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Other PC Games Thread.
So with the film and music threads still going and being discussed... why don't we get some discussion going on something on topic to the board? What other games are you playing now?
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I get anal when Gone Home is classified as a video game (it's not a video game) and especially when it gets comparisons with Myst. Other than that it's okay. 
I Didn't Like 
The controls. They were too precise and games orientated for what he was trying to present. They should have been much more fluid and simple as opposed to the basic HL2 controls.

Also, it just wasn't engaging enough for me. If you're going to tell an interactive story then use the strengths of the medium to your advantage, and I feel they failed at that.

Walking around to hear the next piece of exposition felt like a chore. Not that it should have been ungamified completely, but it could have been done a lot better than what was basically a buggy interactive postcard. 
"This is the engine, what can I do with it?"

Should have been:

"This is what I want to do, let's make the engine fit" 

Consider that it was one dude working on a passion project. I think he accomplished a lot. 
More Than Most 
THAT'S the game that Barnak got his rage on because it wasn't as good as Quake? It's nothing like Quake nor is it trying to be like Quake ... 
And ... 
.. Those puzzle games are really cool... 
that game has no DMSP, rated -1/10 for disrespecting TEXAN STYLE 
Had To Cheese. 
Holy hell - the Fez unfolded cube puzzle was a bit tough. I though about looking for a missing Hexomino , but there are way more than 11 of those. Still enjoying it though, and overall difficulty of puzzles seems reasonable. 
Space Hulk FPS....

Am I the only one blown away by the revelation that Blues News still exists? 
You Are Not Alone.. 
Of course it does, never stopped going there since I discovered it in Q1 days :) 
Is Blue still running it? I lost touch with that site ... well, it MUST be a decade ago if it's a day. Wow... 
I wonder if that's up to date? It reads the same as it did 15 years ago. :P 
Likely Is 
bluesnews has looked the same for years and blue never sold it. the great part is that the news archive is completely intact 
"nextgen" Doom Stuff 
wow, that's pretty crazy that it's the doom2 engine.
for these kinds of high tech mods, i wonder how that impacts the mapping, specifically the speed and simplicity which is what I like the most about doom mapping. 
Finished Metro Last Light 
It was okay, but not as good as I expected based on the reviews.

One level, the final "boss" glitched on me 3 times in a row. Due to their garbage autosave system, I had to try replaying from the beginning of the level 3 times. I finally gave up and downloaded a save game for the start of the next level. Whoever made that save game had less money and worse weapons than I had. I was not happy about that, but it didn't matter much in the long run.

They at least fixed that annoying gas mask game mechanic. Filters were plentiful (I finished with about 60 minutes worth left)and Artyom finally figured out out to wipe the front clean so he could see better.

Unfortunately he apparently cannot swim, which shouldn't have been much of a problem except that even on just slightly rolling terrain, rain puddles in Moscow are 10 feet deep.

It took me about 22 hours to finish, so it was well worth the $6 I paid. 
Only site I go to for gaming news. I like the simplicity and Blues no-frills approach. 
I'm Gonna Fucking Rant And There's Nothing You Can Do About It 
Been playing through the original Unreal lately, first time in a decade probably.
It has some cool environments, (or at least ideas for environments/concepts, often poorly realized due to the tech) but holy crap the level design is bad.

Just now I'm at Dasa Pass Cellars.
There's a room where you enter and bars close behind you, and there's a Titan and endlessly spawning Kralls. How do you exit? On the pillar in the middle of the room there is a stone sticking out slightly. Pushing this reveals a staircase up to a catwalk, from there you can drop down to a niche and push a tiny button that opens the bars again. You better discover this quickly before you waste 30 mins pew-pewing away at the endless stream of fuckers.
After this you come to a pool of water with a culvert leading out of it, blocked by iron bars. Best go around and look for a way to open them right? Wrong, just jump into the pool and one of the bars are snapped off at the bottom. Just swim through. So good.
In the same area, you enter a room with a barred exit to one side, and again bars close behind you and endless Kralls spawn. How do you get out of this one? YOU JUST FUCKING WALK UP TO THE BARRED EXIT BECAUSE THESE BARS ARE ACTUALLY DOORS. Fuck you Myscha the Sled Dog.

Don't get me started on the fucking Sunspire. Five floors of identical fucking rooms and corridors, some of them are even labled the same. I get nauseous just thinking about it. To actually find the exit you have to find a switch in the pitch blackness under a balcony, this summons a lift in the adjoining room.

There's a whole lot of "Pull Lever => What The Fuck Did That Do => A Door Opened In The House Across The Street" in this game. I'm all for game environments being puzzles to solve, but these are less puzzles and more completely random events you have to perform in a certain order. And there are places where a button is a toggle button, but you don't know that, so you might accidentally hit it twice and reset whatever it triggered, so you'll run around the whole level wondering what the fuck just happened. (Nothing!)

Fuck the spiders! The mosquitos and frogs in Daikatana were pure joy compared to these fuckers, they can survive a fucking rocket in the thorax! Vile! And tentacles! They're the second enemy you meet in the game, and they still fucking wreck me even now that I'm fully armored up!
Fuck every enemy dodging the instant you press the trigger on a non-hitscan weapon! Fuck those assholes that are sometimes armed with Eightballs.

Every time there's a sci-fi level the level designers seem to lose their mind and go full Daikatana for the looks. Pulsating shit, rainbow lights and fucking terrible brushwork everywhere. ISV Kran is a turd of a level. It's like Baby's First Quake Level circa 1996 but with purple, green and hot pink in every corner.

i haete th1s gmae!11!! 
Because I just progressed like 3 minutes and ANOTHER room where you're locked in and endless waves spawn.
EXCEPT this time they're actually not endless and you just have to hang around a while and kill stuff.
What the fuck! 
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