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Other PC Games Thread.
So with the film and music threads still going and being discussed... why don't we get some discussion going on something on topic to the board? What other games are you playing now?
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UT Had Plenty Of Singleplayer Mods 
Simply because the game included all the assets from Unreal. Hell, one of the last and best things released for UT was Operation Na Pali. 
Yeah Plenty Of Great UT SP Mods 
Mr Prophet and Hourences' packs were awesome too. 
Totally recommend "The Last Fortress" for UTSP. fantastic level;

On that note, if anyone haven't played an oldie called "Tower of Shrakith'a" from '99 for regular Unreal, I also highly recommend it; 
Just Went Through My Saved Files 
7 Bullets
Operation Na Pali
The Odyssey
The Landing
Gryphon Revisited

Those are the must haves. 
Unfortunately I don't see high hopes for that as it seems a slightly ludicrous task wading through the hordes of fanbois, trolls, teenagers, hasbeens, and general imbeciles that will infest forums and keep spewing out counter-productive opinions like little manure spreaders.

who would we be talking about now then 
Let's be clear, if there is one thing Shambler is NOT is a teenager.

The rest of that all applies though. 
It Took Someone 3 Days... 
well after reading it it took me ten seconds 
You Actually Read A Shambler Post? 
most of use just ignore them 
I already suggested and seriously as to this UT open development idea : why not conduct it more like a closed beta test, as in a simple selection based on 1 to 3 question interview to filter out the trash before letting them in to the forums, active participation etc. 
I was hoping to get into meaty discussion as to what sort of multiplayer focused FPS it should be, rather than just a remake of someone's favorite UT, or a weird hodge-podge of them, but immediately things got really thick with petty arguments (not even bad ones, just petty) about things which haven't been been necessarily scoped in as a factor yet.

Before you decide on Machinegun vs Enforcer, the role of double jump, Lightning Gun vs Sniper Rifle, or which maps should be ported, it helps to have an idea for what sort of spaces you want the fights to occupy, and if the focus is more towards 1v1, FFA, TDM, or very generalist. What are the times to kill? How significant of a role should item timing have? What is the general tone of the game? 
I Think 
One of the aspects of UT that is often overlooked are the silly but highly orignal maps.
UT2 had a low signal to noise ration in the mapping department, UT3 on the other hand took itself a little too seriously. 
UT Live Stream Happening Right Now 
they're saying they are focusing on deathmatch only right now. 
Right, Deathmatch is the first game type. It's simple, we know it, and it irons out a lot of issues ... movement speed, size of environments, basic weapons, etc. It's a good starting spot. 
is the bread and butter of the series. If you get DM to feel good then that's half the battle. 
Yes but what form of deathmatch? 1v1? FFA? TDM? All deathmatch communicates is that the scoring method is tied to kills rather than some other metric. 
My guess is weapon balance and normal ffa.

Everything at that point is down to content creators 
DM is a simple game type that lets you refine everything from weapon balance to player movement to environment scale. It's a good starting point. 
... wow... not sure this will land onto PC...

for DM-player :) 
A few new maps for CODwithmechs. 
they talk about the most basic things in video games as if they're some new amazing feature that no one else has done, like... trees. 
...they mention the trees while talking about that map of the map-pack because it's a new environment for the game, and they have gameplay importance because much of the infantry game is about wall-running and parkour. 
Your impression/review of Stalker Lost Alpha? 
+ great levels
+ superb atmosphere
+ very beautiful
+ a great platform for future mods
+ huge world to explore

- but it's very empty
- the AI is utterly abysmal
- almost no A-life (wildlife and wandering stalkers)
- terrible story with equally terrible writing
- all the labs save X14 are plain bad, X16 and X7 being the worst offenders by a landslide
- full of bugs and crash prone
- horrid in-game cutscenes made in an engine that definitely wasn't made for that

I'm quite sad to say this, but you should avoid it for now. 
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