#7620 posted by [Kona] on 2014/07/28 05:46:31
What's wrong with Fallout3? I thought it was a great game. Not perfect, but so much quantity and hours to waste. That was rare for a FPS in 2008 to be over 10 hours long.
#7621 posted by [Kona] on 2014/07/28 09:50:16
By the way I just finished Call of Juarez: The Cartel. Really not as bad as is made out. I guess everyone was expecting an open world western, but they got a linear cop thriller based in modern mexico. I enjoyed the story and characters. Just normal shooter gameplay but the guns were a bit shit.
About 6.5/10, maybe 7 if I'm feeling generous.
Oh and Battle: Los Angeles - 4.5/10. Could have been okay but this is a full game lasting, literally, 55 minutes. It's still $10 on steam!
#7622 posted by JneeraZ on 2014/07/28 10:58:35
Have to agree on Fallout 3. I've put in well in excess of 200 hours on the Fallout series (Fallout 3 and New Vegas combined), and I'm looking getting the itch for another play through soon. Just wonderful games. SO much to explore and find. And so many different character paths...
#7623 posted by skacky on 2014/07/28 11:16:49
Fallout 3 is an utter failure on every imaginable level. It has a completely shit storyline with almost no choice and consequence, an ugly and buggy engine (I can't believe they're still using it), almost none of the humour present in the earlier games (especially FO2), shit writing, abysmal gameplay and the fact that Van Buren got canned for this terrible game makes me really mad.
The worst offender has to be gameplay though. The fact that there is ZERO player skill involved in an FPS is a cardinal sin. Everything is determined with dice rolls and character skills. This does NOT work in an FPS. At all. The fact that I'm very good at aiming, aim for the head and yet won't even hit my target because of some shit skill not high enough is maddening (and it's worse if that backfires). And despite its good setting, writing and all New Vegas still has the same crap. VATS makes the game even slower and you almost have to use it every time if you even want to hit something. Now VATS was in FO1 and 2 but that isn't an issue in a isometric game, however in an FPS it's the absolute worst thing you could think of.
#7624 posted by skacky on 2014/07/28 11:27:06
Also RPGCodex recently made a Top 70 RPGs poll where members could allocate 25 points for any RPG they wanted. While New Vegas got pretty high in the poll (too high in my opinion even if it's a definite improvement over FO3 in every domain except gameplay and engine), Fallout 3 did not receive a SINGLE vote, not even to allocate 1 point.
#7626 posted by [Kona] on 2014/07/28 11:49:58
Alpha Protocol ahead of Dragon Age: Origins and The Witcher 2 with Mass Effect 2 not even on the list? wtf. Don't agree with that poll.
#7627 posted by JneeraZ on 2014/07/28 12:14:34
Shacky - You know that Fallout isn't a action shooter game, right?
#7628 posted by skacky on 2014/07/28 12:20:30
I know, but why make it a FPS then?
#7629 posted by skacky on 2014/07/28 12:22:46
When I play a first-person game, with guns even, I expect to be able to hit stuff with my weapons relying solely on my player skills. If I have to abide by dice rolls and character skills or go through some terrible system that has no place in a first person game then I'm sorry but the decision to make it a first person game was terrible and whoever was in charge of that should think twice next time.
#7630 posted by RickyT33 on 2014/07/28 12:40:39
Fallout 3 hater! I love the game. It is what it is. It's not a shooter per-sey. It's an RPG. But I think, despite your attempts to discredit the reputation of Fallout 3, that it's a game with a lot of fans. And I'm one of them.
#7631 posted by skacky on 2014/07/28 12:46:34
It's an RPG but it's still a shit RPG. No choice & consequence, no way to have fun with the systems and with abysmal replay value. Fallout 3 is loved by people who have never touched the originals, just like people who love Thi4f. May I remind you people that Fallout 1 is the game in which you can finish the two main quests without ever meeting the villain and can even drive him to suicide instead of fighting him. You can kill everyone in Fallout 1 and 2 and still finish the game. You can play a character so stupid no one will talk to you and people will laugh at you, or some will try to enlsave you. You can join slavers and some people will shoot you on sight while others will welcome you with their arms open. Kill children and you'll get your ass handed to you by most people, and those who don't want to slit your throat will damage your reputation in other ways. You have almost none of that in FO3.
#7632 posted by RickyT33 on 2014/07/28 12:46:40
Fallout 3 is an utter failure on every imaginable level. It has a completely shit storyline with almost no choice and consequence, an ugly and buggy engine (I can't believe they're still using it), almost none of the humour present in the earlier games (especially FO2), shit writing, abysmal gameplay and the fact that Van Buren got canned for this terrible game makes me really mad.
Where do you start with a statement like this....
utter failure on every imaginable level
Er, OK, so multiple Game of the Year awards don't count for anything.
completely shit storyline with almost no choice and consequence
The storyline seemed OK to me, quite rich really, and there are loads of choices and consequences (blow up Megaton, let the Ghouls into that tower, be evil, be good, become a slaver, liberate the enslaved, off the top of my head...)
an ugly and buggy engine PS3 user maybe? Seemed OK to me, I mean it was buggy at times, but they managed to get the Capital Wasteland onto an XBox, which is an achievement really...
almost none of the humour present in the earlier games
There is a lot of humor though.....
shit writing, abysmal gameplay and the fact that Van Buren got canned for this terrible game makes me really mad.
Subjective, subjective, irrelevant.
 May I Point Out
#7633 posted by RickyT33 on 2014/07/28 12:49:09
That Fallout 1 and 2 were crappy isometric games, and Fallout 3 is fully 3D?!??!
"Dude none of these games are a PATCH on Space Invaders!!! Old skool FTW y'all!!!"
 You Weren't On The Van Buren Team, Where You?
