#7757 posted by necros on 2014/09/18 16:59:05
Oh cool, thanks. I wasn't sure if it would be more of the same or not.
 I've Played All 3
#7758 posted by DaZ on 2014/09/18 19:38:24
and I think 2 is the best, with the original coming 2nd. The third has the best opening area but gets pretty boring once you go the planet imo.
 As For Me
#7759 posted by PuLSaR on 2014/09/18 20:20:54
the first deadspace has the best atmoshere.
#7760 posted by Shambler on 2014/09/18 21:44:58
Has a lot of variety and some spectacular scenes, tho.
#7761 posted by Spirit on 2014/09/20 21:29:10
Reflex Kickstarter is up: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/191095869/reflex
Hard to read text-as-images, ffs, why?
Particle, bloom and colored lighting overload, ffs, why?
Sorry but the text is so shitty to read that I did not actually bother to read it. I love the project and wish you guys all the luck, but uuuuuhhgh?!?
Is everything TOXIKK wants to be, but fails.
 Is That Electro's Project?
#7763 posted by - on 2014/09/21 03:08:53
It looks very Q3
#7764 posted by [Kona] on 2014/09/21 05:35:19
$400k is a lot of money for a game that doesn't look that different to q3
#7765 posted by Spirit on 2014/09/21 07:12:22
Scampie: Yep!
Kona: It's about 6 man months. Seems not too much at all to me.
#7766 posted by Spiney on 2014/09/21 13:34:57
Those minimal graphics are a brilliant marketing move though.
#7767 posted by [Kona] on 2014/09/22 12:49:14
Just finished playing Duke Nukem Forever. Damn, this really isn't that bad. 54% on metacritic, wtf. It was as low as 48% a couple years ago. Gosh gamers, in general, are tossers.
I actually think most of the people complaining about the game probably quit about 2 hours in, because all the complaints seem to be from the beginning.
Fantastic weapons and enemies, albeit no much different to d3d but certainly more creative than any other game I've played in quite some time.
Once post-processing was turned off (which looked fucking terrible) the graphics were okay. Better than Fallout New Vegas. Some levels were a bit shit and linear, but most of the time it was decent.
There was some interesting gimmicky stuff, I can't remember the last time I played as a tiny person. Ever? At least that was pretty original.
Everyone went on and fucking on about the really bad humour. By the end of the game I was actually starting to miss it - it felt more like a generic action game with little character. Most of the one liners and jokes were in the first hour of the game. The twins getting alien raped really wasn't that big of a deal.
I also think everyones expectations were just too high, so they ripped on it. If the game was named something completely different and not associated with Duke, it would be a cult favourite. I've played most of the games with a lower rating than Dnf in 2011, and they just don't compare.
I did find the inconsistent gameplay annoying though - spawns of enemies followed by 10 mins of nothing, rinse and repeat. It needed more combat. Also the 2 weapon thing was completely fucked. Ended up just sticking with the ripper for most of the game because of fear of running out of ammo if I used other weapons.
#7768 posted by [Kona] on 2014/09/22 12:49:53
by the way did anyone play the dnf dlc? was it worth getting? The Doctor Who Cloned Me.
#7769 posted by JneeraZ on 2014/09/22 13:13:54
Wow, DNF had DLC?
 It Did!
It raised the number of max weapons from 2 to 4.
#7771 posted by [Kona] on 2014/09/22 13:32:35
and it included a 4 hour long single player campaign that is apparently better than the original game.
Reflex looks good actually. Definitely gonna be an interesting time for arena shooters.
#7773 posted by Shambler on 2014/09/23 10:28:58
Exactly. I'd pay $400k to see that banned from ever being made.
#7774 posted by Lunaran on 2014/09/23 16:36:07
pledging $400,000 just to piss shambler off
#7775 posted by Lunaran on 2014/09/23 16:52:48
also, it does totally look just like Quake3, but with actual development and new features which are not cockamamie. Sounds a-okay to me.
I was never into UT so Toxikk (awful name) and the new UT don't interest me, but if this came out I'd be tempted to map for it. (or pitch some LD contract work to electro harf harf)
 Kickstarter Rant
#7776 posted by [Kona] on 2014/09/24 02:44:10
I guess in video game world $400k isn't much when millions are spent on AAA's.
$400k is the equivalent of 13 years of full time work in a below average job. Plus any profit they might get from sales is all on top.
Actually, looks like there's 3 guys from aussie on the project, and assuming they're not college grads and wouldn't be working at the pizza joint the avg salary over here is about $50k for 20s/30s I guess.
So for 3 guys at $400k spread, that's the equivalent of 2.5-3 years full time employment. Are these guys really going to putting 3 years full time into this???
Not only that, but the core gameplay looks like it's pretty much all done already! The main thing needed now is art and assets.
I guess it's no different to most kickstarters though - I often think kickstarter projects are just being greedy fuckers for something they'd probably be doing as a hobby anyway.
#7777 posted by [Kona] on 2014/09/24 02:47:13
Oh I was also going to rant on about the speed of the movement, it just feels like a "look how fast we can play because we're elite" kind of bull. I'd get motion sickness after 10 mins of it. Q3 and UT were never that fast were they?
#7778 posted by JneeraZ on 2014/09/24 12:25:54
"The main thing needed now is art and assets"
Yeah, but that's where all the time and money goes on games. :) The code is relatively cheap in comparison.
 Wait What's That You Say
#7779 posted by nitin on 2014/09/24 15:25:30
kickstarter might fuel capitalist tendencies? No way :)
#7780 posted by Lunaran on 2014/09/24 18:00:46
yeah who the fuck do these guys think they are it's like they want to make video games for a living or something lol smh
#7781 posted by starbuck on 2014/09/25 11:57:45
I thought Destiny had a boring art style but this game really put things in perspective.