Hey Again
#7528 posted by LEAK! on 2008/06/07 07:35:19
OK so I did what you told me the first time and it pointed me to the leak.. my leak was that the sky was open to the outside.. so i moved the sky down and made it bigger to cover the top of the screen. I try again. It gives me the same error again. So I try pointfile and it tells me "not enough free particles" "no points read" you think you can help me? Thanks in advance.
On a side note: How do I get more light into my maps? I put so many globes and torches and a lot of my map is still dark.. I even added a sky.
#7529 posted by JPL on 2008/06/07 10:48:32
In the worldspawn, you have to add a light field, and set a value: it will give a minimum light for the map, and then no more completely dark areas ;)
#7530 posted by rj on 2008/06/07 11:30:39
In the worldspawn, you have to add a light field, and set a value: it will give a minimum light for the map, and then no more completely dark areas ;)
don't do this. it looks horrible
you just need to scatter ambient lights around carefully and play with their values; not all your light needs to come from torches or globes. it's very much a case of trial and error.
as a very rough example guide, in corridor type areas i put ambient ents 64 units off the ground, about 192 units apart from eachother and will typically give them a value of between about 140 and 170 depending how light i want it in there. then for bigger rooms it's a case of spacing them further out & increasing the values.. you really need to experiment though. and contrast between light & dark is important; you need sources lights & well-lit areas but quake wouldn't be quake without the dark shadows!
 *sourced Lights
#7531 posted by rj on 2008/06/07 11:41:27
that should be.
one other thing to add, a nicer alternative to minlight for quickly lighting large areas is having a couple of lights with 'delay' set to '1' (assuming you have a custom light compiler). try putting one at the centre of a large room & tweaking its values, although it shouldn't be too high and there definitely shouldn't be more than a few in the same area (unless you're using them as an alternative to sunlight). really they're best used as an accompaniment to normal lights, rather than a replacement
#7532 posted by JPL on 2008/06/07 14:43:38
It is however possible to have complete dark areas, even with some minimum light value set in the worldspawn.. Just use antilights, and compile with -nominlimit during lightning processing, in huge map it is necessary ;)
 There Are Over 1000 Lights In My Current Project
#7533 posted by RickyT33 on 2008/06/07 18:28:03
and only 95 monsters....
#7534 posted by JPL on 2008/06/07 21:25:43
you should do the opposite: 1000 monsters and 95 lights :P
#7535 posted by rj on 2008/06/07 21:32:18
i'm aware of them, used them before. i didn't mean select dark areas though, i meant all those little shadows & corners that otherwise wouldn't get touched by light. flooding them all with flat dim light sucks so much potential atmosphere out of maps & makes them look ugly, imho (that was actually my main gripe with 5rivers)
and it's never 'necessary', no matter how big the map. just lazy :p
 Yeah - Minlight
#7536 posted by RickyT33 on 2008/06/07 21:43:07
I have learnwed that minlight is a bit crappy - it was used well in "The Bile Plant" alongside some light fog, but generally alowing maps to have areas wich are black is good. So no minlight !!
Used these instead:
"classname" "light"
"light" "60"
"wait" "0.18"
Usefull to light up areas whcih are completely black but you don't want them to be....
#7537 posted by JneeraZ on 2008/06/07 21:56:03
What does the wait key do in a light? Obviously it's for a specialized lighting program but what does it affect? Fall off?
 Wait Key
#7538 posted by negke on 2008/06/07 22:03:05
It determines a light's fade distance. Higher values makes it fade faster.
#7539 posted by to ricky on 2008/06/07 22:51:05
Hey Well I just started mapping.. what do i do with that code you gave me? also how do i apply fog, make breakable glass, etc.?
#7540 posted by Spirit on 2008/06/08 01:12:14
what code who gave you and you need to use a mod for breakable glass.
"60" lights sound pretty dark to me, there is nothing wrong with making bright areas bright (200-max (255?)) actually.
 Mysterious Poster Of #7239
#7541 posted by RickyT33 on 2008/06/08 01:15:19
I assume your name isn't "to ricky" :-)
Well when you make a map, the output of your editor is always in .map format. You can open this file in wordpad or notepad (I use notepad, although there are apparently better text editors). Try opening a map file in a text editor, and scroll to the end of the text (of which there will be shitloads!) The end of the map file is where all of the entities are put.
