Metro 2033 - Misplaced Game Mechanic?
#7704 posted by necros on 2014/08/26 00:34:48
Gas mask filters... what a bizarre gameplay choice in a linear game.
 Abyss Odyssey
#7705 posted by Killes on 2014/08/28 12:57:20
Anyone given that a try ? From Zeno Clash / Rock of ages dev.
 Abyss Odyssey
#7706 posted by bal on 2014/08/28 14:13:49
Been on the fence about it, have you bought it? Is it any good?
 Mixed Bag
#7707 posted by ijed on 2014/08/28 14:29:57
It's has a lot of interesting mechanics, hit and miss.
But it also has some bugs (probably mostly fixed by now) and some dodgy mechanics - like being able to hit each other in coop. Which makes no sense! Why aren't the enemies hitting each other!? It's one 2D fighter convention they shouldn't have broken. If anything I should be able to combine my attacks with my friend's.
If you're used to button mashing it'll take some adjustment since its a slower pace, more rhythm type game, timing the attacks being tricky at first.
Not for everyone and hard to recommend, but I'm glad I bought it.
#7708 posted by ijed on 2014/08/28 14:31:10
If that doesn't clear up the indecision then nothing will.
It's a quirky game which does more things right than wrong.
#7709 posted by Killes on 2014/08/28 16:43:56
Heheh cheers Ijed :)
The style looks cool, I am planning on trying this Coop.
I see they patched in a friendly fire option.
They seem to be actively patching it which is cool.
 I Used To
#7710 posted by ijed on 2014/08/28 18:10:47
Work with them here in Chile - they're good developers :)
#7711 posted by Blitz on 2014/08/29 08:05:22
A little late to the party on this one but holy shit talk about a good game nearly ruined by annoying platforming. I can't remember the last time a game pissed me off this much.
#7712 posted by bal on 2014/08/31 13:07:02
Super Time Force Ultra is awesome and everyone should go play it.
#7713 posted by Blitz on 2014/08/31 22:37:17
Just saw this at PAX and it looked really good. Kinda like a sci-fi Legend of Grimrock with a JRPG combat system
#7714 posted by ijed on 2014/09/01 03:59:10
That does look good.
Hope there are some tentacled aliens to kill and not just robots though.
 Metro 2033
#7715 posted by necros on 2014/09/03 22:12:59
this game is awesome btw. In case there was any doubt.
 I'll Have To Play It
#7716 posted by ijed on 2014/09/03 23:45:54
I got hold of it somehow, but didn't play because it got a mixed review here.
#7717 posted by necros on 2014/09/04 00:40:31
I can see how some people wouldn't like it, but it really depends on what you are expecting.
To be clear, this is not in any way like Stalker other than it has the same post-ap feel.
This is a linear, heavily story driven game with some light rpg-like elements (purchasing weapons, minor inventory).
Also, my only complaint with this game is the gas mask filter mechanic... it's pretty weird.
1. The counter on the HUD is the number of filters you have, but this is completely useless. Ignore it.
2. The time on your watch is how much time in total you have left with all your filters
3. You do not need to replace filters, they automagically get used in sequence
4. Only the filters you buy from the first two shops in the game have their full duration on them.
5. Filters found in the world have random durations on them (can be as short as maybe 10 seconds I think, it's hard to tell).
6. After the first two shops, you can NOT buy filters for the rest of the game.
With all the above: when you are on the surface, the temptation (at least for me) is to look around and absorb the level... don't. You can make the level unbeatable by running out of filters before you can get back below ground.
If you're really stuck, you can take the mask off for a bit and put it back on after a bit (you can live for maybe 20 seconds without it?) but the instant you put it back on, the timer is reset so you can take it off again. I had to do that in the first level because I was looking around and ran out of time......
 Anyone Seen This Game?
#7718 posted by starbuck on 2014/09/05 11:44:23
The Forest
Watch trailer 1 first (bottom of the page. Really great look, grounded in realism. So when it gets weird its actually a shock.
Generally fantastic visual design and some beautiful details.
From the About page:
The Forest is an open world survival horror game currently in development for PC.
Build, explore, survive in this terrifying first person survival horror simulator.
The world
Enter a living, breathing forest with changing weather patterns, plants that grow and die. Tides that roll in and out with the day/night cycle. Below ground explore a vast network of caves and underground lakes.
Complete player freedom
Chop down trees to build a camp, or start a fire to keep warm. Scavenge food to keep yourself from starving. Find and plant seeds to grow food.
Build a small shelter or a large ocean side fortress. decorate your home with found items. Lay traps and defenses to keep a safe perimeter.
Explore and build during the day. Defend your base at night. Craft weapons and tools.Bunker down during the evening or bring the fight directly to the enemy.
Fight or Hide
Use stealth to evade enemies, or engage them directly with crude weapons built from sticks and stones.
A new type of open world, survival horror experience
Defend yourself against a clan of genetic mutant enemies that have beliefs, families and morals and that appear almost human.
For PC and Oculus Rift - Alpha Version Coming May 30 2014
#7719 posted by necros on 2014/09/05 16:06:25
i've seen let's plays on youtube...
concept looks kind of cool, but the monsters seem to have a hard time pathfinding around the areas.
i'm waiting for the long dark, myself...
 The Forest
#7720 posted by DaZ on 2014/09/05 19:34:17
great example of how Early Access can ruin a game.
Great concept, nice gfx. Full of unfinished features, bugs, terrible performance and lack of stuff to do.
I'm waiting to pick it up when it's "done" :)
#7721 posted by necros on 2014/09/05 19:54:05
well... early access lets me see other people play it without me having to pay or waste time trying it myself.
youtube "let's plays" are like the best way to preview a game!
 Metro Last Stand
#7722 posted by necros on 2014/09/06 21:17:20
the AI buddy at the start is cool :)
 Has The Swapper Been Discussed On Here? Worth Getting?
#7723 posted by Drew on 2014/09/09 01:53:29
 Ive Played A Bit Of It
#7724 posted by nitin on 2014/09/09 04:41:29
and like it. Graphics are fairly lo-fi though if that bothers you.
 Not One Bit
#7725 posted by Drew on 2014/09/09 05:01:30
#7726 posted by - on 2014/09/09 08:14:36
The Swapper owns. It is about 5 hours long, which seems the right length for a puzzle game, unless you want to find all the secrets.
My review of it on Steam literally only says "scary rocks :(" which is fair, as I do remember the rocks being scary.
#7727 posted by - on 2014/09/09 08:17:05
oh, and the graphics are cool because they are literally hand made. With clay!
 The Swapper
#7728 posted by bal on 2014/09/09 10:21:07
Great game, nice atmosphere, I really enjoyed it.