords.
Example: Book Review
Proportions: Science, Philosophy, Architecture
Richard Padovan � 1999
The main argument which appears to dominate this book is the idea that "The world is a harmonious mathematical creation and that in order to participate in that harmony the things we make must obey the same mathematical laws".[/q]
Unfortunately, a lot of the results are personal and academic pages; so be prepared for some Adventures In Tasteless Html :P
#767 posted by
Kell on 2003/04/04 03:44:16
fek off wi' yer quotation tags :/
#768 posted by
Kell on 2003/04/04 04:04:55
If "philosophy" produces to much 'pie in the sky' you could instead use "theory" or "mathematical harmony" ( I tried just "harmony" and got a ton of ads for some server package :/ )
This is an online book, and it's quite extensive:
Okay, end spam
#769 posted by
R.P.G. on 2003/04/04 08:24:10
You are mah friend. Thanks, that's very helpful. If anyone else has some ideas...
Hey Speedy... (Q2 Stuff)
#770 posted by Maric on 2003/04/04 13:53:24
I completely forgot to send you the link to that littel Q2-Dm I made using your Speedbaze set. So, you can grab it here if you are interested in taking a look at "Blood-Red Sky"...
Screen caps...
And while I am at it...
This one is 99% Ogro textures, but I did use some of your Lights. It is called "And What Rough Beast" Oh, and it does make extensive use of "Kat's" Rock textures.
Screen caps...
Lastly, I used your Speedy Tech set in a shameless re-make of Deck-16 for Q2 (All original brush-work btw). I do not in usual practice do "covers" of other's maps but I have had a couple mates that bugged me incessently to make this one over for Q2. Ergo...
The tech set was just the ticket...
Screen caps...
Thanks for all your hard work on these sets, your textures/art are so nice to work with.
These are all Q2-Dm maps BTW
Those're Some Handsome Q2 Levels Ya Got There...
#771 posted by
Wazat on 2003/04/04 14:46:00
Looks like I'll be re-installing Q2 then.
Subject Matter Hiring
#772 posted by
LTH on 2003/04/04 13:21:32
I found this in my PlanetQuake inbox:
<quote>I have several opportunities to work on AAA game titles. All positions are
fulltime/onsite, located throughout the USA
Development Director
Technical Director
Senior Gameplay Programmer
Graphics Programmer
Lead script programmer for MMO
Senior Tools Programmer
Senior/Lead Tools Programmer
Enemy Behavioral Programmer
Network Programmer
Engine/Assembler/Renderer Programmer
Lead script programmer for MMO
Senior Audio Programmer
Executive Producer
Senior Game Designer
Lead Game Designer
Level Designers 1st Person Shooters
Special Effects Supervisor
Art Director
Technical Art Director
Senior Lead Artist
Senior Animator
Character Modeler/Rigger
Charles Weitzer
Subject Matter Experts, Inc.
Looks like they're building a whole new company there!
Subject Matter
#773 posted by
metlslime on 2003/04/04 19:21:10
is a headhunter agency i think...
anyway i'm sure that anyone that's ever released a level has gotten that email, plus it's way to long to look good on the news page :)
And Even Those That Havent
#774 posted by
nitin on 2003/04/04 21:09:29
have received it :)
#775 posted by
nitin on 2003/04/04 21:10:28
maric72 looks very nice there, especially the lighting.
And seriously, those maric76 shots just call for that to be turned into an SP map, very RTCW-ish looking. CLassy stuff!
#776 posted by Qfanatic on 2003/04/04 21:39:08
i got that e-mail too. no kidding, and i havent even released a level! hehe.
Glowing Review Of Enclave In PC Gamer
#777 posted by
Blitz on 2003/04/04 21:39:48
Thought I'd mention that PC Gamer said that Enclave was a better game than Unreal 2 and the screens look awesome.
I beleive that wrath(?) worked on Enclave, so congratulations to you. =)
Very Very Nice Maric!
#778 posted by
Vodka on 2003/04/04 21:57:48
/me adds another vote for MaricSP
btw those rocks are terragen or 'handmade' ?
Be That As It May,
#779 posted by
Abyss on 2003/04/04 22:00:02
but, "being a better game than Unreal 2" isn't excactly high praise, IMHO
Speaking Of Unreal 2................................
#780 posted by
Abyss on 2003/04/04 22:12:42
Thanks And Rocks...
#781 posted by Marics on 2003/04/04 22:36:29
...well, I make the basic terrian with Nem's Terrain generator.
It seems to be a bit more comprehensive than Terragen, I love the "lock" feature which allows each vertice to be locked into place once you get it where you want.
I'd still say though, that about 80% of the work is pretty much brush by brush (or small group) manipulation. After a few hit or miss attempts it gets pretty easy to get what you want/need.
I am playing around now with an entire map done entirely in rock/terrain brushwork. This one is requiring some tedious manipulations but may be worth it in the end. Here is a pic of one small corner with a simple -minlighta compile...
I am hoping that the complex terrian will be detailed enough without becoming too tiresome. It is literally four seperate
.map exports, all from using Nem's. Q2 is choking a bit and giving me the occasional Vismap_expansion Overflow but there is always the Func_wall "cop-out" if needs be.
#782 posted by Scampie on 2003/04/04 23:24:30
"Architecture: Form, Space, and Order" by Francis Ching, like nb mentioned, is an excellant book. Lots about size and proportion and all that good stuff. Lots of good illustrations to show the point.
Another book I have, which is not specifically about architecture, is called "Geometery of Design" by Kim Elam. It deals mostly with the golden ratio and it's application in art and design. First part of the book is introduction to the golden ratio, the second disects various posters, buildings, and even a VW Beetle and discusses how the golden ratio is used to give the designs good proportion.
Don't have any other books on the subject, but while I'm at this, I'll throw out the general recommendation of "Shapes, Space, and Symmetry" by Alan Holden which I recently got. Awesome book illustrated by of photos of the 1,000+ polygons this gentleman has made with nothing more than light cardboard, a ruler, a draftsman 30-60-90 triangle, and some glue. Very cool.