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Other PC Games Thread.
So with the film and music threads still going and being discussed... why don't we get some discussion going on something on topic to the board? What other games are you playing now?
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Bioshock Infinite... 
I agree with most of what was said here.

- World and story were engaging

- Elizabeth character well done

- But there were serious tone-breaking moments where she'd find out some super heavy information about her past, then 2 seconds later "I can pick that lock for you!" cheerfully.

- Rich, interesting world, but the only way I can interact with it is shooting and looting. I don't mind shooting but this game world made me want to inhabit it in a richer way. Sure my character is a violent guy but my desires as a player don't align with that. I don't have a proposal for what should have been there instead; I don't think this should be a pure adventure game either. This points to a general problem with AAA video games; we don't have a lot of good game mechanics that aren't centered around violence. I like violence but it limits the types of stories, worlds, and protagonists you can have.

- Looting system isn't supported by the fiction of the world or the character. why is Booker DeWitt digging through trash cans for hot dogs and spare change? Why don't the NPCs react when I do that? Contrast with The Last Of Us where the looting/crafting system directly feeds back into the world's fiction (a blasted ruin where people are scraping to survive.) I'm also pretty tire of searching my surroundings for tiny trinkets in every game. It's not a bad design tool to have things in the world for players to find, but a lot of games have polished it down to meaningless, unrewarding abstraction. In The Last Of Us maybe it was better because I usually needed a specific type of loot to craft something I needed. (But even in there I got pretty tired of mashing the X button around every medicine cabinet and supply room. Fewer, more valuable loot objects would have been an improvement in both games, I think.)

- In addition, the clever idea of having 8-10 reusable furniture pieces that have looting animations built in probably saved a ton of production time. But this had a negative impact for gameplay because: Typically you use collection systems to encourage the player to slow down and look at the expensive environment art you created. However, the loot almost always is in the same 10 props so you end up only looking at those boring desks and dressers instead of the unique statues and murals and grand ceilings and so on that are actually a pleasure to look at. Contrast Beyond Good and Evil, where your collection goals are about photographing unique creatures, so your incentive is to find and look at the unique content that the game has to offer, instead of looking past the unique content to find the most reused, bland content.

- Looking at the combat in isolation -- I felt that it was acceptable combat except that there wasn't anything really interesting about it. The more challenging it got the more tedious/annoying it felt to me. Bosses felt like bullet sponges. I didn't develop a lot of tactics. Each gun had strengths and weaknesses so that part did work for me. Halfway through they introduce red "Vox Populi" versions of each gun which had no clear gameplay advantage to me (and you'd have to start over on upgrading them.) Vigors were interesting but I never figured out how to swich between them (i.e. once I got #3, it seemed that I lost #1 forever.) Since some of the vigors weren't that useful to my play style, it meant that i would lose something useful and get nothing in return for a while, and therefore I would just revert to using my guns.

- My one negative comment about the story was there seemed to be too many big revelations piled up at the end, without time in between for me to process them. I think there should have been a little more space between each big reveal so that I could get used to the ramifications of it, before laying another one on me. 
Vigors are accessed with 1 to 8 keys. There's also a pause + circular menu command but i never used it. 
ah, so i was missing out on something. It seemed odd that i couldn't get to the older vigors but i never bothered to read the manual.

^^^ played xbox 360 version btw. 
and i know, i should have posted my review in the "Console Games" thread. Oops. 
yeah, the new system was better than bioshock because you could actually choose the right vigor for the right situation. sadly we got the 2 weapons only system.

the alternate gun versions have slightly different stats, the vox machine gun fires slower but does more damage and seems to have higher accuracy. the vox 'carbine' shoots 3 bullets in a row and does more damage, but seemed to be for slightly closer range...

the fact the upgrades are reset however makes it silly because by this point in the game, you may already have almost all the upgrades on the weapons you like the most. 
Fortnite Tube 
New thing from Epic 
Spec Ops: The Line 
worth playing? i was recommended it based on how i liked bioshock infinite, but i usually try to stay well away from war/army shooters. 
The Same Group 
Whose video I posted before loved it. They did a double video feature on how awesome it was.

They say they try not to spoil it in video 1... 
For Lun 
Total Biscuit rambles on about FTL mods and unfair gameplay; 
Just some games I've recently played (and reviewed) all from 2010:

Transformers: War for Cybertron: 8.5/10 - awesome level design, but if you don't care about design, maybe it's only a 7.5 or 8/10.

Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions: 6/10

Alpha Protocol: 7.5/10 - a bit underrated, it's a good RPG. Mass Effect as a spy/espionage game.

Sniper: Ghost Warrior: 7/10 - actually pretty good looking game, almost equal to Battlefield BC2/CODMW2, which is suprising coming from City Interactive but the gameplay is very specific and not as good.

Mass Effect 2: 9.5/10 - obviously everyone here would have played this.

Lost Planet 2: 6.5/10

Gonna start on Dragon Age Awakening tomorrow. 
Dark Souls 2 Out. 
Early reports on Blues News indicate it's another fucking disaster as a failed PC port. Here endeth the news. 
The last one unplayable without patches as well? 
Yo AAA Poof 
I currently play Dark Souls 1 and I'm quite enjoying it. Looking forward to trying 2 when the time comes.

I recommend you give it another try, it's worth it. And I mean in a sensible way, not a "square block into round hole"-retard type of approach like earlier. 
That's contrary to every other review I have seen 
Just In Case 
Yo RetAAArd. 
Broken port isn't a valid PC game. Actually, why the fuck did I mention it on here anyway, should have been in the console thread. 
Inevitability Attained 
Natural Selection 2 
FFS play it! 
"COD - Advance Warfer" Brand New Trailer

As usual looks really good.. I am just wondering what it will really be ingame.. :/ 
As Usual. 
Looks like homoerotic mega-scripted SHIT. Massive waste of good graphics and cool machinery. 
kevin spacey seems to be the main feature, since the trailer is full of closeups on his face. 
If anyone is interested, I've gone and reviewed/rated all the l4d2 campaigns. Read here:

It's a long, took a 4-5 months and I'm sick to fucking hell of l4d2 now. But there's some decent campaigns near the top. is just too generous with it's ratings, where most are given 9+/10 and too many gimmick campaigns are rated higher than they should be. 
Sir, You Are Being Hunted Hits V1.0

Available for 17USD at the moment, anyone played it already? I don't want to spent money without first having played a demo (which might be available in some weeks). 
I have not, watched a bit of BaerTaffy play it, and it's not really the type of game I would go for. One of the many 'survival/collection' type games that are popular lately. 
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