Visual Language Is King
#7328 posted by
sock on 2014/03/08 13:44:36
IMHO Quake is about traps, ambushes and locked areas, if you take that away you are left with just a standard FPS game. In Quake the environment is trying to kill you, with crushers, spike shooters and large pits of lava/slime. Quake is about the fear and dread of what is around you in all directions and being thrown into difficult situations.
I think it is perfectly fine to have locked areas if the visual language is right, single items on Indiana style plinths, floors covered in blood where traps trigger or dark ominous holes in walls around powerful items to collect. Creating visual clues for the observant player is all part of the charm of the setup.
"Knowing where the trap is - is half the battle won"
The key to designing good ambush areas is there should be plenty of cover (destructible or moving), multiple routes around the space and it should be obvious where all supplies are or going to be. Ideally a player should be allowed to explore the area first, let the player feel the moment, the silence before the storm.
Eric said:
I'm thinking of the horde of Zendar, sock used this at least twice (the cathedral, and the final fight before the exit unlocks)
@Eric, The Cathedral is just a trigger on the alter, the doors do not lock, the player can move around the room and even exit out to the central hub if they want. I saw plenty of demo's where players did this. I originally had the doors lock but I felt it was unfair, so I did something different. I had all the monsters ready in the room (up high on balconies, which the player can access early) and let the player explore the room before anything happens.
The final fight is the ONLY locked area in the map, but it is very large with all the monsters spawning from specific locations. There is even a side area with supplies that the player can go to if they don't want to move around the central hub. All of the monsters are setup to wake up on sight of the player (not other monsters) and there are counters on all waves to allow the player to control the pace of the fight.
I think the "locked in" final fight in Zendar works because the player knows this area already, they have passed through it several times and understand where everything is. The environment is a known quantity, the only thing that has changed is not knowing where the waves of encounters are going to initially spawn.
Locking players into confined areas is a good game mechanic if used sparely and with good supporting visual language. Traps and ambushes are the life blood of Quake and IMHO think it would be unwise to ignore this fact if creating new maps.
Sock For President Of Quake
#7330 posted by
Lunaran on 2014/03/08 19:16:03
#7331 posted by
metlslime on 2014/03/08 22:08:51
Just counted, Antediluvian has 6 drop-downs and 5 wind tunnels. Total: 11! And almost all of them drop you into a place with immediately-alerted monsters. Does this make it a masterpiece or the worst map of all time? (Strangely, no self-locking doors.)
#7332 posted by
Preach on 2014/03/08 22:46:52
You could combine the drop-down and trapped-retreat-route to create a soft obstacle. Have a series of short drops, like little cliff face things, where you can jump back up each time, but you can't just walk back up like steps. That way it's slow to retreat and requires some concentration to pull off, but you maintain two-way flow through the level to return for ammo or health. Obviously this is much less effective if the enemies at the bottom are melee-based, as you can escape them in a single jump.
#7333 posted by
ijed on 2014/03/09 07:46:05
It's good to see you commenting again.
#7334 posted by
ijed on 2014/03/09 07:46:09
It's good to see you commenting again.
#7335 posted by
ijed on 2014/03/09 07:46:40
It's good to see you commenting again.
It's Good To See You Commenting Again. ..
#7336 posted by Mike Woodham on 2014/03/09 08:59:48
...but he only posted once, so he owes you two more!
#7337 posted by
JneeraZ on 2014/03/09 12:19:03
It's good to see you commenting again.
#7338 posted by
Shambler on 2014/03/09 13:00:16
It's go......oh yeah ummm yeah right.
That Said
#7341 posted by
megaman on 2014/03/09 22:39:37
It definitely needs some more work and restructuring!
Thanks But
#7343 posted by
Spirit on 2014/03/09 22:54:24
Needs sources and it should really be re-worded into an actual article. The wiki is supposed to be licensed GFDL as much as possible. Copypasting other people's posts is not "legal".
Archive Nazi Occurs
#7344 posted by
mfx on 2014/03/09 22:56:03
beer becomes stale immediately..
#7345 posted by
[Kona] on 2014/03/10 10:10:04
Just playing Mass Effect for the first time. Gee, I haven't seen this much lack of detail on everything since 2004. Nice sunsets and colours, but I thought by 2008 we were beyond 4 brushes making up a corridor. And what's with the combat, the weapons are complete shit.
Halfway through so I'll post a review when I'm done.
Good Read
#7346 posted by
Spirit on 2014/03/11 21:06:15
#7348 posted by
[Kona] on 2014/03/12 05:47:08
Indeed. Can't have been raking in that much though if he decided to shut something down that was netting $50k a day, just because he didn't like the negative emails.
#7349 posted by Mike Woodham on 2014/03/12 08:14:52
That wiould depend on how many days he netted 50K, and for how long the revenues will continue from the installed base he still has.
Oh, and 'that much' depends on what you are used to. For a po' boy from Hanoi, it is probably not much at all.
More power to his elbow.
#7350 posted by
bal on 2014/03/12 10:09:38
I think he made enough money that he didn't mind taking the game down to avoid more vitriol and drama.
#7351 posted by
necros on 2014/03/12 18:03:41
i really don't get it. someone showed it to me, i tapped once, hit the first pipe and died and gave his phone back thinking that was the stupidest thing i ever saw.
I Think
#7352 posted by
ijed on 2014/03/12 19:28:56
It was just a learning exercise that went viral.
I deleted it after three or four goes.