The Forest
#7720 posted by DaZ on 2014/09/05 19:34:17
great example of how Early Access can ruin a game.
Great concept, nice gfx. Full of unfinished features, bugs, terrible performance and lack of stuff to do.
I'm waiting to pick it up when it's "done" :)
#7721 posted by necros on 2014/09/05 19:54:05
well... early access lets me see other people play it without me having to pay or waste time trying it myself.
youtube "let's plays" are like the best way to preview a game!
Metro Last Stand
#7722 posted by necros on 2014/09/06 21:17:20
the AI buddy at the start is cool :)
Has The Swapper Been Discussed On Here? Worth Getting?
#7723 posted by Drew on 2014/09/09 01:53:29
Ive Played A Bit Of It
#7724 posted by nitin on 2014/09/09 04:41:29
and like it. Graphics are fairly lo-fi though if that bothers you.
Not One Bit
#7725 posted by Drew on 2014/09/09 05:01:30
#7726 posted by - on 2014/09/09 08:14:36
The Swapper owns. It is about 5 hours long, which seems the right length for a puzzle game, unless you want to find all the secrets.
My review of it on Steam literally only says "scary rocks :(" which is fair, as I do remember the rocks being scary.
#7727 posted by - on 2014/09/09 08:17:05
oh, and the graphics are cool because they are literally hand made. With clay!
The Swapper
#7728 posted by bal on 2014/09/09 10:21:07
Great game, nice atmosphere, I really enjoyed it.
#7729 posted by [Kona] on 2014/09/09 12:37:38
Oooh nice handmade graphics, a bit like The Neverhood? That was an old classic puzzler which unfortunately no one has ever tried to do since, from what I've seen.
#7730 posted by [Kona] on 2014/09/09 12:43:11
BTW I've finally finished playing Fallout New Vegas. only tried a few mods. Project Brazil is completely overrated and just an ugly unfinished vault quest. Might be good when parts 2 and 3 are done, if ever, but at the moment it's pretty boring.
But Beyond Boulder Dome was awesome. As good as the official DLC's.
Anyway back to the real world of playing full titles in a single sitting, played James Bond Blood Stone today in 6 hours. Nice game, like everyone says Splinter Cell with better environments, slightly more forgiving combat (in other words less stealth), boring story, linear levels. 7/10.
The Graphics In Swapper
#7731 posted by nitin on 2014/09/09 15:29:09
are definitely unique and good (in the same way quake's graphics are) but I would still call them lo-fi to temper someone's expectations.
The Swapper
#7732 posted by PuLSaR on 2014/09/11 21:25:58
impressed me a lot. Good stylish visuals, great sound and atmosphere
#7733 posted by erc on 2014/09/12 17:32:58
I've been playing The Swapper throughout the last night. As of now, it looks like it'll be another favourite indie sci-fi game of mine after Waking Mars.
#7734 posted by necros on 2014/09/12 19:19:39
weird controls? 20 degree fov? insanely slow movement? i'm so glad i didn't pay full price for this. is this worth muddling through? it's really awkward just playing the intro.
#7735 posted by metlslime on 2014/09/12 19:46:41
i've been told it has a terrible PC port, due to control issues.
#7736 posted by necros on 2014/09/12 19:59:34
That definitely seems to be my take on it. I got this funky 'widescreen fix' memory editing hack utility so I was able to increase the FOV to more normal levels, but all the menus are very very awkward to navigate and the game doesn't pause while you're doing it so you can get attacked while struggling to get an item.
don't get me wrong, that is an AWESOME mechanic. I loved it in system shock 2, for example. But not when the UI is working against you. :(
#7737 posted by metlslime on 2014/09/12 20:12:46
FWIW, i think it's a good game and might be worth buying it for console, if you have a console.
Plug In A Gamepad?
#7738 posted by ijed on 2014/09/12 21:39:18
#7739 posted by necros on 2014/09/13 00:51:10
I don't have a console and am not willing to take the time to learn how to play with a gamepad (I'm absolutely terrible at shooters with gamepads).
It's ok though. I can stand not playing it as I only got it as part of that EA bundle from a while back.
I Only
#7740 posted by ijed on 2014/09/14 01:58:50
Use a gamepad for platformers.
You'd have to be some sort of degenerate savage to use a gamepad for FPS.
To Clarify
#7741 posted by ijed on 2014/09/14 02:00:09
I try to use the input type the game was made for. And avoid FPS games that were made for gamepad.
#7742 posted by [Kona] on 2014/09/14 08:55:12
nice level design, but broken pc controls (at least for me) and yeah the slow movement is pretty bad. it's not really as good as made out.
maybe the sequel fixes some of that, but i haven't played it yet.
#7743 posted by necros on 2014/09/14 20:11:21
I've been playing SS2 instead. :) Haven't played it in like 10 years, so I've forgotten enough I don't mind that I know the story.
For Dead Space
#7744 posted by erc on 2014/09/15 20:19:48
Turning off V-Sync in-game and then forcing it on through the NVidia Control Panel for it (alongside Triple Buffering) helps improving the mouse control. Appearently the game is locked at 30FPS with its own V-Sync on, whereas NVidia CP locks it at 60FPS which is a definitive improvement for mouselook smoothness. As a side note, this workaround is for 1 only, 2 is much better in this sense.