#7634 posted by RickyT33 on 2014/07/28 12:52:59
Would explain the hate levels perhaps.
#7635 posted by JneeraZ on 2014/07/28 13:02:23
I don't even ... Did they ever say that the storyline would branch and react to your choices? No? Then why is it a mark against the game that it doesn't do that.
Quake sucks because it doesn't have a skill tree. See how that's silly?
Fallout is about the world and the side quests and your characters progression. The main storyline is something you can do when you get bored of the rest of the game.
The first thing I do when I emerge from the vault is pick a random direction and start walking.
#7636 posted by skacky on 2014/07/28 13:14:58
I'm not even going to reply to Ricky since he doesn't even understand or try to understand what I'm trying to say, but whatever.
Willem: I use that against the game because you could do the quests in the earlier Fallout games in any order you liked, and they all had meaningful impacts on the storyline and your character and his/her reputation! You could visit cities in any order you liked as well, just pick a direction on the map and go ahead until your find something, do quests and see what happens. The fact that this disappeared in Fallout 3 is just another evidence of its failure to understand what made Fallout great, but that's the case with all Bethesda titles after Morrowind.
And I don't see why you're using Quake and skill trees. That's completely irrelevant. Quake isn't an RPG and never prentended to be one. Fallout 3 was meant to be the successor of one of the most sprawling and complex RPGs ever designed and it utterly failed.
#7637 posted by [Kona] on 2014/07/28 13:42:47
It failed at continuing to be an isometric hardcore RPG for that small hardcore fanbase.
But it succeeded in creating a much bigger fanbase, bringing in so many more gamers that prefer first-person over overhead isometric, and more action. The sales stats don't lie - Fallout 3 sold more copies than all 4 previous Fallout games combined (includes the spinoffs). New Vegas set new sales records for Bethesda.
You could say they went "commercial" with F3, but it certainly worked for them.
I also don't think the viewing type (isometric vs fp) should dictate what the gameplay should be. Why shouldn't a dice-roll type combat system be in a first person game? Just because it hasn't happened previously? I love that most RPG's these days are not isometric - that's what put me off most RPG's in the past.
I think F3 is probably in the top 20 games of the last 20 years, simply for breaking down some genre barriers.
#7638 posted by JneeraZ on 2014/07/28 14:11:03
" I use that against the game because you could do the quests in the earlier Fallout games in any order you liked, and they all had meaningful impacts on the storyline and your character and his/her reputation!"
The reputation thing, sure, that's also in Fallout 3.
Can you give an example where the quests had a meaningful impact on the main storyline in the old Fallouts? I don't remember a lot of that beyond some basic dialog changes - which the new games do as well.
"You could visit cities in any order you liked as well, just pick a direction on the map and go ahead until your find something, do quests and see what happens. The fact that this disappeared in Fallout 3 is just another evidence of its failure to understand what made Fallout great,"
That's exactly what I do whenever I play the game.
I think the core issue is you don't like the switch to FPS or something and are justifying it by saying that the game design changed too much or something. I see little difference between the modern fallouts and the old ones. They are, essentially, the same games just from a different camera position.
#7639 posted by skacky on 2014/07/28 15:08:02
The most obvious quest that has a deep impact on the storyline is the water chip problem. If you decide to join the water merchants and reveal the location of Vault 13 to them, they'll get a stock of water to the Vault that will give you more time to get the chip, but on the other hand the Master will be aware of the location of the Vault and will send his supermutants way faster. If you're not aware of this the Vault can get destroyed.
Another one is still regarding the chip in the Necropolis, if you steal the chip without repairing the Ghouls' water pump beforehand they'll turn hostile and want to kill you even if you freed them from the supermutants above.
If you join the Khans in Fallout 1 your reputation goes to the ground and you obviously won't be able to be on friendly terms with Shady Sands. I think Killian in Junkcity doesn't even want to speak to you if you do that.
If you optimize the power plant in Gecko in Fallout 2, Gecko and NCR will be on good terms but Vault City will hate your guts more than usual, and they'll send troops to destroy Gecko.
If you destroy the Shi Emperor in San Francisco everyone will hate you and you'll have to kill them. This makes the game obviously much harder. However if you do the contrary, that is to kill AHS-9 you get lots of good rep and lots of experience. Basically if you help the Hubologists most people will hate you, which makes acquiring the boat to get to the Enclave oilrig harder.
The FPS switch is indeed an issue because the system doesn't work for me at all, as I've already explained. I'm far from being the only one complaining about this. The gameplay is way too rigid and random, which doesn't work in a first-person perspective. Even in System Shock 2, that had character skills, you could kill stuff with weapons you had almost no stats for. It was hard but it was definitely easier than in Fallout 3. Seriously, not being able to score a headshot when I'm at close range is utterly ridiculous.
#7640 posted by JneeraZ on 2014/07/28 15:26:53
I'm out of my depth now and will bow out. Your encyclopedic knowledge of the original Fallout games has overpowered me. :)
"Can you provide an example?"
"*provides several*"
"Whatever, aspie :)"
#7642 posted by JneeraZ on 2014/07/28 15:41:19
I can continue to argue against someone with who has a clearly better grasp of the topic than I do, or I can bow out. I know internet tradition dictates that I start calling him names and swearing, but I'm opting for a different way. :)
I still love Fallout 3 and I think it's one of the best games ever created. Yeah, I said it. But I don't remember the quests by heart or their outcomes and effects and I can't spend the time to go dig it all up so ...
I'm out!
#7643 posted by Shambler on 2014/07/28 18:05:04
Good convincing argument dude. I'd left Fallout 3 New Vegas to one side, but I'm definitely going to start playing it now :)
#7644 posted by Lunaran on 2014/07/28 18:17:17
I haven't played Fallout 3.