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Other PC Games Thread.
So with the film and music threads still going and being discussed... why don't we get some discussion going on something on topic to the board? What other games are you playing now?
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You could combine the drop-down and trapped-retreat-route to create a soft obstacle. Have a series of short drops, like little cliff face things, where you can jump back up each time, but you can't just walk back up like steps. That way it's slow to retreat and requires some concentration to pull off, but you maintain two-way flow through the level to return for ammo or health. Obviously this is much less effective if the enemies at the bottom are melee-based, as you can escape them in a single jump. 
It's good to see you commenting again. 
It's good to see you commenting again. 
It's good to see you commenting again. 
It's Good To See You Commenting Again. .. 
...but he only posted once, so he owes you two more! 
It's good to see you commenting again. 
It's go......oh yeah ummm yeah right. 
Roaming IP 
I Started To Archive 
That Said 
It definitely needs some more work and restructuring! 
Cheers Megaman 
nice job! 
Thanks But 
Needs sources and it should really be re-worded into an actual article. The wiki is supposed to be licensed GFDL as much as possible. Copypasting other people's posts is not "legal". 
Archive Nazi Occurs 
beer becomes stale immediately.. 
Just playing Mass Effect for the first time. Gee, I haven't seen this much lack of detail on everything since 2004. Nice sunsets and colours, but I thought by 2008 we were beyond 4 brushes making up a corridor. And what's with the combat, the weapons are complete shit.

Halfway through so I'll post a review when I'm done. 
Good Read 
Interesting read 
Indeed. Can't have been raking in that much though if he decided to shut something down that was netting $50k a day, just because he didn't like the negative emails. 
That wiould depend on how many days he netted 50K, and for how long the revenues will continue from the installed base he still has.

Oh, and 'that much' depends on what you are used to. For a po' boy from Hanoi, it is probably not much at all.

More power to his elbow. 
I think he made enough money that he didn't mind taking the game down to avoid more vitriol and drama. 
i really don't get it. someone showed it to me, i tapped once, hit the first pipe and died and gave his phone back thinking that was the stupidest thing i ever saw. 
I Think 
It was just a learning exercise that went viral.

I deleted it after three or four goes. 
Aarklash Legacy 
picked this up on a whim. not bad so far after a couple of hours. it's mainly about the combat and 4 man party system and is a bit thin on story and world exploration but I don't mind. Combat is what I'm doing for 95% of the game anyway, so it's good that it's interesting.
it's a bit slow in that you need to check the abilities of each and every new monster you face because some of them can be surprisingly dangerous if you're not ready for them. don't bother trying to play without pausing... 
Finished XCom EU.... 
Was great. Really slick and well executed. Properly tactical and thoughtful. Some niggles like lack of info early on and repetitive missions later on, but definitely converted me to the option of turn-based games. 
SC2 Arcade 
I just discovered SC2 arcade is free to play with the SC2 started edition.

Its weird it has not made more noise no ? A bit like when Valve gave out Alien Swarm for free, that kinda farted out, not many players, not many mods based on it...
Maybe I am wrong and theres tons of SC2 Arcade players and mods around, I haven't logged in and checked it out yet, can't see shit from Blizzard/Battlenet websites asided for a few featured mods. There does seem to be all that much about various Arcade mods out there...

Hoping to find some fun casual survival coop maps a la SC1 Starship Troopers etc 
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