#7682 posted by [Kona] on 2014/08/09 06:14:56
Played The First Templar as well this week. 6/10. Not that bad, just your average templar setting and story.
#7683 posted by Shambler on 2014/08/09 08:59:26
I'd say get the new version. I played LL on a non-uber machine and it did look great (i.e. nice gfx combined with really good use of them), and I think the addition of that to 2033 will be well worth it (didn't play 2033 but will get this for sure).
#7684 posted by necros on 2014/08/09 22:18:10
hrm.... Yeah ok. :S Price isn't too bad on steam either, 25 USD for redux.
#7685 posted by Yhe1 on 2014/08/10 04:50:28
Some Lesser Known FPS
I recommend Vivisector.
#7686 posted by negke on 2014/08/11 10:36:52
I have spare HB gift links for Hitman: Codename 47 and Hitman 2 on Steam. Anyone interested?
 I Never Really Played Fo2
#7687 posted by megaman on 2014/08/12 10:19:36
but i saw single-player role play contests for it, where you had to create a character with e.g. < 3 intelligence and then tell your story as you played it. I played some fo3, but from the few hours i put into it that game didn't leave a similar expression at all. It felt like oblivion in a new look.
#7688 posted by Spirit on 2014/08/18 22:14:45
#7689 posted by necros on 2014/08/19 04:31:38
What is the overall point of that article? It's well written, but all I can get out of it is that it's not worth being an indie developer these days...
 Fallout New Vegas
#7690 posted by [Kona] on 2014/08/19 08:18:29
Since we were discussing Fallout, I just finished New Vegas. I spent about 50 hours on it, including all 4 DLC's. It still just about all the same issues as Fallout3, it's really just more of the same. The graphics haven't dated too well, they're a bit average for 2010. That was with sweetfx, nmc's high res textures, nevada skies (which was awesome) installed.
The gehanna (from a dlc) was still way overpowered which rendered just about every gun inferior. The second boss (ncr one) went down so fast I didn't even see him.
But there's a lot of time spent outside of combat just doing random shit like fetch quests. What saves it are the 4 dlc's (well, 3 of them - dead money I hated). The 4th DLC is fantastic and better than anything in New Vegas or Fallout3. The nuked landscape and more linear progression was great. It's a shame the actual game didn't end with this, because it was much harder than the actual ending. 3 random fucking Deathclaws on a bridge was harder than the NV ending.
But it is better than Fallout3 just because you don't have to spend hours and hours traversing a maze like subway system.
Being that I've sunk 50 hours into it and i'm still not sick of it, must mean it's about a 9/10. Gotta find some new quest mods now.
#7691 posted by [Kona] on 2014/08/19 09:28:08
Fuck this is too hard. Anyone know of any dlc type new vegas mods? I don't want random quests in the same areas of new vegas - if I wanted to do that I'd keep playing all the official quests I skipped. I also don't want just a bunch of new sheds, stores and dungeons filling the same areas.
I want new main quests in new areas.
 Fallout NV
#7692 posted by bal on 2014/08/19 09:40:08
The Big Empty was the best DLC because penis toes.
I didn't really like the last DLC for the exact reason you liked it, thought it was too linear.
#7693 posted by [Kona] on 2014/08/19 13:32:39
The Big MT was good but I felt like it was just a bit too all over the place. I was just going from one fetch-quest job to the next with no proper progress. The giant roboscorpion and evil robots were good though, and the credits scene of all the appliances was great.
But the horrid weather conditions of and bombed environment I loved in Lonesome Road. I don't know if I just had a run of shit weather being generated by Nevada Skies or it was like that standard, but there were no nice sunny days in LR. If they whole game was linear it would have been a bit shit, but 5 hours out of 50 was a nice change to know where I'm heading... towards the proper endgame.
#7694 posted by Spirit on 2014/08/19 13:55:09
necros: Dunno, but I found the "people who give you $1 are not worth your time" aspect interesting.
Nice article about Tomb Raider http://caraellison.tumblr.com/post/94915454500/completed-the-latest-tomb-raider-for-the-third-time
YEah. When i played TR1 , i should as hell did a lot of running away, and the game *did* have great tension/atmosphere.
(Well - fucking fininshed Fez with help of a hundred cheat pages 189%. I'll be damned if i'm gonna set my system clock to cheat any frigging game. Glad i perservered towards the end. Those lightning and rain maps had the nicest atmosphere of any of them).
#7696 posted by necros on 2014/08/20 01:06:06
Spirit: I guess it depends on how much of that 1$ you're getting. If it's like iTunes (at least from what I understand), the cut the distributor is taking might make that 1$ small.
Also, does Steam work by paying per sale? Even when they sell at a reduced price? That's actually kind of lame. I had assumed that Steam was buying a license to sell the product or something.
Anyway, I find all that drama very tiresome...
Anyway, anyway, Metro 2033 and Metro Last Light are 75% off on Steam... I think I'm just going to pick these up instead of waiting for the redux.
#7697 posted by RickyT33 on 2014/08/20 15:41:02
Love or hate?
Also, R.E. Metro Redux - isn't that just a mod that brings PC quality to console fanbois?
 HD Deus Ex Looks Good IMO
and I am not usually a fan of such mods but since Deus Ex was supposed to be realistic it makes sense to update in this way.
#7699 posted by Killes on 2014/08/20 18:59:10
Have to agree with fifth, for a "real environment" type of old FPS HD textures help but its important to have ALL the texes on the same level and not a mish mash
#7700 posted by Spirit on 2014/08/20 19:06:31
I don't see how the pretend realism of Deus Ex is different from Quake and how that makes putting high-res textures on low-poly walls any more beautiful.
#7701 posted by Spirit on 2014/08/20 19:06:50
Deus Ex is a butt-ugly game, always was.
#7702 posted by Killes on 2014/08/20 19:53:22
Guess its personal but by example this http://media.moddb.com/images/mods/1/10/9009/Shot3.3.jpg first the mood of the game better than any HD q1 tex pack fits q1 for me
Maybe its the amount of textures used to represent real world "props" on simple geometry that helps it make sense.
 BL2 Free Weekend
#7703 posted by negke on 2014/08/21 19:09:44
Borderlands 2 is currently free to play on Steam until Sunday.
Anyone up for some mindless coop fun?
 Metro 2033 - Misplaced Game Mechanic?
#7704 posted by necros on 2014/08/26 00:34:48
Gas mask filters... what a bizarre gameplay choice in a linear game.
 Abyss Odyssey
#7705 posted by Killes on 2014/08/28 12:57:20
Anyone given that a try ? From Zeno Clash / Rock of ages dev.
 Abyss Odyssey
#7706 posted by bal on 2014/08/28 14:13:49
Been on the fence about it, have you bought it? Is it any good?