#7407 posted by
metlslime on 2014/04/10 02:12:45
and i know, i should have posted my review in the "Console Games" thread. Oops.
#7408 posted by
necros on 2014/04/10 02:36:59
yeah, the new system was better than bioshock because you could actually choose the right vigor for the right situation. sadly we got the 2 weapons only system.
the alternate gun versions have slightly different stats, the vox machine gun fires slower but does more damage and seems to have higher accuracy. the vox 'carbine' shoots 3 bullets in a row and does more damage, but seemed to be for slightly closer range...
the fact the upgrades are reset however makes it silly because by this point in the game, you may already have almost all the upgrades on the weapons you like the most.

Spec Ops: The Line
#7410 posted by
necros on 2014/04/12 02:29:16
worth playing? i was recommended it based on how i liked bioshock infinite, but i usually try to stay well away from war/army shooters.

The Same Group
#7411 posted by
ijed on 2014/04/12 05:01:56
Whose video I posted before loved it. They did a double video feature on how awesome it was.
They say they try not to spoil it in video 1...

For Lun
#7412 posted by
ijed on 2014/04/14 16:37:45
#7413 posted by
[Kona] on 2014/04/24 08:55:30
Just some games I've recently played (and reviewed) all from 2010:
Transformers: War for Cybertron: 8.5/10 - awesome level design, but if you don't care about design, maybe it's only a 7.5 or 8/10.
Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions: 6/10
Alpha Protocol: 7.5/10 - a bit underrated, it's a good RPG. Mass Effect as a spy/espionage game.
Sniper: Ghost Warrior: 7/10 - actually pretty good looking game, almost equal to Battlefield BC2/CODMW2, which is suprising coming from City Interactive but the gameplay is very specific and not as good.
Mass Effect 2: 9.5/10 - obviously everyone here would have played this.
Lost Planet 2: 6.5/10
Gonna start on Dragon Age Awakening tomorrow.

Dark Souls 2 Out.
#7414 posted by
Shambler on 2014/04/25 11:13:37
Early reports on Blues News indicate it's another fucking disaster as a failed PC port. Here endeth the news.

#7415 posted by
ijed on 2014/04/25 13:26:59
The last one unplayable without patches as well?

Yo AAA Poof
#7416 posted by
negke on 2014/04/25 13:29:16
I currently play Dark Souls 1 and I'm quite enjoying it. Looking forward to trying 2 when the time comes.
I recommend you give it another try, it's worth it. And I mean in a sensible way, not a "square block into round hole"-retard type of approach like earlier.
That's contrary to every other review I have seen

Yo RetAAArd.
#7419 posted by
Shambler on 2014/04/25 20:41:07
Broken port isn't a valid PC game. Actually, why the fuck did I mention it on here anyway, should have been in the console thread.

"COD - Advance Warfer" Brand New Trailer
#7422 posted by
JPL on 2014/05/03 19:26:04

As Usual.
#7423 posted by
Shambler on 2014/05/03 19:30:22
Looks like homoerotic mega-scripted SHIT. Massive waste of good graphics and cool machinery.
#7424 posted by
[Kona] on 2014/05/04 00:43:07
kevin spacey seems to be the main feature, since the trailer is full of closeups on his face.
#7425 posted by
[Kona] on 2014/05/04 08:08:37
If anyone is interested, I've gone and reviewed/rated all the l4d2 campaigns. Read here:
It's a long, took a 4-5 months and I'm sick to fucking hell of l4d2 now. But there's some decent campaigns near the top. l4dmaps.com is just too generous with it's ratings, where most are given 9+/10 and too many gimmick campaigns are rated higher than they should be.
#7426 posted by
Spirit on 2014/05/05 11:18:36
Sir, You Are Being Hunted Hits V1.0
Available for 17USD at the moment, anyone played it already? I don't want to spent money without first having played a demo (which might be available in some weeks).
#7427 posted by
- on 2014/05/05 12:23:13
I have not, watched a bit of BaerTaffy play it, and it's not really the type of game I would go for. One of the many 'survival/collection' type games that are popular lately.

Praise The Sun!
#7428 posted by
negke on 2014/05/08 11:31:18
Woot, finished Dark Souls yesterday. Great game, I enjoyed it a lot.
It's clearly not for everyone, though. An action RPG (but not of the horde variety) with little to no meaningful NPC interaction. This put me off initially, but after watching it a bit on Daz.tv, I decided to give it a proper try. Everyone always goes on about it being so difficult, and it certainly isn't a walk in the park, but I found the combat to be fair for the most part. It's a learning experience really, where you figure out each enemy and situation and adapt accordingly. Eventually it becomes very rewarding and it feels like a real achievement (unlike other games that hand the victory to you with little effort).
The gameplay and difficulty of the encounters is certainly interesting as it seems to vary alot between players. Depending on their individual skills, character builds and equipment, everyone has a different experience. For example, many people consider Ornstein & Smough the toughest boss fight in the game, but I didn't have any problems - beat them on the third attempt (second even, if you discount the one where I stumbled into the arena by accident). Other bosses went down on the first try even. But then there were some that gave me quite a hard time, e.g. that goddamn Demon Firesage. Of course, everything seems easy after having beaten it. Funny enough, the minions caused me more trouble and deaths than the actual bosses.
The combat itself felt very satisfying once I had figured it out. Guess I was lucky to find the Black Knight Sword early on which is pretty legit to say the least, and I ended up using it for most of the game.
The game's design is very nice. Some good layouts and interconnectivity. It's not apparent at first, but after having travelled through all the areas, one realizes how they all connect and create a big whole. I especially liked how one can often see certain areas in the distance, places that you thought to be far away, but then turn out to be quite close except for their entrances.
I have mixed feelings about the obscurity of certain things - meaning that apparently it's encouraged to look things up on the wiki to have an easier time. This did help me get through more smoothly (as well as asking poor rebb all kinds of silly questions), but at times it almost felt like cheating. Occasionally there were things I think I never would have discovered on my own. Then again, figuring everything out by yourself in such a harsh environment would have been to much for an individual player anyway - I suppose this is where the online aspect comes into play, e.g. messages and summoning. I played in offline mode, however.
On a technical note, even though everyone always says how bad a console port this is, it ran pretty well for me after some initial hitches. Lots of crashes at first while playing around with dsfix (no problems without, though), coupled with an extremely long loading time when starting the game. At some point I installed more RAM and suddenly the game didn't crash anymore even on high detail settings, although I don't know if this is even related. I can see how these kinds of technical problems can put people off. Though, on the other hand, one may consider this the first boss fight!
Anyway, glad to have played this and I recommend anyone interested to give it a try no matter the obstacles.
#7429 posted by
[Kona] on 2014/05/08 13:46:07
Nice review neg. I don't really consider looking stuff up as cheating when it comes to RPG's, there's just so much to explore in some of them and decent equipment can be difficult to find... some developers probably expect a bit of sharing of information and strategies. Researching stuff online is just part of the fun of rpgs, imo.

And A New, Free, Unreal Tournament
#7430 posted by scar3crow on 2014/05/08 20:25:47
I was happy to gaze dreamily at Polge, but then Willem dropped into the frame.
This sounds like it is a combination of passion project, and effective promotional tool of UE4. I am hopeful.

#7431 posted by scar3crow on 2014/05/08 20:29:52
Translocator, Enforcers, 3 Domination spots please.
Or I guess I could just go on to the appropriate forums where Willem and Polge will be.