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Other PC Games Thread.
So with the film and music threads still going and being discussed... why don't we get some discussion going on something on topic to the board? What other games are you playing now?
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But Its Costing 
1/1000th of Destiny's cost? 
Well There HAVE Been Low Budget Games 
that look interesting or unique. In fact, indie games usually take more creative risks, because they can afford to, right?

I do understand that this is a hobbyist Quake 3 style shooter though, and should probably learn to manage my expectations better.

I just don't know if I can handle any more robot men with flashy lights and torn capes that flutter in the wind. 
How about robots with flashy capes and torn men that flutter in the light wind? 
Torn Men That Flutter In The Light Wind 
jam3 theme right there. 
Torn Men That Flutter In The Light Wind 
map jam 3 - mistranslated haiku 
Anything That Puts Ye Olde Skoole Fps Back On The Map 
Is fine by me. 
That map editor look's like the dog's bollocks. 
Wasteland 2 
Is fucking great. Get it. 
Wasteland 2 
is it a full game??? I thought it was one of those early access things. 
It's Done And Released 
Looks like Unity Test-Maps in some places, but it's the inner values that count ;) 
Yeah It's Finally Released 
Some areas look shit but some others are really well made (Canyon of Titan is awesome for example). It's a very good game, highly recommended. I've been playing for about 33 hours and I'm not even done with what I guess is the first main task. 
Never Alone 
From Rock Paper Shotgun
I love what Never Alone (Kisima Ingitchuna) is setting out to do. It�s a platform game � very simple, very traditional, presented in a lovely, misty way � about a young I�upiat girl and an arctic fox. And at the same time, it�s an attempt to communicate information about the I�upiaq culture of Alaska. A preview version I�ve had my hands on contains the first three of nine chapters, giving a fair idea of how it all fits together. 
Steam Are Silly 
Swiftly Followed By 
MS Paint sucks. 
So, Tha Shizzle. 
Alien Isolation vs The Evil Within ?? 
They Both Look Good 
But you know Evil Within is going to continue the retarded story traditions of Resident Evil.

Kind of academic since I on't have the hardware or surplus cash to play either. 


you know what they should call the nazi moon base in wolfenstein

goebbels space pogrom 
Physical Media!? 
How retro. 

Ok, shit I played recently :

Wolfenstein : The New Order - Started off fairly generic pants fps but after the tutorial level it quickly turned into a very enjoyable FPS with great feeling weapons and a surprisingly intense story. Some very gruesome stuff on display in parts. Extremely sexy environments in almost all locations. I felt it only really reached a satisfying combat density towards the end however, with lots of story cutscenes sometimes getting in the way for me earlier on. Recommended!

Dark Souls 2 - More Dark Souls! :D I really enjoyed this one although it is WAY easier than the original Dark Souls which diminished the sense of accomplishment that I felt when killing the final boss. The levels also feel more disconnected than the original which was a shame, the original DS did a great job and making everything feel organically connected and yet still epic in scale. The pc port of DS2 is infinitely better than DS1 however, no issues at all and prefect framerate all the way through.

If you haven't played a DS game before I would recommend trying DS2 first and then going back and trying DS1 after if you enjoyed it. The difficulty curve will probably feel correct if you do it that way ;)

Middle-Earth : Shadow Of Mordor - This came as a surprise! Hadn't seen or heard much at all about this game but ended up buying it on release day after watching a few streamers playing it. Slick and super satisfying combat system (extremely similar to the Batman Arkham games) and some great a.i to interact with.

The highlight is the nemesis and Warchief systems. Uruk's will be promoted to captains and then on to Warchief's if they live long enough and complete enough tasks. You can find these captains out in the open world at any time and interact with them and the result will leave a permanent mark on them (assuming they don't die outright, heh). For example if you set one on fire and he then escapes you he may well gain a "Fear of burning" trait or even a "Rage of burning" trait (that's bad) and will even comment about his burns the next time you meet him.

If an Uruk captain kills you in combat he will level up and gain new abilities and power. Uruk's will also fight amongst themselves and kill each other. It's a fantastic system that brings what would have been a fairly generic brawler game up to awesome status and I hope more games start looking at systems like this and "death isn't the end" mechanics.

Aliens : Colonial Marines - LOL. Picked it up for �2.99 and I'm glad a didn't pay any more for it. The best part of this game was walking around LV246 while there was no combat happening :P They did a great job recreating the environments from the film. But as a game, it stinks so bad. Avoid unless you are a super Aliens nerd (like me).

I AM ALIVE - Eh it could have been interesting but just ended up frustrating me into uninstalling. Annoying timed climbing and timed "breathing is hard in dust" mechanics really put me off what otherwise could have been a fairly cool post-apoc 3rd person action/stealth game. 
So, Er, Alien Isolation 
Been playing this for a couple of evenings so far, it's really good IMO. Very atmospheric, decent voice acting, gets the whole suspense horror feel down to a T. The graphics are very stylish and it feels next gen, even though it runs nice and smoothly. The AI is actually good, seems unpredictable. You cannot jump though, but whatever, jumping is overrated LOL. Anyone else played it yet? 
Daz Has. 
With amazing results. 
I was interested in Alien Isolation, until I found out the alien is invulnerable. Such things reduce it to just being an obstacle course in my mind. Sure, an obstacle course that pursues you, but its me vs worldspawn, not me vs an alien. 
As For Reflex 
Yeah it is three guys, but they've all done hard time in the gaming industry (I make it sound like a prison - and I feel like I escaped a prison in leaving it, so hey). As for the art, well that is entirely Electro's field, and I've seen him do a lot of amazing things in a short amount of time before. He seems to have an excellent workflow going on. Also, I've played Reflex. It feels better than Q3A, but in the same vein. This is very much a project of people who loved Q3A and CPMA, making a new game.

And yeah, thankfully it is nothing like TOXIKK. 
...and As For DNF 
The first few maps are the worst part. I played those, quit, came back a year later, hit Resume, and had a good time for the most part. It puts a very weak foot first, which can kill any game regardless of expectations, anticipation, or quality.

I actually made a terrible video about customizing DNF, which is basically a reminder to enable four weapon inventories, bind keys to each of the four slots, rebind pipebomb, and increase FOV. After I did that, the game played a lot faster.

Rather than go on about DNF here, I already wrote something a while back about it:

(It isn't just shameless self-promotion, the blog is partially an archive of things about video games I find myself having to say often, so now I can just paste a link instead of typing another 500-3k words). 
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