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Mapping Help
This is the place to ask about mapping problems, techniques, and bug fixing, and pretty much anything else you want to do in the level editor.

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you only need to run TxQbsp, it contains all of the features of WQbsp (Ken Alverson's) but it's more modern and has plently other newer features (it's stable as hell)

First run TxQbsp (with no commands)
Then run Vis (type "vis -fast testmap1", or "vis -level 4 testmap1")
Then run light (type "light -extra4 testmap1", or "light -gate testmap1")
then you can run the map in Quake! :-)

If you read the documentation on AguirRe's hompepage it will tell you all of the commands for his tools... 
if you read that log you will see that TxQbsp sucessfully comiles your map with no warnings! But then WQbsp tries to do the same thing and crashes. If you had run the tools one at a time you would have been able to view the map at that point, just with no vis (visual optimisation) and no lighting. The light and vis would have worked if WQbsp hadn't scrambled the perfectly good .bsp file that TxQbsp had created...

(dont worry dude, I found it all very confusing to begin with) 
so far got it workin hehe thanx guys, u know of a website with a forum like this that i can ask modeling questions ? 
Well, Errr........ 
OK, I have never really tried this! If you plan to mod for Quake1 I would look at:

Err, there are some tools at

There's much much more but I.. I just ...

(Im no coder...) 
He Said Modeling (modelling) 
not modding. 
Bat Files Are Not Stupid! 
Open the bat files with a text editor. And look at the paths and modify them. Where is the Problem?!? 
Program Files!!! Sux 
I think I wrote Progra*1

* is not correct but I cant write the "Wave" :( 
Put it in quotation marks. That's how you specify to DOS that it's a long filename with spaces in it. So "c:\program files\windows sucks\qbsp".

However, if you're going to store your maps and things in 'program files' you'll probably find that the Quake tools aren't fans of paths containing spaces. 
My fast.bat :

..\bats\Txqbsp %1
..\bats\light -extra %1
..\bats\vis -fast %1
copy %1.bsp \Progra~1\games\quake\ID1\maps
cd \Progra~1\games\quake
glquake.exe -width 1280 -height 1024 -bpp 32 -heapsize 30000 +map %1

My Comp.bat 
qbsp -oldaxis %1
vis %1
light -gate 1 %1
copy %1.pts c:\quake\id1\maps
copy %1.bsp c:\quake\id1\maps 
I Have Quake Shortcuts 
in ctrl-alt-w (fitz)
and ctrl-alt-a (fuhquake)
You can set up keyboard shortcuts on desktop shortcuts. Very useful. 
Is There A Better Fgd I Can Get Cuz 
on here -

there are a bunch of entities i dont have 
models info:

Also Preach's tutorial is usefull:

I can't help you with your fgd, because I don't use WorldCraft. 
then what do you use, is there a better program? thats just as easy as worldcraft? 
Some People Tend To Use QERadiant Or GTKRadient Or 

Or QuArK. or BSP

But not me! :-) 
Has good quake support. You may or may not prefer it.

P.S. Use 1.4, 1.5 bites. 
"The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process" is the error I get after trying to compile the first map/room I ever made into a bsp. When I try to run my map to compile it into a a bsp using QBSP.exe and Vis.exe and LIGHT.exe that is the error I get. Can anyone help me out? 
Save To A .map File 
then run qbsp with the file ie "qbsp mymapnamehere" in command prompt by having all the utils and the map file in the same directory. Wait till it finishes. Then run vis and then light. In similar style.

Use aguirre's utils.
That "file in use" thing might be if some program was using the file and then crashed so it never released the lock. You might try to exit the editor, relogon, reboot or something to clear the lock. You must not run any of those tools simultaneously, but one at a time. 
OK so when I tried to convert to BSP using your method in command prompt I typed: ""C:\Documents and Settings\Sam.HOME-Z41XARD8MU\Desktop\Q1tools\QBSP.exe" first

First is the name of my map. I tried just simply typing "QBSP First" but windows couldn't find the file. So when I did what I tried above, a window would pop up for like a second then disappear. 
Wait I'm sorry.. Actually when I did it with qbsp I got: "first.h1", "first.h2", "first.prt", and "first.pts" but no "first.bsp" when I tried doing it with Vis and Light I got nothing new. just a split second window. 
the .map file (in my example and qbsp.exe into the same directory like c:\maps
then go to command prompt and type these two lines (end with enter)
cd maps
qbsp evil 
That looks like you have a leaked map. 
Nevermind.. after messing around I realized that my file extension was too long so I had to move everything to C:/ . Thanks for your help here guys. 
Hey sorry to bother you all but I get this error when I try to compile my map:

LoadPortals: couldn't read C:\QUAKE\2nd.prt

is it because of a leak or something? too many textures? 
If the portal file (.prt) does not exist, then the map has leaked, yes. QBSP will have generated a pointfile (.pts) instead, which you can use to try to find the source of the leak.

Copy the pointfile (it should be 2md.pts for you here) into your quake/id1/maps directory. Load the map and type pointfile in the console.

You will see a dashed line coming from a nearby entity and going through a hole in the map (at least hopefully that's what you'll see, the pointfile isn't always completely reliable...) 
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