Not Sure
#7628 posted by necros on 2008/07/03 23:57:13
but the window frame looks like it's from the 'middle evil' map.
#7629 posted by metlslime on 2008/07/04 00:02:50
i think they were custom-made for that level, but obviously were based on some existing artwork (window frame from middle evil, stained glass from original quake wads, etc.)
#7630 posted by spy on 2008/07/04 06:47:35
--from glassman's readme--
Custom, almost entirely Undule's Gnosis pack converted to quake palette by myself;
 Dumping Data From The Console
#7631 posted by than on 2008/07/05 03:13:29
anyone know of a command for fitz or aguirre's quake to dump data from the console to a text file? I want to dump edicts data since it a. doesn't fit into the console buffer and b. is not fun to search manually.
Just run the game with -condebug (add it to your shortcut) and it should automatically log all console output to a file. Can't remember the file name or the location but I'm sure you'll find it!
#7633 posted by HeadThump on 2008/07/05 05:16:45
A save game spot is nothing more than a report of the game state at a particular time, and fortunately it is done in ascii and not binary. Just quick save a spot, change that .sav file into a .txt one, and you are golden.
#7634 posted by than on 2008/07/05 05:19:20
thanks. That worked a treat.
The file is called qconsole.log and appears in the directory the current progs is located in (e.g. ID1 or Quoth)
#7635 posted by HeadThump on 2008/07/05 05:19:53
my bad, you are looking for the back text for the
console, then what I mentioned wont be very useful.
#7636 posted by Preach on 2008/07/05 12:55:28
If than is doing what I think he's doing (long output of an edicts command), then the savegame method would also work just as well : - )
#7637 posted by ijed on 2008/07/05 21:50:28
Pretty useful.
#7638 posted by than on 2008/07/06 11:26:18
the log file write was really damn slow in fitz when I called the edicts command. Took 5-10 seconds for quake to become responsive again. I guess the savegame method is faster :)
 Licence Que
#7639 posted by madfox on 2008/07/06 14:39:19
I was wondering how far the restrictions of licences are. Nowadays quake1 is far concerned free to play with, as with all the monsters in it.
But when I create a monster, which has properties that look close to the Quake3 world and is not suported licence free, can I still publish them?
This for the monster bones I created. And although there are lot of parts I had to recompile, it still asambles a monster of the Q3 world. Therefore I am not licenced to publish it.
Not that I want to light up this licence war again, I just want to be sure before I publish a map with it, and get backed off again because I had to know this fact.
#7640 posted by ijed on 2008/07/06 17:38:03
Aren't going to sue you for making retro-Bones.
Alot of their tactics are set up so that a community like this could exist.
Looking forward to the map.
#7641 posted by madfox on 2008/07/07 20:03:44
the bones won't be licenced...
before I realy get crazy from its carving cry!
 Ut3 Jumppad Problem
#7642 posted by Jago on 2008/07/12 01:29:35
I am following this tutorial here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7IpxwsD8X64&feature=related precisely, to the letter, but somehow the thing refuses to work. The jumppad does appear in the game and does emit an ambient hum sound, but it doesn't actually launch me in the air even tho it's linked to a PathNode.
What could I be doing wrong?
#7643 posted by JneeraZ on 2008/07/12 11:46:31
It could be you are trying to launch yourself too high and the engine can't create a good path. In the editor, turn on paths (hit 'P') and select the jump pad. That will draw the jump arc in the editor. If nothing appears, try lowering the strength of the jump pad and see if it works better.
I had a bitch of a time getting the pads in DM-BioHazard to work because of this.
 Another Lazy Question...
#7644 posted by sikkpin on 2008/07/14 20:28:55
What has changed in modern qbsp utilities that keeps the polys on the backside(facing the void) of sky brushes from being removed and merging with the surrounding geometry? For example, all id, hip, rogue and even some levels made in '96 - '97 sky brushes behave like normal brushes. Have they become an entity now?
I'm assuming here that it's something with the bsp process.
Here are screenshots to compare:
id's start.bsp
Sidenote: Regarding the wad(s) I asked about earlier, the window frame is from chicosruin set. For anyone who was losing sleep over it...
#7645 posted by JneeraZ on 2008/07/14 20:32:08
I think I remember reading that id's QBSP had a bug that make projectiles explode on sky brushes or something. They fixed it before releasing the tools to the community.
#7646 posted by sikkpin on 2008/07/14 20:43:20
That's it. Much appreciated.
#7647 posted by madfox on 2008/07/15 03:46:57
knows the parameter for qcc.exe to recompile a progs.dat back to its origin?
 Found It
#7648 posted by madfox on 2008/07/15 04:16:37
#7649 posted by KamiKaze on 2008/07/18 22:52:32
[URL="http://i258.photobucket.com/albums/hh266/KJC1982/worldcraft.jpg"]Here's what it looks like in the editor[/URL]
Looks just as I want it to, except for the fact the brush on the left is missing the ceiling as you may be able to see...
[URL="http://i258.photobucket.com/albums/hh266/KJC1982/quake12.jpg"]Here's what it looks like in game[/URL]
A complete mess.
What am I doing wrong?
#7650 posted by KamiKaze on 2008/07/18 22:53:59
#7651 posted by ijed on 2008/07/18 23:00:56
Not too clear from the editor shot, but I'd suspect that there's some sort of brush interference there.
Those two six-sided shapes, try cutting them into wedges in the top view.
It also looks like you've got concave brushes at the top of the top view, if so then change those to wedges as well.
I mean keep the same shape, but made out of more (but simpler) brushes.
#7652 posted by KamiKaze on 2008/07/18 23:04:02
So instead of clipping a single brush multiple times, If I split the brush into different brushes where each new vert starts, it will render properly?
I always answer my own questions 5 minutes after posting.