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Other PC Games Thread.
So with the film and music threads still going and being discussed... why don't we get some discussion going on something on topic to the board? What other games are you playing now?
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Bugger, I've left stalker installed waiting for this mod. 
It's Standalone 
But go play Misery instead =) best Stalker mod! 
2010 Games 
All the games I must have played in the last month (damn I'm a machine lately!)

Dragon Age: Origins � Awakening - 8/10. Great but only an expansion pack really. Don't play if you didn't enjoy Origins.

Mafia II - 7/10. Play for the story and that's it. Gameplay is boring, driving everywhere is boring, design is dull. Story is great though.

Singularity - 8/10. Like I said above, great game, my fav on this list. Thanks Scampie!

Front Mission Evolved - 5.5/10. Skip it, very budget game, one of the worst of the year.

Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Conviction - 6.5/10. Overrated as usual, trying to do more action but it's not fun.

Just Cause 2 - 8/10. This is almost an 8.5 when I think back on it, amazing open world. Gameplay not quite as good, needed some mods to be more fun.

Amnesia: The Dark Descent - 7/10. Muuuuuuch better than Penumbra, but still has a bit of a budget feel to it - certainly not AAA.

Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light - 6.5. Okay if you like arcade platform shooters, but story and graphics are average. Feels like a quick game knocked up between bigger titles.

Arcania: Gothic 4 - 7.5/10. This is better than I was expecting, just a good game, but not great. Poor mans Dragon Age.

Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands - 6.5/10. Well overrated. Frustrating controls (at least with my setup), uninspired level design. Not worth finishing.

Dead Rising 2 - 6/10. Average graphics, poor combat, long save points, just not very fun. Creative, but not fun. For the younger console crowd.

All reviewed fully on my website. I think I'll stop doing reviews once I've finished with 2010, or maybe just mini-reviews. There's too many games to play these days, and having to get through games like Prince of Persia and Dead Rising 2 is a real chore.

Arkham Asylum is next on my list though :D 
Cryengine-powered Victorian-age horror-themed 3rd-person L4D clone??

Sign me up! 
Oh Another One 
I'll add it to the pile of co-op victorian age l4d clones coming out this year ;)

Vigil Games working on this one though so it should be pretty good! 
And it's cryengine so it's automatically better than the rest. Zombies though? So unoriginal. Just make them slightly different, something supernatural but not a dead person coming out of the ground and suddenly you won't get so many "l4d clone" labels, and opens up a lot more possibilities for enemy types.

I guess the point is to cash in on l4d fans. 
I Thought We Were Past Peak-zombies 
now I wanna make a lame zombie-revival joke ... 
Sniper Elite 2 is free RIGHT NOW on steam!
Grab it while it's free!

(today only) 
thanks quaddy 
Shovel Knights Is Out End Of The Month... 
Anyone else excited for this? 
If you printed out half a dozen screenshots, I wouldn't even shit on them, not even post-curry diarrhoea. Which is incidentally what the game looks like. 
Might have looked pretty in the 80s 
I Think It Looks Interesting 
Megaman ghosts and goblins style platformers rule. 
looks like any other platformer except it has shovels instead of actual weapons. 
"Retro" games need to fucking die already. 
Y'all are getting kind of salty about some goofy little game. 
I play retro games cause they're fun, not because I want to be kooky or weird.

Hell, anyone on a forum dedicated to a 17 year old shoot 'em saying retro style games need to die is being a little weird ;) 
Except not at all. 
Except with modern engines / textures / effects / mapping quality Quake looks about 12 years old and those fucking 240 x 160 resolution side-scrolling bollox look about 32 years old. 
and boring. but that's just me not liking platformers. because they're boring. 
That's just like you're opinion man!! 
Lots Of Wrong Opinions In This Thread. 
Who Cares What It Looks Like 
I couldn't care less about retro-for-retro's sake but it looks like a solid classic platformer. 
Fuck. Bioshock Infinite. 
The saving system sucks nuns' ass.
The unavoidable scripted scenes rape your scrotum like an underage bitch.

But damn, I loved it.

And Shambler's right. All the way. 
I know right? Totally shaves your big toe like a randomized butter bean. 
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