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General Abuse
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Doombuilder kicks the pants off of any other doom editor I've ever seen. 
Whooo Hoo 
<i/> BTW: wh00p! Shambler is back.

I noticed that, but he slipped in so subtley I wondered if he wanted us to hush hush about it. 
I do a little Scheme programming for the Gimp on the side, it totaly screws up my html capabilaties. 
Speaking Of Shambler 
I had a dream last night where Shambler announced on func that he'd be leaving and also quit playing Dawn of War (knowing that was apparently very important at the time), but he did it by changing the name of General Abuse to something like Shambl|nomorewhk40k.

Also, metlslime made it so you could use icons in the posts again. 
You know things are fucked when people are dreaming of you...

Anyway, I am back after being away for a bit, and I am not quitting DOW as the mission pack looks very coo, nor am I changing the name of GA although god knows it needs it. As for metl making it so you can use icons in the posts, I'd quite like it if he made it so a typical func_page loaded the same day you clicked on it <insert grumpy icon here> 
Anybody Know What This Is?

It looks really cool and I'd like to see more. 
14 point bold print Times New Roman, letters F-o-r-b-i-d-d-e-n. Hope that helps. 
It's Been A While, But 
is #terrafusion still on, or has my irc client entered an alternate dimension? 

if you won't be able to connect, go to webby and there's the list of servers available, try any of them 
Some Help 
I've rformatted and re-installed windows. but when windows xp loads up, it wont recognise my keyboard (standard microsoft keyboard). it works fine prior to windows loading, i can get into the bios and in safe mode etc. any ideas? this onscreen keyboards not th best thing to use.

also, can anyone recommend a good free popupbloker thats easily customisable? 
on the second point, get a browser other than internet explorer, like opera8 or firefox.

on the first point, try to uninstall whatever keyboard driver you have loaded (go to start > control panel > add/remove hardware) 
tried the uninstall, doesnt work.

As for opera etc, I will try sometime once I have evrything running but any suggestios in the meantime. 
Really Nitin 
Nobody uses IE anymore. You just get exploited with that. And it sucks with the user interface too. Firefox (it's 5 megs, get it, it just works out-of-the box) or Opera. 
IE is a piece of shit. MS are finally getting off their arses and updating it this year though. I still think it's going to suck.

I use Opera (freeware with ads) because it packs a HUGE amaount of stuff into one very small package. Oh, and all the stuff you don't need (if you don't use the mail or irc clients) is hidden.

Opera isn't bloatware, since it's still smaller than the much less feature packed Firefox (which is still way better than IE.)

If you use outlook and need a change, I hear the Opera mail client isn't bad. 
Doom 3.13 
The 1.3 patch for Doom3 along with the accompanying SDK is out at last:

Mirrors available at your file-waiting-in-line-for website of choice. Now, go make maps with portal skyboxen.

(Didn't think it was important enough to warrant news submission, but it doesn't look like you missed seeing it here.) 
D3 1.3 
"Supports fs_game_base; this lets you base a mod off base game + d3xp + your own content."

OH YEAH! \o/

/me strokes his Grabber and Double Barrel Shotgun 
Hey Guys Give Me A Help On This!!! 
I�m looking for all bsdm maps!!!

I just have bsdm6,bsdm7 and bsdm8 can anyone upload the other�s??? dont find then in anywere!!! 
Quake4 In The News 
The game promises to be an ultra-violent experience, judging by the demonstration shown behind closed doors at the show

The graphical representation of violence, together with convincing sounds of blades cutting through flesh and bone, sent a chill down the spine.

The explicit nature of the scene was unsettling and bordering on the tasteless.

Tasteless, .................. hmmm sounds tasty.

I can see the protesters already, and hear the cries, 'Quake made them do it' :( 
Q4 Vs Protesters 
I can see the protesters already, and hear the cries, 'Quake made them do it' :(


Let them shout... Each time a violent game with lot of blood/violence/guts/sex/evil/destruction/massacre is released, they clamed it is an evil inspirated team who created it... and they would like to see these guys burn in hell's flames... bleh !
So just don't care, we will play Q4 as many pleasure we play D3/HL2/etc... 
Are They 
going as far as SOF2 dismemberment/detail? 
behind closed doors at the show
Don't know, of course it could just be a complete over reaction on the part of the journalist, and may well be quite tame to the seasoned gamer/psychopath 
Evil Is Back ! 
.. it took the horror of Doom a step further, with a grisly sequence showing the mutilation of characters in the game.

This sentence sounds good ! BTW ...fuck the protesters... ;) 
I can see the protesters already, and hear the cries, 'Quake made them do it' :(

Yeah, Quake made those teenage boys kidnap one of their friends, strap him down to a desk, hack open his body with a circular saw, and attempt to graft on random bits of metal to his corpse!! The link is irrefutable!

P.S. Okay, that sort of behaviour was part of Q2 (Factory), but a very small part...

P.P.S. I wish to fuckery that people (the BBC in this case, not you) would stop saying this is "Quake" being reborn, it's not, that's fucking bullshit, it is Quake2 FFS it's not hard to see the difference, tards. 
Html Standards Guide? 
Ok, I know of the w3c and their website, but I need an offline version of all the standards information (regarding each tag, attribute etc.)

Sounds a bit weird, I know.

Does anyone know where I could get such a thing (and not a book - since I'd have to pay for that!) 
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