In more practical terms, in my case I use Worldcraft, whenj I put a light entity into the map by default the light has a bunch of "keys" - these are the settings or parameters of the entity. If I look at the properties of my light entity in Worldcraft it gives me the option of using "smart edit" - sometimes I use "smart edit" but to add a "wait" key to a light entity I need to turn it off. Then click on "add". This sends me to a window where I can enter the "key" and it's "value". So in this case the key would be "wait" and the value would be "0.18" without the quote marks.
As for the wait key on lights, well it works with Tyrlite and AguirRe's light tool - ot makes the light travel further or less distance!
values > 1 = the light travels LESS distance
values < 1 = the light travels MORE distance.
I like to put lights like:
"classname" "light"
"light" "450"
"wait" "6"
close to sourced lights, but along side that I would put another light which is less bright but travels further like:
"classname" "light"
"light" "60"
"wait" "0.2"
and maybe another like
editor is always in .map format. You can open this file in wordpad or notepad (I use notepad, although there are apparently better text editors). Try opening a map file in a text editor, and scroll to the end of the text (of which there will be shitloads!) The end of the map file is where all of the entities are put.
In more practical terms, in my case I use Worldcraft, whenj I put a light entity into the map by default the light has a bunch of "keys" - these are the settings or parameters of the entity. If I look at the properties of my light entity in Worldcraft it gives me the option of using "smart edit" - sometimes I use "smart edit" but to add a "wait" key to a light entity I need to turn it off. Then click on "add". This sends me to a window where I can enter the "key" and it's "value". So in this case the key would be "wait" and the value would be "0.18" without the quote marks.
As for the wait key on lights, well it works with Tyrlite and AguirRe's light tool - ot makes the light travel further or less distance!
values > 1 = the light travels LESS distance
values < 1 = the light travels MORE distance.
I like to put lights like:
"classname" "light"
"light" "450"
"wait" "6"
close to sourced lights, but along side that I would put another light which is less bright but travels further like:
"classname" "light"
"light" "160"
which is just a normal light!
You can have loads of light entities in a very small map! This way you can make a more realistic lighting effect IMHO! It has to be done right, and it's never completely simple. I always have to change things a few times to get it right.....
 Breakable Glass:
#7542 posted by RickyT33 on 2008/06/08 01:18:40
You can map for Quoth 2!
If you make a brush (of what will be glass) into a "func_breakable", and then give it a "alpha" key with a value of "0.25" then that would behave like breakable glass, but it would only work in engines which suport alpha on brushmodels, like AguirRe's modified GLQuake, or Darkplaces or whatever........
 You Cant Do It In Normal Quake
#7543 posted by RickyT33 on 2008/06/08 01:19:37
only the Quoth mod.
You can have glass in normal Quake, but not breakable......
#7544 posted by RickyT33 on 2008/06/08 01:22:15
Oops! heh - just ignore the stuff thats in there twice......
#7545 posted by JneeraZ on 2008/06/08 01:42:17
Ahh OK. In ToeTag, if I wanted a hot light with a large fall off I would do something like:
"_light" "250 64 150 300"
A little easier to do and better for control since you can input the exact radii that you want to use. Above, that would be a 250 brightness light for 64 units and then a 150 with fall off for the next 300.
 One Last Question
#7546 posted by Ghost on 2008/06/08 06:20:35
Ok thanks guys. One last question.... Can I make my own textures?
#7547 posted by JPL on 2008/06/08 09:26:22
Yes, it is possible: all textures are generally 8-bit indexed (that uses quake palette: see there http://www.gamers.org/dEngine/quake/wad_conv/palette.html
) and texture dimension must 16x16 multiples (e.g 16x16, 16x32, 32x16, 64x64, etc... etc...)
Enjoy !
#7548 posted by Spirit on 2008/06/08 10:19:59
#7549 posted by madfox on 2008/06/08 10:20:43
 Thakns Guys But
#7550 posted by GHOST on 2008/06/08 15:44:38
Thanks guys but how do I turn an image that I have INTO a texture using wally?
 Just Copy Your Picture From Paint Or Whatever
#7551 posted by RickyT33 on 2008/06/08 16:04:25
and paste it into wally. If you create a new .wad file in Wally, you then right-click in the .wad files window, then click on "paste as new"
It converts it to the correct pallette automatically and even creates the incremented mip-maps.
#7552 posted by Ghost on 2008/06/08 16:45:15
Thanks again guys!! I think I got everything covered now thanks to you. I just have one last question... I have both worldcraft 1.6a and worldcraft 3.3 quaked.... I also have a wad to hlwad converter... do you think I should use 3.3 or 1.6a?