#7220 posted by JneeraZ on 2014/02/16 14:03:56
One thing I really liked about Thief was it was rigid in it's rule set. If you knew the rules, you could exploit them or get screwed over, but you always knew it was fair.
The light gem was the best example. If that gem was black, a guard could be 2 inches from your face and WILL NOT SEE YOU. That's a pact the game makes with you, and it never breaks it. Don't move and they won't spot you. Period.
I loved that. It felt honest and when you got busted, it was your own fault for not being careful enough.
#7221 posted by Shambler on 2014/02/16 14:25:47
Good point really. Comprehensible mechanics are crucial.
#7222 posted by JneeraZ on 2014/02/16 14:40:07
Completely. I really dislike when games teach you something and then, haha, surprise! they take it away for some arbitrary reason for a boss fight or whatever.
Solid, repeatable, and dependable mechanics are the core foundation of a game.
Which Thief
#7223 posted by Spiney on 2014/02/17 14:49:08
Thief Gold
#7224 posted by skacky on 2014/02/17 21:06:14
Because it's the best of the bunch.
Agree With Skacky
Thief Gold is absolutely incredible IMO.
I wasn't massively keen on Thief 2, not a big fan of the Mechanists at all. I really enjoyed Thief 3 though, Shalebridge Cradle was awesome.
#7226 posted by [Kona] on 2014/02/17 21:50:06
t3 looks great and great story. t1/t2 might be getting a bit visually too dated to enjoy, if it was me. but i suppose you're not playing for the graphics.
Scratches Director's Cut
#7227 posted by Featheon on 2014/02/17 21:51:36
This is the best POV adventure game I've played in a long time, even though it can be buggy with Windows 7 & 8.
#7228 posted by JneeraZ on 2014/02/18 00:01:56
Thief 2 fo' lyfe.
Call Of Pripyat
#7229 posted by anonymous user on 2014/02/18 15:24:32
Got this couple of weeks ago. Much smoother gameplay than Shadow of Chernobyl and the new way of detecting anomalies and the way stashes are done is more interesting and fun.
No crashes either. I think it's unfair to judge a game's stability based on how it plays with mods. It's completely stable as stock.
Thief Gold HD Textures
#7230 posted by Killes on 2014/02/18 16:35:07
Thief Gold, HD textures - anyone tried it that is familiar with original look ? Total desecration or well done ?
#7231 posted by skacky on 2014/02/18 16:38:04
I'd advise against, it's not faithful at all in most cases.
Thief Hd Textures
#7232 posted by Kinn on 2014/02/18 18:24:59
If it's anything like other HD texture mods in games, I'm sure it'll just be a load of garish programmer art, made in FilterForge or something.
Those HD Textures Look Good IMO.
A lot of the thief textures were already photosourced in most instances, so it's not going to ruin the aesthetic compared to quake (where most of the textures were hand painted)
#7234 posted by Spiney on 2014/02/18 19:09:57
They look nice, but high res textures on low res geometry is always a bit jarring imo. Plus you can already see misalignment in the screenshots and so on.
#7235 posted by quakis on 2014/02/18 20:20:19
If you haven't already, check out Dracula: The Path of the Dragon. That game sure offers some in-depth, head scratching puzzles that actually require referencing notes and files you gather along the journey, piecing together information presented in the area and less guessing what the developer intended. I personally enjoyed this one a ton. Knowledge of the previous two games in the series is not required and this being the strongest title of the trilogy.
#7236 posted by necros on 2014/02/18 21:45:09
that was me... really need to remember to put my name on that textbox.
#7237 posted by Featheon on 2014/02/19 03:11:43
I found the earlier games in the series had more interesting visuals, but I agree on the gameplay of that title. There was also a short, but attratctive title from called 1953: KGB Unleashed
#7238 posted by Spirit on 2014/02/19 08:31:06
Nice timing, Thief Gold is available for free at https://www.thiefmodcompetition.com/
Thief Free
#7239 posted by generic on 2014/02/20 01:45:20
Has anybody got this to work? I submitted the form but got nada :(
Doom 4
#7240 posted by Blitz on 2014/02/20 02:13:45
Surprised no one mentioned this yet, but a pre-order of the new Wolfenstein game grants you access to the Doom 4 beta:
#7241 posted by Joel B on 2014/02/20 05:11:21
More about the Thief contest here: http://www.amazon.com/gp/feature.html?ref_=tsm_1_tw_s_vg_n19o3z&docId=1001928521
So would In the Shadows count as a mod "based upon the videogame franchise Thief"? If sock remixed some of his ItS promo videos a bit, for category 1 of the contest, I'll bet he could be a contendah!
Latest Humble Bundle
is pretty neat.
Some decent games in there.
Some Generic RPG Bollox.
#7243 posted by Shambler on 2014/02/23 11:50:46
But the monsters look fucking cool, some of them at least.
#7244 posted by necros on 2014/02/23 17:34:38
wow, a trailer that actually shows something about the game. looks like it might be fun!